I can't even begin to express how much I love Construct2, but it seems every time it's time to add sounds and music to my game project it becomes a very stressful and annoying situation. Here's what happens without fail.
1) I use a PC running Vista, so I have to find another method to create the M4a files.
2) When I try to import files with of missing formats,( like if there's one sound missing its ogg version) I go to import it and it creates a NEW sound instead of just realizing its the same name and that sound was missing its ogg version...so now, I have Sound.m4a, Sound.wav, and Sound2.ogg. WHY?!? This just adds to the pain of trying to get all the formats in. Then I delete the newly created Sound2 files except the for format I was trying to import in the first place and rename it back to Sound.ogg...all the while worrying if this is going to cause a problem.
3) Once the sounds are in, upon exporting and testing in the different browsers its always the case that some sounds play in some browsers but not the others, and the other browsers play at the other sounds, but not the ones that played in the first browser, meaning obviously the conversions are not in the exact right format so they will all play in their respective browsers.
And with the latest beta, upon importing one song and two sound effects, I got a big error message pop-up...I was short on time so I ignored it and compiled my game for browsers, cocoonjs, and node-webkit...the games ran fine (other than the mysterious sounds failing or succeeding depending on the browser)EXCEPT for the PC .exe file that node-webkit made which crashed when I tried to run it.
I then deleted all sound files back out of my project and rebuilt the node-webkit pc version and then it ran fine...but of course, without the sounds it needs. :(
Is there anyone out there having an easier time with sounds? If so, PLEASE tell me EXACTLY what tools you're using and what EXACT settings you use so that this whole mess doesnt happen to you. I'd be forever grateful.