scidave's Forum Posts

  • Just use Xaudio to play midi files.

    Just shows how much I know about Construct!

    Somebody should update the wiki saying it is a supported format....

  • does construct support midis?

    No, I don't think any of the plugins do directly. You could either use Python or write a plugin for it.

  • Thanks so much for all of those Python fixes ROjo!!!

  • Awhile back I was going to make a screenshot plugin... I don't think it is Construct related, but I was trying to compile some code I found for taking screenshots that used MFC. I was using VIsual Studio Express 2008. I kept on getting errors and wasn't able to resolve them. I figured if it didn't work with plain old express then it definitely wont work as a plugin. I can't locate the code right who knows maybe I was just being a noob. However, from what I understand the DDK doesn't necessarily work with all features of MFC according to this: ... press.aspx

    Edit: So it looks like it will work fine for plugins, but just don't plan on using all MFC or ATL features. ... mspx#EXLAE

    [August 2009] ATL Best Practice - Use the Visual Studio release


    ATL is included in the WDK as a convenience for driver developers who need to create Windows applets for their drivers. ATL should not be used for software development beyond this scope. The ATL that is available through Visual Studio provides a more complete and current set of libraries and should be used for development of software and web applications. Visual C++ Express Edition is available for free from MSDN. """

  • Anybody know if 2010 Express works for making Construct plugins?

    I know the 2008 Express version works with some tweaking... but I ran into bugs in certain more complex MFC cases. I still think that Construct 2 should support plugins written with the Express version.

  • You can either:

    1. Embed the music/sound in the exe as a resource

    2. Put the music/sound in subfolder, reference it in your .cap with "app path" and send with the game.

  • Do you have any advice on how to create a speech recognition type game with Construct?

    Use the Dragonfly library. It's great for speech recognition and works good with the SAPI interface on Windows Vista/7. If you only have XP then you have to download the speech library which is quite large (>200mb).

    I was going to make a simple game with it called "Pickup Artist" where you go around talking to folks trying to hit on them. If you combined Dragonfly with PyAmil and the text to speech module you could carry on intelligent voice conversations with the girls. The alternative game would be "Gangsta Warrior" where you have to rap your way through combat... If only i have time!!

    Edit: Sorry for posting on your threads Chrisbob.. you got some sweet games/apps. I was shocked with like 75% of the creations were all yours.

  • Karl...I don't think you are an evil overlord. I actually think your project sounds really interesting. My only point in posting was to point out: that the game was a lot more difficult than you think.. and that to get somebody and put in that much time you have to show more to attract them... That's all. You should keep track of the # of hours spent on your game as I think you will be surprised how much time you spent when it is all over. I sure know I did on even the demo's I put together. I would be overjoyed if somebody joined your team, seriously. I think you will find that everybody is very helpful, in general here, and will be more than willing to help you out with problems.

    If nobody joins up to code I'm sure you will have enough resources here to create the game on your own... and if they do then that's awesome. Hope to hear some good progress!

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  • Wow, what a crazy problem and a brilliant solution. Never would have guessed it was a Construct problem after all. Thanks Rojohound, you're a huge help to the community!!

  • the amount of work isn't "huge". For someone really skilled, I doubt it'll even be a challenge at all since all the logic is there.

    If this game will be as cool as your blog says with items that can be combined and so on the amount of work WILL be huge. Plus, taking time to help you learn will take as much time or more than doing the work themselves.

    So I think it is clear to everybody that this will be a lot of work....and you really have nothing to show for it. The few graphics are pretty, but you have little to nothing to show for the rest of the game.

    Also, if so many people are indeed dying to get in on helping with the game then surely one of them will want to help code. You would do much better to have them get up to speed on Construct (which doesn't take too long) than to try to entice somebody here to spend 4+ hours a week on your game. Two months is 32 hours at that pace and I doubt you will have anything close to a finished game by then...unless maybe Davioware volunteers himself.. .. ok probably not then either.

    You clearly have the excitement and passion for the game which is great, but my suggestion is to bring more to the table.

    It's more "I'm looking for someone who thinks that project is equally as interesting/cool

    I don't see how anybody reading this post would get excited or interested with how little you have showed. Not trying to be a downer... just my two cents.

    • Write plugins in C#. C++ is just tedious compared to C# coding.. at least to me. C# is the wave of the future for Microsoft so if Construct is going to take 4-5 years to develop C# will be enormous at that point. You would get a lot more plugin writers due to the ease of development.
    • Better debugger. Should be able to single step and do other things a typical debugger can do.
    • Better scripting support. Right now scripting seems like an afterthought and the integration isn't all that great. Some simple stuff like allowing someone to check all the boxes, or all libraries in a directory. Should be easy. Add support built in with (Py2exe or pyinstaller) where you can build working binaries with external libraries without having to jump through as many hoops. Hopefully keep Python as the main scripting language cause it rocks!
    • I hate that to work with objects on a layout you have to either physically place them on the layout or put them on another layout and have to make them global to be accessible from events. Should be able to access any object .. for example how GM does it.
  • Hey thanks for the feedback. I plan on going back through and cleaning up the tuts so what you found on the "start fade" was probably something I originally planned on doing but left off the final .cap.

    You can create the below picture in a number of ways. The fastest is to create event 8, 9 , and 10... where 9 and 10 are subevents. Then create two else events. ***NEVER make else events subevents, you always create them as new events.*** Then drag the two else events until they connect with the events 9 and events 10. After you do it a couple times it will be second nature. Let me know if you run into any problems.

  • Thanks for the link Rojohound. I'll give it a look over.

    Don't want to put a damper on your updates, but I think you have to have the voice's installed on the computer. Kind of like how a font has to be installed in the system in order to use it.

    True, but the current plugin is very rudimentary. It only supports the default voice (for example Anna on WIndows Vista/7). I want to make it where you can select any speech file without having to manually change the default voice.. so if you want an old man, or **** British accent, or little boy, or even your own voice created characters. You can either create these with programs, download a few for free, or usually buy them for around $30 - $50 dollars.

    Also, I would like to be able to control pitch, and rate of speech.

  • When selecting the .pyc modules, are they meant to be stored in the exe?

    Yes, every .pyc module you select are stored in the exe. That message about the python26.dll being copied is wrong... I've asked for months for it to be fixed.. maybe someday the devs will.

    This a very weird problem. We need more examples of what works and doesn't work to nail it down. I just tried .99.92 and built up the chat client/server and they run fine on my laptop with Python 2.5 on it.

    Do you by chance have values stored in your PATH or PYTHONPATH that could be causing this? Usually you do not need to have a PYTHONPATH variable.

    Have you tried unziping the in the same directory? Although, that doesn't help with the stringio error.

  • Hey,

    I'm looking for the TTS plugin source code and it is not out on the SVN. Does someone have a copy of it and how come it is not out there? I wanted to make some updates to it....and add a couple new voices. Do you know where the voice file is stored for the current TTS plugin?

    Also, I noticed shells for a Lua and Online plugin on the SVN... are we getting support for those??!!!