SecondDimension's Forum Posts

  • I use Vista and have also had some issues with sound, although I have mostly solved these now.

    So I downloaded a 3rd party converter to get the ogg & m4a files I needed (will edit with name when I remember it). I do all the converting outside of construct, then just import all .wav .ogg and ,m4a files at once. I also preload every sound effect at least twice before I try to use it. This worked, for my Ludum Dare game at least.

    I have to say that I also love Construct, but have a ton of Vista-related problems with it, pretty much on a daily basis. I have always been a supporter of Vista, and not ever had major issues with it until Construct.

    A side note: I'd love to say I'm fighting the good fight for Vista users, but actually Construct is going to be my tool of choice, so I've recently given up and ordered a shiny new Windows 8 PC

  • Sorry to drag this up, but I have the exact same issue. As mentioned by pcfernandesjr, I have also followed all instructions with regards to power of 2 size (128x128), Pixel Rounding (On), Sampling (Point) and scaling (Letterbox integer scale). Still I have a white line round my tiling backgrounds. Doesn't look like there's anything to be done about this, just wanted to log it here

  • I had a very similar issue during Ludum Dare; couldn't get sounds & music to play together. Worked in Firefox, not in Chrome.

    I did find a solution though; I used the 'Preload Sound' action at the start of the layout, and preloaded every sound effect I needed individually. This was a bit of a pain, but it fixed the problem for me

  • thehen, well I was looking into Tortoise SVN or something similar. Git looks like a decent alternative though, so I'll definitely check that out, thanks

    PS: I say I will check it out, actually the brains of the team AdamD will check it out. Then he can explain it to me using short words and pictures drawn in crayon.

    PPS: Sorry for hijacking.

  • Is this feature request to enable multiple people to work on a single C2 project? Sounds potentially useful; we used C2 for the latest Ludum Dare and it was basically impossible to work on a single master file at the same time, and similarly difficult to maintain 2 separate projects and merge them. Perhaps what we really needed was source control though.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I was messing around with animation names recently, and I don't think there is a way to check or list all of an object's animations. I know you can call upon and compare an object's Current Animation, but that's about it. There isn't any kind of 'next animation' command either, so you couldn't even cycle through them to check. Perhaps someone clever will know a good workaround though

  • Yes this option was definitely added as part of a recent update.

    Under the 'View' menu at the top there should now be 2 checkboxes: 'Snap to Grid' and 'Show Grid'

    EDIT: Oh dang, not quick enough!

    EDIT EDIT: Oh wait, I accidentally answered your second question. Hooray!

  • OK, so building on all the excellent tips from the guys above, I have done a few hours of testing. I tried a load of different combinations, and I have found one that seems to work.

    So in summary I have managed to get Webfonts to work on Chrome with WebGL and with the pop-in suitably hidden. It seems to work perfectly for me, I have tested with 3 different textbox objects and 5 different instances of each, all on screen at once. I would appreciate some others testing this same method, to see if it's just working on my machine/setup etc.

    I would also like to reiterate that this is all stuff already suggested by Paradox, Dave Hailwood, Thndr etc. But I just wanted to share that I put it all together and got it to work how I wanted, maybe it might help somebody else as fussy as me:

    Textbox1 [On Created]:

         > Textbox1: Set Invisible

         > Textbox1: Set Font Size to 0

         > Textbox1: Set Web Font 'Font_Name' from 'Stylesheet.css'

         > System: Wait 0.6 Seconds

         > Textbox1: Set Web Font 'Font_Name' from 'Stylesheet.css'

         > Textbox1: Set Visible

         > System: Wait 0.6 Seconds

         > Textbox1: Set Font Size to 12

    (Be sure to use 'On Created', as this is called before 'Start of Layout'. This is all tested with local embedded Webfonts too.)

  • Dave Hailwood, Thndr, thanks for the tips. I'll give it another go and see if I can get it working a bit smoother

  • Yes I also still have issues with Web Fonts when using WebGL, and I still get that flash of the wrong font even when embedding the webfont in my capx.

    Fonts are the one thing I find really frusting about Construct2, I would really like a way to just embed my own font and have it work, or perhaps a built-in and robust SpriteFont plugin. I think a trigger for 'On Web Font Loaded' would be useful too

  • Results are in for this; I noticed a lot of games from this thread are in the top 100, so well done everyone

  • AdamD says he's on holiday for a few days, but he'll come and respond when he's back

    Edit: In case you're wondering, I'm his trained monkey butler

  • Thanks guys, the weapon randomisation is kind of left over from my original plan for the game (a plan which changed a lot). Also, I think that once you have an awesome weapon then you'd never go and get another one. I thought about having drops that increase your firepower, but maybe one of the enemy type reduces your firepower when they hit you?

    As for goals, I think it's just going to be a high score game. Not sure if you noticed but your multiplier shoots up when you're not shooting, so you can sort of farm the enemies into a certain area and then blast them. Still, I've not totally dicounted throwing some goals in there.

    The controls feel OK to me, perhaps they should be a little tighter. But I definitely know the collision detection is slightly off in places, so I'll tweak that for sure.

  • Hey guys,

    I thought I'd post my current work-in-progress game and see what everyone thinks. It's a kind of bizarre top-down shooter, I was trying to create a strange world, with a retro vibe. I guess I set out to make the Jet Set Willy of top-down shooters.

    I'm happy with how it's going, especially the music I wrote, but I'm not sure if it needs more in terms of gameplay. It's definitely not finished, but I'm trying to decide how much more I want to do with it. I wanted it to be a simple thing that I finished quickly so I could move on to other small projects. So yeah, any feedback is appreciated.

    It's called The Void and a current playable version is on our website here: The Void

  • mineet Thanks, I quite enjoy the blogging side of LD; you really learn a lot.

    So I've just been through and played a lot of these entries, they're all of a really high standard, so great work everyone. A special mention from me to JohnnySix for his fantastic music. Also very well done to Rilem and onzephyr, I absolutely bloody loved both of your games