Sethmaster's Forum Posts

  • you could have use tortoisesvn and an online storage service such as google drive to back up your project with full revision control to give you easy trial and error experience and ensuring all your files have backups in the clouds.

    No matter what happen to your project currently, you have the freedom to choose and pick which revision to go back to and zero issues testing new functionality.

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  • Is Spriter working in the latest release of C2 for anyone?

    Yes it does and it's far better than before.

    The process of using it is different than before, please review the new instructions on the official Spriter plugin thread on this section of the forum.

    There's no need for multiple threads.

  • i'd love some controller rumble/vibration ability!

    as well as all the stuff everyone else has mentioned!!


    If possible, hopefully Ashley can create a rumble function for gamepad plugin in general as well.

    • Post link icon

    I don't think so, but I'm not 100% sure. It's not the technical, it's the keeping the overview which was (for me) a big problem.

    I tried some sort of a tycoon game, which I gave up, because I lost the overview. I used groups, functions and sheets, but when you have to print pages, write additional notes for each variable and check if you linked them together, then you spent more time checking and comparing instead of programing. When you have a lot of background calculation and a database then this becomes a nightmare.

    It's like brainstorming. The Autodesk/UE4 design allows you some kind of sorting and with the lines you see immediately the connections. In C2 I had to open the main program sheet, check if the function is called, open the sheet with the functions, go to the group of functions (e.g. Time calculations), search for the functions (time + money) and look within the functions for the right variables.

    For simple tasks shoot, hit the target, add points the event sheets are enough, but when you have functions like upgrade player weapons, shields, change the AI Enemy strange according to the player strength,... good luck (it's possible, but not easy)

    That sound like you need to keep and maintain design and code documents for your project, which I do and is standard operating procedure for most software and corporate development and less about the failings of C2.

    Because your problem will not disappear even while using blueprint or autodesk.

  • And hopefully, for users such as myself, it stay difficult and hard.

  • Sethmaster and lucid, regarding the seams issue - this might solve it, and might not, but I was having an issue with sprites lagging and jumping around, and so I made the spriter object set it's x and y to int(object.x) and int(object.y) (where object in this case would be your placeholder sprite) as opposed just object.x and object.y. I guess the issue was that it was trying to align sprites based on coordinates that weren't necessarily whole numbers, so it would round up or down. seems to work well for me, hopefully that helps for you guys. I haven't exported to nwjs, and I'm only guessing on what I think you're referring to with that issue, so maybe this is completely irrelevant.

    The seams are between sprites within the spriter object itself which does not exist inside spriter and only in Construct 2 after export. It is not between spriter objects which would be easier to fix.

  • Sent you an e-mail lucid.

  • yep make sure your object count is below 1000.

    there is a lot of methods to help you with that including tilemaps.

    I learn that the hard way.

    if making animations is giving you trouble, you might as well abuse ******* Bond tactics of simply using no animations and only tween/litetweens of the sprites.

  • Just use the printscreen button and then paste the clipboard image into a blank project of your favourite image editor?

  • lucid

    While you are here, got a bug with the second latest scml plugin where there are small seams between sprites in the scml animations when exported out as nwjs in C2 despite that in Spriter, not such seams are ever detected and all animation key frames are using instant transition.

    Pretty bad issue since for pixel art game where this problem is highlighted.

    EDIT: Still happened with the latest plugin.

  • Sethmaster - I believe you didn't understand what I am referring to. I am talking here about Spriter's change of entity action. It is in fact said on the editor's dialog of the spriter plugin to leave blank the textbox to resume the same animation. And btw that was only a suggestion, I said that because removing that option might be a time-saver than that of fixing it.

    This is the screenshot of the guide:

    I am confused over your image. Which version of scml plugin and construct 2 are you using? This is the screenschot of the latest scml plugin using the latest stable c2 build as a reference.

    As we can see, there is no more such a thing.

  • You can't leave an sprite animation blank, even on default Construct 2 sprite. Or for any other game engine.

    I think you need to take some time off to rethink your approach before forcing the entire industry standard to change for you.

  • You can always force 60fps using system commands to ensure the mechanics and physics work the same regardless of hardware.

    Only old devices will be considerably slow if you didn't make sure to code properly to improve performance vastly.

  • ryanrybot - Yes. I will try to ask RPG Maker forum when I try to learn it.

    blurymind - Well I have no knowledge about Java. So that's out of my hands. Are you sure it is Java not Javascript?

    Sethmaster - I can also see that your type of game is too complex for RPG Maker. BTW if you scale it from 1 to 10 by how fast you learned the program if 5 is "Construct 2" what would be your scale for RPG Maker MV? Just want to know if I have enough time to learn RPG Maker XD . Thanks.

    By the standard you set, I would say the speed I learn about RPG Maker functionality would be a perfect 10.

  • RPGMaker pretty great, by my previous experience with it.

    As long as your focus in the story and choices, you can work quite fast in the software.

    Too bad I am interested in making srpg though, so it is unsuitable for me for now.