Sethmaster's Forum Posts

  • Finish the options bar for mission UI and nearly finish it for the battlefield UI, with the exception of the Gangsters List, which gives details about all the people in the fight.

    No idea on how to make the save slots look nicer, so will leave it finalized just like that.

    Will finish the Gangsters List UI after this.

    As usual, gifs to show progress:

    Mission UI Options Bar

    Battlefield Options Bar

  • Finish the save and load features!

    Took way more time than I thought because I am an idiot who key in the wrong set of properties and didn't know it until much later.

    Yes, the save feature in this game in Unlimited saves . Moreover, a new save slot is set on the every top of the Save UI so the player have not need to scroll down to get to the empty save slot ala XCOM : EU.

    The load work as well as expected.

    The next task is to setup all the other features for the options buttons bar and to setup the save and load on much earlier layouts. As usual, these features are designed to be easily called via just a function. Make every features I have connect to each other easily with minimal fuss.

    Probably will think of some way to make the save slots look even better.

    As usual, gif to show progress

    Unlimited saves! Now, you can send your ret.... gangsters to die in hilarious ways with no remorse (like you have any before)

  • Finish all the basic battlefield controls.

    The B button to go back to the character whose have the current turn, the Start button to open up the options and the the A button to open up choices regarding the selected character.

    With just all that done, I will now concentrate on the save and load features.

    Will trying to attempt to have unlimited saves despite what I have stated in the past because I have a good idea on how to implement that without screwing myself over with a lot of workload or causing bugs.

    As usual, gifs to show progress

    Hopefully the quit button is not the first button people pressed when they see my game

  • This looks incredible, so ambitious and you've done so much already

    Thanks for your compliment!

    Yeahh looks really cool Only thing I dislike is the starting screen. Logo is too detailed and nearly unreadable!

    Thanks. Well, know that there are many people sharing your opinion regarding the logo .

    In my defense, that is a sacrifice for an atmospheric and stylish logo which I believe is required for my game.

    Time for a serving of your usual progress report!

    Finish the initiative bar. Bugger take me quite a while to finish because of both the assets and coding required.

    But the good news is that I finished it and as usual, can call it with just a function.

    Also finish the battlefield selection and scrolling.

    Coding the scrolling is easy like hell while the selection require a bit more work since I never done it before.

    In addition, I also tune the battlefield placement/deployment screen with some extras to improve the UI's user friendliness.

    (Totally not because I forgotten about it in TO the first time around)

    As usual, gifs to show progress:

    The improvement to the battlefield placement/deployment screen

    A new and faster way to send your men and women to their doom!

    Initiative bar

    Everyone in the battlefield try not to know how ~Developer-kun~ got the heads for the bottom bar

    Scrolling and Selection

    Although they are curious about why a hovering golden arrow keep popping up in the battlefield

  • And again, the usual progress report

    Finish attaching the dialog features with no issue while implementing another much wanted features, the skip conversation button.

    While it is annoying to me as a writer to allow people to skip over my writing, especially when I am making a RPG , there are a lot of people out there who enjoy gameplay over story. Besides, it allow for a quicker run if anyone wanted to replay my game (hopefully so).

    Also finished the battle start screen. Will focus now on creating the initiative UI at the bottom of the screen and initialize all the rest of the battle UIs that I have previously finished.

    As usual, the gifs

    Not using the skip conversations version

    For one single moment, Patryk thought somebody remember that today is his birthday

    The skip conversations version

    ~Developer-kun~ log 2014 : When I see this feature being used, something inside me die a little

  • <div class="self-ref">@Sethmaster</div> - as other members have stated, this game looks awesome. The latest tactics game I played was Rainbow Moon on PS3, so I'm definitely looking forward to this one. Best of luck and thanks for all the progress updates. It is amazing what you have accomplished so far.

    Thanks for your compliment!

    Yet another progress report

    Finish the round and status manager for the battlefield.

    Meanwhile, I also re-factor some of the code to figure out what cause the debug mode to make some of my codes go awry. Finally find out that debug mode in construct 2 can cause all events in c2 to require more time to execute, causing some to time-out if given not enough time to finish. Fixed by just giving more time between each events and moving some third party plugins (notably rexrainbow CSV plugin) upward from the deep nested functions I put them in before.

    In addition, I have finish the enemy and player battlefield spawning code.

    The enemy is the easy one, the player is the hard one which took me quite a while to do because I mispelt a variable, causing me to spend two hours on debugging why it doesn't work .

    As usual, gif to show progress

    The Death Cross gang once again marvel at their teleportation tech that they possess, yet wonder why they are not equipped with laser guns.

  • Seth, may I ask how many events you are up to already? Seems like its a MASSIVE game. RPG element with turn based tactics and squad... nightmare thinking of all the coding.

    I use functions a lot whenever possible. So there are no reuse of the same code anywhere hence the current number of events.

    The small memory usage is due to simply my small native resolution (320x240) because I am trying to make the game look presentable enough to play without being handicapped too much by my non-existent art skill.

