scidave's Forum Posts

  • You can't access global variable strings through Python without a least the last time I used Construct that was the case.

    My guess is that "ip" is a string... I see what you were probably getting at since you could use events as a workaround to still set a Python variable.

    Hope this helps!

  • already got the online tutorial and none of them have inside script something like get global value, all of them uses the normal events to do that.

    You would think I would know since I wrote the tut...

    Here are a couple of examples from the tut that get a global variable value:

    connection.Send({'action': 'winner', 'player': System.globalvar('myNum')})[/code:1f3vwmrq]
    [code:1f3vwmrq]connection.Send({'action': 'gotkey', 'player': System.globalvar('myNum'), 'keyuid': System.globalvar('myuid')})[/code:1f3vwmrq]
    This accesses the global variables:  myNum and myuid.
    Edit:  Is "host" in your example a Python variable?  If it is not, that example will not work.
  • Look at the Online Networking Tutorial with Python on the forums..... it has lots of examples of using Python with Global and Private variables. It should help you with your syntax problems.

    Just make sure you are using the latest version of Construct. Even the version used for the original tut has some major Python bugs.

  • totally impressed with how this game looks. I really liked where the sharks sorta lunged at the ship. Nice water effects too. Give us a demo!!

  • Glad the Avatar got cleaned up..not really appropriate.

    But the games on the russian scirra site are looking really awesome. Definitely worth a play.

  • You could do this with Python:


    import pyaudio
    import sys
    chunk = 1024
    FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
    CHANNELS = 1
    RATE = 44100
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    stream = = FORMAT,
                    channels = CHANNELS, 
                    rate = RATE, 
                    input = True,
                    output = True,
                    frames_per_buffer = chunk)
    print "* recording"
    for i in range(0, 44100 / chunk * RECORD_SECONDS):
        data =
        # check for silence here by comparing the level with 0 (or some threshold) for 
        # the contents of data.
        # then write data or not to a file
    print "* done"
    or Csounds w/ Python support:
    [url=] ... codes.html[/url]
  • win32com libraries.........what are they? ... e/download

    Win32COM allows you to use python calls to interface with native Windows API calls. So all the cool stuff you used to only be able to do with C/C++ you can do with Python!

  • Sure, if you use something like this to package it all up into a standalone exe:

    However, if you don't have $8,000+ and don't want to use the trial then no I don't believe there is an alternative than to install it on every computer.

  • Construct itself uses some libraries that prohibit selling, however, so it is illegal to sell Construct itself.

    I didn't think this was actually true...? I thought Construct could be sold if the devs wanted to. Although I vaguely recall something about some UIS library being involved.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Cool example.. until we get a better plugin for video this is a nice alternative! I completely forgot about the Window object for this stuff...

  • In short, to make a MMO with Construct... you either have:

    1. Get really good at C++ and make an online plugin that supports everything that an MMO would need.

    2. Get really good at Python and extend/modify the Python library (Podsixnet or Astralnetworking) to support an MMO.

    Either task is formidable and unless you are really good at programming it is not going to happen.

    EDIT: By shaky he means that Python support is experimental and that lots of features like dealing with latency, object synchronization, etc have to be supported by the game designer. The Podsixnet library () is pretty good for smaller online games and is great for LAN games.

  • Have you considered steam?

    I second this idea. Lots of exposure and easy payment.

    Edit: Is there a way to do both? Some may not want to install Steam...

  • I've always found Linux Mint (which is built upon Ubuntu) to be a very easy to use OS. I'll maybe have to test out Wine sometime with Construct to see how it works. I would suspect it might work ok since Construct uses older DirectX libraries.

  • I like it!

  • You should talk to Alee and Arsonide on how feasible your plan is since they are working on games of a similar nature.

    it is - will not be, much more complicated then Elite, or Wing Commander Privater

    I played Privateer (awesome game BTW), but what you are describing is a lot more complicated than privateer with walking around the ship and walking around planets. Now if the ship/planets are meaningless random settings then it is probably not too bad, but when you start to add realism then it is going to be very complicated.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't try to make this game (it is my dream game btw!), but look at the number of people involved in making Privateer and how long it took to make. Granted, development time is faster in Construct and you don't have a team to coordinate with.

    My suggestion is to experiment with making tiny parts of the game. If it seems feasible then go ahead and make the game. You will learn in the process and maybe pick up a few techniques to make your game more sound.