Hi there, I'm trying to solve a z-order render issue and I'm using your Board plugins as a method of movement and placement. One of the issues I am having is that the Board condition: Pick neighbor chess doesn't seem to like Families; the error is that the game doesn't load at all (when I disable the condition it's fine).
For example, I have a Family called 'overlappable', which contains Sprite01 thru Sprite10. I also have a Player Sprite. I want the Player Sprite to query neighbours around them and then sort the z-order. But it isn't practical for me to check all of the Sprites manually; I need to use Families. Am I using the Board condition wrong? Or is this is a limitation?
Many thanks for your plugins; they are indispensable. (When I start getting better at C2 and understanding its architecture I hope to gradually start scripting for it.)