  • Totally forgotten about the part that I need to make enemies and differentiate them from the players. I use uniform colors to do so. Not showing the secret enemy stereotype until the demo is ready though

    Also working on the turn and status manager for the battlefield. There's are lot of inter-connected arrays that need to be properly arrange to work at optimal result.

    Continuing on with the coding until it works or I make a hole in the wall by head bashing it.

  • the graphic style and the mechanics of the game are very good, I can't wait to play!

    Thanks for your compliment! I will try my best not to disappoint !

    Also just finish my small cosmetic changes and refactoring to stabilize some codes that went awry when using Debug Layout function on Construct 2.

    It still awry during debug mode but I at least confirm that it won't effect web and node-webkit release version by exporting it and then using an automated key logger testing system which run the it over and over again to see if the error that occurred only during Debug Layout happen or not.

    After 100 runs, apparently it didn't.

    So it won't be a issue.

    Going to move on to doing the battlefield.

  • Progress report for the last two day

    I finish the battlefield placement/deployment UI.

    The features are pretty much highly inspired from Tactics Ogre: Let's Us Cling Together version.

    After all, I don't think you can improve much on the perfection for their version.

    Well, at least, I can't.

    As usual, gifs to show progress

    The first one show how characters are deploy using the UI

    Knowing ~Developer-kun~ , Juan David don't know if he should feel sad or happy that he is left out of the battle party

    The second show what the buttons on the left side do

    Going to take some time to do some small cosmetic change and re-factoring before moving on to the meat of my game, the tactical battles, which I am specialized at.

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  • I hate doing the graphics because my art skill is still quite terrible.

    I do wish I have an actual professional artist working with me but I cannot afford such a person and more importantly, I am already too far into my current game development to handle one coming in without wasting a lot of time.

    Thankfully I have the wisdom to understand my limitation early on and opt for a small native resolution to hide my poor graphic ability.

  • Small progress today

    I blame it on catching up on Jojo's Bizarre Adventures instead of doing game development properly.

    Nonetheless, I finish half of the Battlefield Preparation UI, specifically the Unit Selection portion

    Probably finish the UI by the tomorrow or the day after.

    As usual, gif to show progress

  • Alright new week, new progress

    Too bad, ludum dare didn't turn out well for me as I have personal problems that occur during that time that forced me to drop out to handle the situation.

    Oh well, there always will be the next ludum dare, after all.

    Today progress is that I finally finish all of the gang screen features. All the sorting mechanism from manual to criteria sorting works.

    Also the class list features that is in TO:LUCT is delegated into DJ Avery News section as that feature is more about class info and less about how many of each class that you have, at least from the experience of people that I known of.

    Also, I finished linking all the stats tables together to create function that is capable of churning out random gangsters for the player based on stereotype, race and gender.

    Make everything going forward easier as I no longer have to depend on cheap templates to serves as test subjects for my coding.

    As usual, gif to show progress

    Roger don't understand why an evil entity called "~Developer-kun~" ask him to check and sort an enemy gang that going to kick his arse into orbit in a short while

    Moving on to the Battlefield Placement UI, the UI where you arrange your troops for the battlefield.

  • Yup, new bars are sweet. Nicely done.

    As for your comment regarding the backend.. heck yes, games with a lot of UI always get really complex with coding. I commented about this at the start of your thread, I realize the amount of work is insane, because I've got a lot of UI in my latest game Star Nomad too.

    Yeah, but I love the genre and tactics game is pretty much all about calculation and computation (flashy results preferred, of course).

    I do admit I underestimate the amount of work required though thankfully all the work until now are just pretty much tedious work, not roadblocks.

    Well, nearly finish the Gang Screen features with exception of the sorting feature.

    Those need to wait until after Ludum Dare is over.

    I will be participating in the event during the weekend so this is pretty much the final progress report for this week.

    The controls for Gang Screen are online, the cycle stats works and some fixes for some of the arrangement.

    As usual, gif to show demonstrate results

    Don't ask why two "girls" and one guy share the same name. Please don't

    I also decide to cap units at 30 for the overworld balance purpose as I realize too many units in the player gang makes assignments seem trivial and not strategic as I hoped since the player can spare so many units if I stick with 100 as the unit cap.

    With the highest amount of unit the player can field into a battle is 12 (only at the last chapters and on special battles), 30 seems to be a nice number to ensure strategic planning is required in the overworld instead of mindless clicking.

    I also probably need to set a reasonable price for new recruits to avoid padding but still allow the players to recruit fresh troops to supplement their tactics.

    One of the idea is to go with exponential pricing where the more you recruit, the more each new member cost you.

    Opinions regarding the unit cap are welcomed.

  • Just a quick visual update.

    Change the bars(HP,SP and AP) from the previous

    to this one

    The new ones should resolve most of the complaints that the previous ones look tacky, r-right?

    Back to focusing on the coding until my brains melt.