scidave's Forum Posts

  • anyone know?

    Someone posted a python script for it in another thread, but I couldn't understand how it worked (I'm not a programmer myself)

    If anyone knows how to do it with script, please also explain how to implement the script.

    Many thanks!

    Hi Birdlantern.. and Chrisrobs previously. I haven't forgotten about this. I tested out the Python code in Construct yesterday and it worked slightly differently than I remember. Instead of recording sound from the PC (internal Audio) it instead recorded from the Mic. This is kinda cool if you are doing a voice recorder program and you might want that feature, but it doesn't do what you wanted.

    So I did some searching and found a workaround. You can spawn a program with Construct/Python that creates a virtual bridge between your internal audio device and an external input device so you can record from it using Python like I showed. I'll tinker with it some more this weekend, but I think it will work. After I get that working I'll see if there is not 100% programmatic approach.


    Have you actually run Construct under Codeweavers Game version of Wine?? I never said "I know it will work".. I just believe it should. Obviously those are two different things which is why I need to actually test it out. I can believe there would be some bugs though...especially considering Construct is already buggy.

    I've already tested Construct on Linux using a Windows XP Virtual Machine with 3D support and it works the same as a native version of Construct. So that is clearly the best solution...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I don't have a MAC, but I'm pretty sure you can run Construct and Construct games on a MAC using this: .. if you got $69.

    Wine does support DirectX 9 now.. so Linux and MAC support should be good... I just need to stop being lazy and test out the linux version.

  • You could use the http object (but it isn't all that complex): ... oad_Object

    Another option would be to use Python. There are several libraries you could combine to make your own simple browser.

    With today's complex web might not properly view many of them.

  • Bump.....

    Is anybody still working on a network plugin? I've been considering trying to make a simple wrapper around a few basic functions in either Enet or Voidcom. Just to start learning plugins and brush up on my C++. Probably not the best plugin to tackle initially.. but heh I will plan on only implementing the basic features (message passing for the most part).

    Anybody working on one still?

    Why this is happening only in cases concerning the SFML library, I have no idea. Maybe somebody could help me out with this if I were to supply the code?

    I think either Enet or Voidcom would be a much better solution for a plugin that using SFML. They take care of alot of the asyncronous event handling for you and also have a nicer event callback interface. Wanna maybe give one of those libraries a shot with me? I'm a plugin noob though so would take some time to get up to speed.

  • This list is fantastic. Too bad you had to remove the pictures... maybe we can add the pictures back and get this list on the wiki?

  • This would make for a sweet plugin:

    [quote:3jhheivw]FAAST is middleware to facilitate integration of full-body control with games and VR applications using OpenNI-compliant depth sensors (currently the PrimeSensor and the Microsoft Kinect).

    I looked at the code briefly and it looks plausible that you could do a plugin for something like this. The end user would have to install a driver and perhaps a few libraries (not sure yet).... anyone up for it?!

  • You can do it with Python.

    Here is an example that takes the entire desktop, but with the window object and a little more Python should be able to take screehshot of only the game window:

    See some of Rojohound's examples for Ctypes and the window object for how to mesh the two together. CHeers!!

  • Hi,

    Here are some ideas:

    You might try an INI file:

    Also, here are several other inventory implementations listed by PixelRebirth:

    Another one (I think modified off the adventure tut):

    Keep in mind that there are pros and cons of using a simple text file to store your inventory. It is easier to work with than arrays but easier for a player to edit. If you make an "array helper" as I did the adventure tutorial then you still can store all of your stats in the text file and then convert to an array before sending out your game. It makes it a little harder for players to "cheat" and it is easier to access items in the array. Without the "array helper" though it would be a pain to populate the array.

    I think arrays are pretty intuitive overall so if you have any questions on them or don't fully understand them then feel free to shoot questions our way!

  • I thought that it might be possible to connect two players each controlling an object as the basic idea. As in the multiplayer pong, except that instead of having the bars were the characters.

    This is already possible.. see the "Dungeon Escape" game in the tutorial.

    It would be possible to connect two players each with an object under its control and without it being very difficult with construct ?

    Yes it is possible, but the implementation is currently difficult in Construct. As Newt mentioned dealing with lag is a tough problem with multiplayer and even a bigger issue with an MMO. Right now you have to manually handle lag in the game. <----------- Alot of work!

    You also have to deal with synchronizing all of the game elements. For example, have you ever shot somebody in an online shooter to find they are still alive? That is because to your computer (simulation) they were in range, but to the server they had already moved... or the other guy is cheating.

    If you aren't careful all of the power of Construct will be lost because the built in behaviors, etc can't be used. The above is why it is important for you to understand the tutorial to know how much work will be involved. If you still decide to press ahead I'd be willing to offer advice, but I'm just too busy to be a member of a team.

  • The 2D game builder looks really sweet! And on the half-life sprites.. as long as you aren't going commercial for your game and it is just for fun then I don't see it as a big deal (I'm sure some here will differ

  • Link doesn't work for me...

  • I don't want to discourage you from making your game, because I think it is possible although very difficult. However, you really do need to understand the "online multiplayer Podsixnet" tutorial if you are going to have any chance to use Python for your game. There are a lot of things that you will need to do with your single player game to make it possible for multiplayer to happen. You can't just ask somebody to turn your single player game into an online game. It would be a complete rewrite. The game needs to be written from the ground up to support both...

  • Hilarious, if you think manipulating people in order to get them to pay you more money is not scummy then you're a fool.

    I would look at it this way since I've been around the sales & marketing world for a long time. Davioware has game he has put a lot of effort into. It is a good high quality product. People would be better for having access to and enjoying this product. It is a good thing to get it into as many peoples hands as possible. So what's wrong with using a little bit of market research to price it at a price point that will sell better. Same reason it isn't wrong to be complementary to the person you are selling to in the hopes that a nicer atmosphere will create the sale.

    As long as you aren't forcing something down somebodies throat they don't want or lying to them (the pushy telemarketer) then there is absolutely nothing wrong in sales to do what's necessary to close the sale. After all it is helping out a good developer, people are getting a quality product, and everybody is happy.

  • there functions (network_players,etc)teclared in the tutorials they exist or is just a random name for them?

    where I can find all the functions and their definitions??

    First, thanks for trying out the Tut. It would probably help to post this in the Online tutorial thread since it would be easy for me to overlook it otherwise.

    Anyways..the naming of the functions is covered in the tutorial but basically... In podsixnet all user written functions in the client need to start with "Network_" then I added the "players" part to make the function Network_players. This function is right in the .cap file for the client.

    def Network_players(self, data):
          playertext = ("*** players: " + ", ".join([p for p in data['players']]))
          statusBox.AppendText(playertext + "\n")[/code:3pyumuu0]
    The above function is in the client code that YOU write.  Then in the server you call the code by performing a "player" action like below:
    [code:3pyumuu0]   def SendPlayers(self):
          self.SendToAll({"action": "players", "players": [p.nickname for p in self.players]})[/code:3pyumuu0]
    You also write the above function.  
    So the client waits for a network packet with an action of "players" from the server.  When that happens then the function Network_players is called and the data from the server is handled by the client.
    Hope this makes sense.