[Plugin]Board, Layout2Board [Behavior] Grid Move

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Snap to visible grid - perfect solution for any game genre
  • jiloogle

    Thanks, I had fixed it. Try the latest one again.

  • Update

    rex_SquareTx plugin: add "8 directions" supporting. Enable it at properties table "Direction" to "8 direction".

    • 4 directions are - right, down, left, up
    • 8 directions are - right, down, left, up. right-down, left-down, left-up, right-up

    It will let the slg_movement plugin to find movable area or moving path with 8 directions.

    And it will aslo affect the wander moving in rex_grid_move behavior.

  • Great job with the plugin as always!

    I love this new update as it works as I hoped it to be!

  • Im getting an error with the grid_move plugin. Found here ()

    The error is Unable to load plugin in 'C:\program files\Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\rex_grid_move':Found 'GetPluginSettings' global, but it is not a function

    This plugin will not be available in the editor.

    EDIT - I used your plugin installer instead of downloading from your site and now it works like a charm

  • rexrainbow

    Hi there, I'm trying to solve a z-order render issue and I'm using your Board plugins as a method of movement and placement. One of the issues I am having is that the Board condition: Pick neighbor chess doesn't seem to like Families; the error is that the game doesn't load at all (when I disable the condition it's fine).

    For example, I have a Family called 'overlappable', which contains Sprite01 thru Sprite10. I also have a Player Sprite. I want the Player Sprite to query neighbours around them and then sort the z-order. But it isn't practical for me to check all of the Sprites manually; I need to use Families. Am I using the Board condition wrong? Or is this is a limitation?

    Many thanks for your plugins; they are indispensable. (When I start getting better at C2 and understanding its architecture I hope to gradually start scripting for it.)

  • faulknermano

    Thanks, I will test it as soon as possible. Or could you provide a test capx?

  • Update

    rex_SquareTx plugin: add "8 directions" supporting. Enable it at properties table "Direction" to "8 direction".

    - 4 directions are - right, down, left, up

    - 8 directions are - right, down, left, up. right-down, left-down, left-up, right-up

    It will let the slg_movement plugin to find movable area or moving path with 8 directions.

    And it will aslo affect the wander moving in rex_grid_move behavior.

    Thanks for this update!!! i had a project stopped because i needed this feature...i think i'm gonna restart it . You are my hero!

  • faulknermano

    Thanks, I will test it as soon as possible. Or could you provide a test capx?


    Sorry I haven't gotten back sooner; been so preoccupied with the game. Though I instead used your ZSorter plugin to solve all my sort rendering issues, it would still be a useful thing to know the limitations of the Board function.

    In the attached chess_neighbour_check_debug_1.capx (which is based directly from your own isometric sample capx), look at event 'grid_movement_event' EVENT # 22 and # 23. #22 is called when player overlaps family 'gameobjects'. Then the subevent queries Board so 'pick neighbor chess' of 'gameobjects' class. When you click on tile and intersect the player with another sprite, the game hangs.

    Thanks again for all your work.

  • Update

    rex_board plugin: fix bug when picking instance with a family.


    Thanks, I had fixed it.

  • rexrainbow

    Very useful plugin package.

    I have a small feature requests: is it possible to implement path direction blockers like in this screenshot?

    This walls are not directly placed on a grid, but kind of limit possible directions from the tile they overlapping. Like telling the pathfinder: exclude neighbor nodes coming from this directions (e.g. top, bottom, top-right, etc) from the list. Useful for mazes.

  • xoros

    Thanks for this suggestion, I will think about how to integrate this feature into my board system.

  • That would be great!

  • rexrainbow

    Is it somehow possible to create tiles which occupy more than one cell, like in the screenshot? The only solution which come to my mind is to create 4 special tiles , which are connected together i.e. a tile group, make them invisible and pin a big tile to one of them.

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  • xoros

    Since the mapping of logical position to uid is one by one, I could not make a big chess which is occupied more than 1 cell (now).

    A "chess group" is another plugin I had made before (rex_miniboard I thought), like this demo - drag the blue chess on gray board. But I had not released it yet.

  • xoros

    I mean that this requirement might not be compatible with current board system.

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