Sebastien's Forum Posts

  • Hi rexrainbow!

    I don't know you personally, I have never even exchanged words with you, but I have learned and discovered tons of opportunities through your work and your valuable help for the community over these last past years. Do you leave Scirra for real and serious, and may I ask you: WHY?

  • Hi dop2000!

    CTRL+F5 works nice for me to preview in debug mode on Windows.

    I suppose you can also do it with ⌘+F5 if you are on macOS.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Same here...

    Thx Tokinsom!

  • Hi Psynaptik! Hi !

    It's not in my mind at all, it's real in practice, when I use C2 and C3 in parallel to do exactly the same thing, everything is faster and more comfortable with C2. And this is not a question of habit either because C2 is very capricious too. It's a software reality.

    Have you just read my hint about Photoshop or Unity (whatever) in a Chrome tab?

    I have been working in development since 1998 (not counting studies and not counting my passion from childhood), I also managed teams, worked for very large companies and used a multitude of applications, I never took my hands out of the mud and I have always, like a fatality, been raised to quality services, whatever my job was and probably because of my sensitivity and expert eye.

    Unfortunately, I don't have the chance to master English as if it were my native language - it's very difficult for me, even if I spend any day without reading it, listening it, writing it - to have as much nuance and humor as in French. I make a lot of effort because I understood that in game development, it is essential to master English, which puts an additional barrier to the rest of the world. It took me a long time to understand that Kyatric was French too, perhaps he may know (help me) what I really mean in these few big words.

    Finally I am still, quite agree with what you say, my list, as indicated, was not exhaustive and is not delusional at all. It's just a pure reality. And you, as you underline here, are fair too: browser security, files/storage issues, new business model etc... are the reality too and real problems, not fantasy either, sorry to have forgotten to synthesize them in my answer.

    In short, the comfort, in every way, and whatever you think, is not the same at all in the current state.

    But I admit that C3 is a very beautiful jewel (<3), except that I still have to wait to switch permanently.

  • hello C3 colleagues,

    What is the reason why some people want a desktop version instead of a browser version?

    Hi mumu64!

    They want (and I absolutely want) a real professional software, not an instable web gadget.

    The reasons are numerous and have been enormously detailed everywhere on the forums.

    In bulk, from my modest point of view, to quickly and not exhaustively summarize:

    • Stable, solid, fast and efficient application, responsive and docile at all times.
    • A GUI correlated with Windows (or other OS), no Ajax/Bootstrap like sensation.
    • Ability to manipulate/preview files (assets, data...) locally, on runtime without web.

    Seriously, can we imagine Photoshop, Unity or other in a Chrome tab without comfort loss?

    I sometimes feel that us, customers, are the only ones to hardly develop games and prototypes.

    + Scirra merely makes C2/C3 versions available without knowing all our daily problems/expectations.

    + It also seems to me that C3 templates was C2 made, it's even obvious (1st Game Jam nightmares).

    That said: C3 is a great tool and clearly the team is working hard everyday to improve it.

    Personally, I currently stay on C2 despite my C3 license and the difference is very present.

    But C2 is so clumsily aging! I have sacrified a long time for better, it is always the case.

    SEARCH FUNCTIONNALITY SHOULD BE BETTER (a trainee must be able to do something).

    Please Ashley, don't hit me, and thanks for all ... My English is flawed and I'm just honest.

  • Great! Thanks!

  • Hi again GameeApp,

    I have noted in previous answer than it's better to use our own assets for graphic stuff.

    However, what about sound fx and music design? Can we use royalty free ressources?

  • Hi GameeApp, and thanks for these new answers since our last exchange.

    After testing few games on mobile phone (a Samsung Notes 2 that is getting old but is still high-performance), I noticed that they get slow a lot, which make them difficult to run normally and could change completely gameplays and challenges as a whole.

    Therefore, I try to optimize everything to prevent this from happening on my side.

    My last prototyping works and XP should, I hope, help going in this right direction.

