Sebastien's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Ashley, It's done, but, I can't say why... It's very instinctive, but I've never felt comfortable with web apps compared to native apps. Especially if it's a software with so advanced possibilities, even in full screen mode, even without browser toolbars. I must admit hardly imagine developers on Unity, doing a herculean work with Chrome without becoming completly crazy before closing everything.

    In addition, I'm a sort of mad clicker, using all the time keyboard shortcuts to copy/paste, find everything quickly, swap between the entire pipeline, close windows, etc. I like to see my tools as independent but obedient soldiers with everything in its right place. This is something, for me and probably in my habits, more robust and secure than other else modern web stuff and which on the other hand avoids me from committing many errors of manipulation.

    In any case, and even if I have not yet been able to take all the time desired to test the new draft, I will try to make efforts cause, after all, you deserve it with a real and incontestable talent. And I have forgotten to mention it: this promise of C3 seems very neat and bring some rather revolutionary innovations for the future and the quality of our projects. I understand that this can also represent a considerable cost to you in terms of maintenance at many levels. Just do not forget us for the standalone version, I guess I'm not the only one hoping for that.

    Damn, where is my floating tab now?

  • Thanks Tom and everyone, I hope, to have understood, indeed, this change, like you said, radical. Will we ask tomorrow and for example designers to create on Photoshop, Flash or other with one or more tabs in Chrome, Firefox or Opera? For past two years, I have sacrificed, bet, a lot of my time and life to master gamedesign "alone" to death by choosing your software rather than other solutions whose names I will pass, and I finished, at the price of many misery, to end up finding my place in terms of development, creativity, originality, performances, and professionalism. I like squared and optimised things, I'm a perfectionist and I have long waited for improvements worthy of the name, so this C3 represents for me a form of Holy Grail. Many things with C2 have for a long time disturbed me, in particular terms of features on events (I am a pro coder after all and at the base), editions of images, layers, ergonomics also and so on, "etc"... I hope that all this work will not be in vain, and will not find itself overnight disintegrates in the air just for money cloud fashion.

  • It's difficult to express my first feelings, english is not my native language. But there is - for me - not the same comfort. It's a window with web based windows in a browser, the feeling is not the same. I am so sorry dear Tom to have this first "à priori", but comfort is not at all what I expected. I have to take a step back to really test in depth what you propose. But I must confess that ergonomy - from my point of view - will never be the same in a browser than with your previous standalone software, and that is my personal and professional point of view for now. I know you heard that afterwards and that the standalone version will come, allowed me while waiting to worry. Hey, justifun, I'm not a ****king hater, I want the best for Scirra and I will, and hope be here, for them too. Thanks Ashley for the last trick, I will try to switch to desktop mode while continue testing the browser mode.

  • Cause this browser based thing is at first glance and usage just horrible.

    I love you Scirra, but sorry, it's enough for me, where is the software?

  • The Newgrounds logo has a very impressive big gear in the hands too.

    More seriously, it must be linked to validation or other technical things.

  • Oh yeah, and hoping all our biblic looted stuff will help us to avoid exorcism.

  • And one final point: even if it's going to be difficult, let's try to keep calm. I guess Ashley and his team had a very hard night.

    But what the hell?! It's already 12 PM in London and 1 PM in France!

  • Hi again Vadim / ThePhotons,

    Thanks for your attention. Unfortunately I expected an answer of this type concerning the lack of documentation and content, but I will not be discouraged for that, not for the moment! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    You offer a really cool service that looks very powerful and with a beautiful showcase, so it's really great that you create a "bridge" between Photon and the C2 community of developers and hobbyists. Paradoxically, attract them may not be in your priority but it would still be necessary to provide them with the right keys to use your plugin in the best way. Please, don't forget you offer behind, all this alternative, a professional final product for potential customers. It would be good to be in agreement with that too, isn't it?

    To return to my experience, I've got mostly hashtable errors or nothing happens with "MergeCache, ReplaceCache and RemoveCache" but it's probably due to my usage or I don't know. As I said, I finally manage the cache with my trick of empty everything via "RemoveFromRoomCache" to add only the last entries that interest me and because this is the only clean way for now that I have found to make it work.

    The documentation on your website don't explain really what to do compared to what the plugin seems to offer us.

    For example, what we are supposed to pass in the Data field when we use these three cache options cited? ... tants.html ... hed-events

    I take this opportunity to ask you a final question, on the Photon Dashboard, with a CCU Free Plan (3 BG included bandwith per CCU and month), we can see a monitoring of the consumption for the last 24 hours. Is it obliged to maintain in free plans a vision so reduced in time and concerning only the last entries?

    It seems to me necessary of being able to know what can support a project in total and any other limits using your technology. In short, how to know, understand, optimize (...) what we are really consuming on a month or any time laps if we can't analyze it at all?

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  • However all is said!

    Do you take the time to read the doc or do some research?

    To change the animation, it's simple:

    "Add action" for your Slot sprite at the same level of the previous change.

    Choose "Set animation" and put the name of your animation in the value field.

    You can pass it again by a parameter in your function, it depends on how you want to do it.

