scidave's Forum Posts

  • I've programmed in both C# and Python.... Python is much easier to learn and immediately start making programs. However, C# is going to be closer in syntax to C++ and would probably prepare you better to transition to that. Also, C# has a really **** interface (Visual Studio) with auto-completion, hints, etc...

    My view is if you can learn one language you can learn any of them. More importantly there is more to programming than just syntax. You need to know data structures (arrays, lists, queues, stacks, maps/hash tables), need to know Classes and objected oriented concepts. How to design a program... then you have to learn syntax as well.

    I don't think you can go wrong with either choice. Pick one and get started!!

  • yes but i dont understand...

    What is your native language?? You need to translate tutorials into your language or get somebody to help.

  • Loved it! Thanks for sharing. This would be awesome combined with a joystick.

  • Here's what I've done lately:

    WOW... I'm completely blown away by these. The space shooter looked awesome and I really liked the look of that last platform game. Are you planning on turning any of these into full game?

  • Wow, that was really cool. Reminds me of some old Mind control games, but way more complex. I think I might just have to make this my next "toy" to buy.

    Unfortunately, their SDK license seems really restrictive. I may not be reading it right, but it doesn't look like you could make a plugin for Construct and distribute it freely. Could anyone clarify their policy on distributing games??

  • Yes, definitely need to add a function call each loop.

    Also, your implementation in Python could be faster. Using xrange instead of range (of course wouldn't work with the large loop in this test since it i limited to Int) or using a map. I'm not a big enough expert in Python to know optimizaton down cold though. ... Tips#Loops

    For additional acceleration you could try Psyco:

    Although, Pysco only works on 32-bit systems and has some other limitations... so maybe not the most practical.

    Another option is to use Numpy and other Python libraries that may be more efficient with calls like arange() If you don't mind the library load time... it "might" have a speed up.

    Now if I wasn't such a NOOB with Construct I would benchmark the two.. but can't seem to think of a good test.

  • Cool use of Mary Jane's Construct intro at the start... but the start page looked way too basic compared to the intro video. That looked off... I would make the start page look higher res.

    Also, the game was too difficult. It was tough to steer the ship, the enemy fired just as fast or faster, and if you tried to maneuver (which was difficult) too far away you would be destroyed for not following the mission... even though you were never told what the mission was. The one way to probably beat the enemy relied on leaving the area, recharging shields, and then dashing back, firing, and repeating leaving the area (the enemy ship wouldn't follow you).

    The program also crashed on me (only once) when I collided my ship into the enemy ship. Some error about "mutitexured sample..."

    Edit: On idea to make the game more real... instead of automatically killing the player from leaving the game field... just use unlimited layouts/scrolling and use fuel. If the player leaves a certain area then you can drop his fuel.. once the fuel is depleted have some "scavenger ships" come in and blow you up. That is much better than having the ship randomly explode..

  • is there a way to put *.pyd files into a subfolder instead of in base directory with the exe? I

    I bet ROjohound would be the best person to answer this. I don't have a system configured to test this right now, but you could try placing the .pyd files in the Construct/Data/Python directory. Then selecting them when you go to build your executable. It might just be embedded in the .exe then. If that doesn't work, then that should be a feature request.

    Technically, it is possible to do what you are saying: either put in subfolder or embed in .exe (you can do both with Py2exe). It is just it may not yet be possible through Construct. Rojohound?!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • That's the danger for any game, if it's hammered.

    I know people that try and complete new Zelda games as quickly as possible so they can say they've completed it

    Yeah, I think that is the mistake I made. I just kept tunneling and tunneling for a couple hours straight.. should have taken a break.

    With that being said... I started on another new save file last night! This time I will work much slower.

  • I don't have much knowledge of actual development with c++, but wouldn't it be possible (without months of 16h per day work) to pack this to a plugin?

    Sounds very doable. I think somebody mentioned they were working on a joystick plugin last week. Hopefully they are using that SDL connection.

  • For those interested in Networking and Online there is a new library out that is a high level wrapper around PodSixNet. It is beta, but is supposed to support: object synchronization, dead reckoning, client side interpolation, etc.. Pretty much all the cool stuff you need to do to make your game smoother and easier over the internet. It is called "Astral Networking".

    I haven't tried it out yet.. hope to sometime soon. But you can download the sourcecode to the beta and supposedly it is working. Might be worth a look if you are experimenting with PodSixNet.

  • Also, Java 1.6 (the latest version) was released almost 4 years ago, so adoption should be very high.

    I agree. I really think nearly everyone will have Java installed. It is a much different case than say Python where you absolutely must package with your game. Also, the web installer is a great idea for those who don't have Java and you can determine automatically during install time whether or not to prompt to install Java. Now, just have to figure out how feasible JNI is with Construct.

  • Minecraft is extremely addictive.. and I have you all to thank for sucking me into it! Spent about 20+ hrs building tunnels and making a little fort, and armor, etc. However, after burrowing to the bottom of the world and back up the game all of a sudden has lost appeal to me.

    I'm hoping that some more new stuff/objectives gets added or maybe mutiplayer to bring some of the excitement back.

  • Someone should look in to the actual stats first!

    I think the number of users will be more like %90+, but I still don't think officially supporting JNI is a good idea. I believe most manufacturers HP, Dell, etc ship JVMs with their custom loads which most users will have. If you do a fresh install the JVM will not be installed.,-Dell-to-ship-J ... 15723.html

  • Yeah, I saw this just three weeks ago. Good movie! Crazy ending too...