    In the meantime, I just wanted to ask you: Do you have noticed the same problems on your side?

    Could you please precise us your average CPU and FPS on some titles presenting this kind of issue?

    Finally, what did you intend to overcome this and do you have any precious advices? Thank you!

  • Thank you for these first answers GameeApp!

    My heart rocks again between vector and pixel art.

    You seem open-minded at this level too so it's cool.

    What about window dimensions? (not tested mobile yet)

    You say portrait and on your platform games are square.

    I imagine we have to center everything to deal with, is it ok?

  • Hello everyone, hello GameeApp!

    Most games on your platform look both very vectorish and minimalist. Can we use such assets for our creations, with obviously licences respect or is it preferable to use art designed by ourselves?

  • Thanks Ashley for your answer, and yes, the feature is very cool and this find function is in my opinion one of the best C3 things.

    Ok, it needs some polishing and enhancements but I suppose it may evolves over time with all new maintenance perspectives given to you.

    Nevertheless, it is truly regrettable that this doesn't exist in C2 and I honestly have trouble understanding why nothing has never been planned at this level, not even a minimal trick, it's kind of terrible borderline ****** ( ) in the face of the application goal and complexity.

    So I suppose C2 headaches have to continue before C3 next big (desktop build) improvements and stability...

  • Hi everyone,

    I second you on this.

    In development term, it's really fastidious, good practices or not, at a moment, to easily find something (no filter for project and object view), obliged to scroll constantly and lose the thread. Unlike C3, the worst for me is in C2 with a too very summary search functionnality.

    No way to: filter only concerned lines, search in whole project and all event sheets, keep results in a dedied window, go to next or previous event, no visual highlighting on found elements, and when "clean search" is clicked, the focus on the last line is definetively lost, etc...

    In short, I have the impression that we are forced to click or scroll constantly in all directions to find the way by losing another.

    And I really "find" that really, really restrictive and constraining at this level for a professional development environment.

    Bookmarks system is not very practice too and definitely limited. I had read before than it will be complicated to improve things cause C2's core but it still seems to me a huge gap between current limitations and expectations of a search function worthy of the name.

    Please Ashley, can we still hope one day a significant improvement start of all this for C2 like for C3? Thank you.

  • Thanks Ashley for these first versions, and also for taking into account the problem with Ajax. It is finally possible, for example, to change the images and other files on runtime (TMX, data etc...) via NW.js, and this is for me something essential because an immense time saving for less repetitive manipulations with each sources modification and other tests.

    For now, even if I keep an eye on my C3 licence, I'm forced to continue working with C2, the GUI is there, although aging and sometimes lame, more stable, faster and oriented desktop application than C3. The workspace is much larger (font size and other scaled items), windows and other interactions are stronger, less web-oriented, and there are far fewer bugs, amongst others, when using keyboard shortcuts than I use excessively in C2 (copy / paste / tab next or previous and so on, in forms and image editor included...).

    In addition, previews are local and open in their own really separate and persistant window, which avoids having to click often in the taskbar to focus or resize it again and again (just another example according to the context). I hope you understand these thoughts really present in use and in practice when developing. And I hope this native version of C3 will adapt in future to a much more "software" format like C2 is.

  • Hi everyone,

    I couldn't open a very old .capx cause this behavior was missing.

    By browsing archives, I finally found it again. Here is the link:

    Enjoy! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hardly after the deadline of the jam: same problems as you in a particularly different context.

    In the greatest moments of despair and in a very isolated spot with a true-low-wifi-bandwith.

    Basically: Nothing worked anymore in nomad laptop mode.

    I was able to work through it by using only local files.

    And after C3 was in offline mode (difficult updates).

    What I retain from this experience

    (load/save/freeze/slowness issues):

    • Kill tasks
    • Empty cache
    • Relaunch C3
    • Offline mode
    • Load local
    • Save local

    If this can help some of us or lost readers!

    However, I'm waiting for the standalone version too.

    Would it be possible to have a period estimation?