Sethmaster's Forum Posts

  • ?

    Like for Construct 2, IIRC, there wasn't any specifically for Gamemaker, Unity or UE4 at all though.

    You can always join Ludum Dare and 1GamePerMonth using Construct 2 since nobody is stopping you.

  • > You can't necessarily do it all yourself. Sounds like you might need someone to bounce ideas off, maybe a partner who can help you take it that next stage. Possibly a designer to flesh out those ideas more.


    That's absolutely true across all of what i do, I always need someone to bounce ideas off. Unfortunately I'm that lone wolf freelancer working always from my bedroom :/

    A discussion with one of your family member might be enough to encourage you to strive better.

    If not, how about organizing an outing with your real life friends to talk about your ideas?

    Even if they know absolutely nothing about game dev or related fields, they do know what sound neat or not.

    Most importantly, these people can served to remind you of your goals so you will not be so discouraged and will put a bit more effort if just not to disappoint them.

    That's my take on this.

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  • Making a classic Final Fantasy/RPG maker type of RPG is not that hard, there are plenty of examples out there.

    On the other hand, games like Final Fantasy Tactics, X-Com or Fallout 2 etc, which have a grid system, is much harder to make. I don't know if Construct 2 is capable of making one.

    You are saying?

  • I found a formula for it called the Box-Muller transform, and it looks like this:

    NormalRandom = mean + sqrt(std_deviation * -2 * ln(1 - random(1))) * cos(360 * (1-random(1)))

    Works pretty good in tests: ... andom.capx


    didn't look at your link till now.

    Thanks, that's what I am looking for <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> .

  • And another victim for my archives of dead-before-completed set of projects

    I am stopping development for Gangster Tactics to work on another new TBS project that seem vastly superior in concept.

    Will reveal what it is once I finish a playable prototype of its combat system.

    Will still be using Construct 2.

    This comic by theMeatly is somehow very relevant to my current situation so enjoy.

  • Great job with the plugin as always!

    I love this new update as it works as I hoped it to be!

  • Sethmaster

    You might try to update the rex_squareTx plugin.

    Then set the "directions" to "8 directions" to search movable area and moving path with 8 directions.

    Thanks. Will do so right away.

  • Sethmaster

    Uh, I need some time to integrate this feature into my board system. I will try.


    Your plugins are great and a huge help in my endeavor to make TBS games

  • rexrainbow

    Hi, can you give this awesome plugin an option to count diagonal movement in a square grid?

    I mean right now the current option for square grid, unlike hexagonal grid is to create the movement nodes horizontally and vertically only, leading to result like the gif below, which is fine and I am pretty grateful for.

    Can you make an option to create the movement nodes diagonally too?

    So results like this can be achieved.

    Thanks in advance

  • "random()" will produce a floating point (decimal) number between 0 and 1 Ex. 0.24523 at which point you can round or perform some math to clean up the number as desired.

    To choose from a list of possible values you can do "choose(1,2,3)" which will randomly select either 1,2,3 as per the example. Is that what you mean by distributed?


    I am refering to instead of making the probability of each number within a range have an equal chance of getting picked which is what C2 random() do, I want to make an RNG where the central numbers in the range have vastly higher chance to be randomly selected than the lowest and highest numbers.

    To picture it

    This is the website with codes I think is viable to do what I aimed for, yet I am still unsure on how to do it in C2. ... stribution

  • As per topic,

    I am currently trying to figure out how to create a normal distributed random number generator using the existing C2 expression, random().

    I am trying to make sense of the calculation involved in it but my math isn't that good.

    Anyone ever do this before?

    Help would be highly appreciated

  • For what it's worth, I heard some very good advice on this subject a while ago. Use a Dictionary object and set a key to the audio file name you want to play. Then, to play sounds, select "play by name" and get the file name from the key value that you set earlier. Then, if you need to update an audio file, all you need to do is import the new audio file and change the name in the appropriate Dictionary key. The old file(s) can be deleted and you won't need to find every audio command in your game events to change the reference. For example:


    Why don't you skip all that and just use the Play (by name) option in the audio? I am using that for futureproofing since my past projects have the issues that the thread starter is speaking of. Especially when you team up with a competent audiobro who keep doing iteration to improve the overall music atmosphere. What I find out is that if you use Play (by name), you can delete the previous audio file and put in a new one without any difficulty at all.

  • After a month on Super Nuclear Riders, I took a few days of rest to recover from the fatigue. And those days are over.

    So right now, I commencing back on the development of my main game project, Gangster Tactics. And the right back into the previous task when I suspended it, Equipment UI and associated coding.




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  • Awesome work!! Good luck!

    **Waiting for their server to get back up so I can login to vote :/

    Thank you. Hope you enjoy the game !

    Wow that looks great!

    Please try the game.

    If you like it, please vote for the game, thanks!