  • Hello again Greaver, you're welcome.

    [quote:2jji9lkl]1. Browser thing, is this necessary for it to work? And what does it do? Cant figure it out.

    The Browser object can be very useful, in this case, to help debug your script with log messages. You can see this messages by displaying the console message of your browser (in my case I press CTRL+Shift+J on Chrome under Windows to show/hide the console). For more convenience you can also use a function to call this Browser object. I suggere for "cleanliness" and performances to disable this log messages when a project is in production.

    [quote:2jji9lkl]2. arr_inventory.At(Self.slotID) - sets the frame to ID to match the item picked up - however what code can we do to also set the animation? Not only frame but animation too?

    I don't have explore anymore your needs but I suppose, in the same way, something like "Set animation" of the Slot sprite to the animation value of the Item sprite ("YourSprite.AnimationName" expression) should do the trick.

    [quote:2jji9lkl]3. Can we store 10 different values? Or is there a limit? Hehe thanks in advance! ^_^

    I'm also currently working on an inventory system, fully stackable and dynamic, whith a hotbar for action shortcuts ("à la Diablo" or Minecraft in much simpler for the moment). I would say that you can store and do whatever you want, it depends on your approach and your vision, but in terms of methodology I think I will be gone on something more agile, but after all it's not essential and depends again on your needs.

  • Hi Greaver,

    In your logic and after the loop in your AddToInv function, just pick the right Slot and set variables with passed values in parameters. Have a look in the modified capx. ... ified.capx

    Good luck for the next steps! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hello everyone, I was able to discover recently Photon and I came across your interesting exchanges while working for a few days on basic concepts in order to master the beast.

    It was a bit - or even a lot - tricky but much less than with my attempts via Scirra's Multiplayer object in its current state.

    At this stage, I can generate players with permanent update of their position (at each tile change to save bandwidth or at each rounded X or Y coordinate change for more fluidity).

    Each player present in the game - or each new player who joins a party - sees the other players in their true position, the same with bullets which are each attached to a single key and common to all players in order to manage collisions and "paternity" of players for each projectile (no other artificial object to simulate bullets, each bullet = just a real single bullet for everyone and identified by its unique key). A different path than yours Savvy001, but really appreciate your approach on all points !

    Same principle with mobs and pathfinding (a bit more complicated to execute than bullets cause - among other things - a mix with update players position). Here too, the "filiation" of a mob via a unique key and common to all, allows to manage the events of each mob for everyone. Unlike bullets and facing sometimes the complexity of an AI, each MOB is actually controlled by a single player (the one who spawns it), which then redispatches updates to other players. If the "owner" player leaves the game, another player takes over the mob's unique key to control it and continue "raise" updates to, again, other players and so on...

    Well, today I'm at this last point on mobs and it is not finished, I still have a lot of work if I want to continue to improve this part and the whole. That said, it really starts to run well and in a very coherent way, so in the end all my hopes were not in vain.

    I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that I had many problems with cache functions, however, and using other tricks, I finally get through the "RemoveFromRoomCache" function without Data and just with a past TargetActor argument, to empty the "stack" of events from, for example, all the positions of a single player, in order to add only the last and therefore more recent one.

    Thus, and for example, when a new player joins a current game, he does not have to load all the movements of other players but only their last known position. This inevitably brings an enormous saving in bandwidth but also reinforces the coherence of all positions of all players, whatever the context.

    I have to admit that I didn't get much sleep last 72 hours, drinking a lot of coffee, the multiplayer approach being something very different compared to single/local method and each step can be purely nightmarish... Moreover, the lack of documentation and content for Construct 2 has absolutely not made the job easier.

    However, this was much simpler than with the C2 object! That said, and with the arrival of Construct 3, I guess with hope (and impatience) than Ashley and his team still reserve us other new (“good” lol) surprises on improving and simplifying their multiplayer features too.

    ThePhotons (Vadim), it's been a while since your Scirra SDK seems to exist. Even if it has already been asked here some time ago, could you please give us more information on the future of the plugin, improvement of its integration, new templates for use it correctly and better in Construct 2? I confess that for the moment, the situation is a little bit desertic, and all what we can find is very simple and/or buggy without advanced example.

    Thank for your lighting and your support. Any other Photon feedbacks and information from all of you are welcome.

    Best regards, Sébastien

  • Hello everyone,

    Asepriste is a very good tool at an affordable price to create pixel art and animation. Ok, it's not a "Spine-or-Spriter-like" app but it makes the work if you are looking for a simple and efficient frame by frame approach.

  • Hello everyone! Somebody ask me in private about the "once only answer type".

    Here is a part of my reply in case this simple method can help someone else.

    I have created a "once" attribute in XML with the value 1 on concerned answers.

    Eg: <answer id='YOUR_ID' once='1'>Bla, bla, bla...</answer>

    NB: in my version, "id" attribute is numeric.

    And next, here is a screenshot on how to manage it in the event sheet:

    I hope it will help. Best regards, Sébastien

  • "Any resemblance to real and actual names is purely coincidental..."

    I hope to have more time to experiment. Thanks again, happy you like it.