SecondDimension's Forum Posts

  • Sorry I'm a bit late to post my entry, I was on holiday. Anyway all your games are looking awesome guys, I'll make sure I rate them all over the next few days. We posted quite an extensive postmortem of our weekend and some of the experiences with Construct 2

    So anyway here is our LD entry:

    There were 3 of us doing it, all using C2. Myself, James (our artist) and Adam D.

    Incidentally, Adam D. has just signed up to the forum to post his C2 lighting demo, which is frankly insane:

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  • Mine was going OK with some minor crashes, but since r126 it has been a lot better, thanks

  • I wonder if you could create a sub-event with the system condition "only trigger once" and put all the create object actions against that?

  • Hi, I think this should be fairly easy.

    First you need to create a new event: Select the bullet sprite, select "Collides with another Object" and set the other object to be the Jump through Platform.

    Then for this condition, set a new action. Again select the bullet sprite, go down to the bullet movement section, and select "bounce off object". Set the object to be the Jump through platform again.

    Edit: if you don't want the bullet to bounce, then instead of selecting "bounce off object" just set the bullet sprite to "destroy"

    Hope this is what you were after

  • rogueNoodle - You can use any tool you like for the compo, there are no forbidden IDEs or middleware. The only real rules for the compo are that:

    you must work alone

    you must create every element of the game within the 48hrs (inc. sound)

    and you must share your source files (so the capx)

  • Yes I'm definitely in! I've done the last 2 LD's alone, but this time I'm doing it in a team with some friends. I'm super excited

  • I guess most web games aren't as comlicated as yours, although personally I prefer web games with a bit more depth. I'll definitely look into when I get my game sorted. Just had another play on Korelos and was appreciating all the extra details, like the desctiptions of the various ship elements.

    With the exe export, I thought the resulting .exe file was sort of a wrapper; so it's emulating a browser?. I'm absolutely no expert on these things though. I guess if it is emulating a brower then it should have it's own cache, in the same way that Chrome and Firefox have different caches perhaps? I'm hoping someone cleverer than me might come along...

  • That's a really ambitious project, very impressive. It's worrying that your are having problems with Kongregate though, so am I right in thinking Kongregate just acts as a portal and doesn't actually host your game at all? Does that mean the game is hosted on or on your own site? I'm hoping to put some stuff on Kongregate soon so it's good to read about other people's experience with it.

    I agree this would be great as a standalone .exe file, although how does saving work with that? Would clearing your cache in your normal browser potentially delete your save from the .exe? Anyway sorry for straying slightly there, great work on the game.

  • Dave Hailwood - The second link worked after I pressed F5 to refresh about a million times

  • Dave Hailwood - I just tried the link to your Board Horde game with Chrome and I just got a black screen after loading.

    I have been testing a lot of prototypes on Dropbox this week, and I have had exactly the same issues with freezing, using both the http and https links.

    I have noticed that it depends largely on the number and size of the images. Small projects work fine, but big ones don't.

    I uploaded the same larger projects to Google Drive and saw a massive improvement. I think ultimately free web hosting is not the answer for big or complex games, still I'd say it's worth giving Google Drive a try

    (Edit: Tried Link in Firefox and got to the title screen before it froze)

  • There an issue if you enable WebGL, it won't show custom font.

    Otherwise disable WebGL, it would work.

    Ah OK thanks. Although that means if I want effects and performance improvements then I'm stuck with using horrible standard fonts. Does anyone know if this is a C2 issue or a problem elsewhere? No way at all to use custom fonts and WebGL together?

  • Hi, this capx doesn't work for me on Chrome; either on my Vista home PC or my W7 work laptop. It just displays the standard font. In fact I can't get Chrome to display any Web fonts most of the time. It seems slightly better on Firefox but still will sometimes just not work. I'm finding fonts with C2 very frustrating, are there no alternatives to using Web fonts?

  • Maybe this is oversimplifying but I think the best way to interpret Every Tick is as an 'Always' action.

    So saying

    [Every Tick > Make Player Look at Cursor]

    is the same as saying

    [Always Make Player look at Cursor]

  • Well I think it should work if you create 2 global variables called StreetX and StreetY. Make sure the initial values are the X & Y where you want the player to start the game. So as vee41 says, on the street level do a 'On Start of Layout' event and create 2 actions called [Set Player X to StreetX] and [Set Player Y to StreetY].

    Thee second part is that when the player collides with the store, create an extra 2 actions which are [Set StreetX] and [Set StreetY]. Make sure these are the X & Y values you want to player to reappear in when leaving the store (set them just a little away from the store so the collision event is triggered again).

    You could do this for every building your player goes into, so they always return to where they were when back on the streets.

  • I was messing about with arrows last night, I got them to stick in the walls fairly easily, I did something like this:

    Event: [Arrow] On Collision with [Wall Object]

    Actions: [Arrow] Set speed to 0

              [Arrow] Set Angle to Self.Angle

              [Arrow] > Bullet Behaivour > Set Disabled

    If you have more than one type of solid object then put them in a Family and replace [Wall Object] with the family name

    (EDIT: Actually I think I removed setting the Angle as it wasn't necessary, but I don't think it hurts)