Savvy001's Forum Posts

  • Yep.

    The thing is with the multiplayer plugin from C2 (as they told in articles) is that there can be many things "routers" and such between the players destinations around the world.

    This mainly can cause a lot of lag.

    For me why i go with photon is because it minimizes this problem.

    Everyone connects to the cloud.

    Seems to me like the short best route.

  • mudmask

    I had a little lag on the version with the multiplayer object.

    But that could have been some pc stuttering as well.

    Both seem to run fine.

  • TabloidA


    Remember you can also put multiple data in the raise event like: sprite.actornr & "|" & & "|" &

    Than recall 1 of the 3 data using the expression "tokenat".

    (From the C2 Manual)

    tokenat(src, index, separator)

    Return the Nth token from src, splitting the string by separator. For example, tokenat("apples|oranges|bananas", 1, "|") returns oranges.

    I use this to limit the amount of events raised.

    This way i can get the life/guntype/actornr in 1 go.

  • You are targeting the Photon.actornr to be destroyed.

    So when "on the pc of player A" a sprite is hit.

    The actor number of that pc owner is going to get destroyed on the other players pc.

    Instead of the sprite you actually want.

    Solution is to use the "data" line when you raise a photon event.

    Make each sprite have a variable called actornr.

    On the "is joined" event of that player sprite set that variable to photon.actornr

    Now you have the actornr embedded in the sprite to compare to.

    Then on collision with the bullet raise event with event data sprite.actornr

    Then on received event.

    If sprite.actornr = photon.eventdata(sprite.actornr)

    Destroy sprite.

    Hope it makes sense

  • TabloidA

    How do you handle the collision for the player being hit.

    Can you add a few screenshots?

  • TabloidA

    Depends on the type of game you are making.

    So without knowing that it is hard to tell what the best option is.

    In my wip top down shooter i spawn a sprite "line" on each shot.

    1 on the pc of the player that is shooting.

    And on on all the other players pc's.

    The shooting player spawns a "dummy" and raises a photon event to the other players with the data which players is hit and by who and the type of gun.

    The other players receive that message, and this time the "real" sprite line is being spawned hitting the player, and if the name in the photon event data matches their own player, then uppon this event, life is substracted according to the gun that whas used.

    Then this player being hit raises a photon event with its own life information and player name to the other players updating life status.

    Its flawless

    Note that this method does not involve flying projectiles.

    Its a instant hit method just like raycasting in 3D fps shooters.

  • digitalsoapbox

    Thanks and edited

  • quote

    "what is the reason why you publish on Scirra Arcade"

    "I am talking about the games that hope to get revenue "

    I can only talk about why i wont put a game on the arcade for this specific reason.

    A couple of things.

    1: Go where the gamers already are on their favorite online platform. is mostly a site for active C2 game developers.

    Also in this case i highly doubt most (if any) outside "gamers" are interested in the scirra arcade.

    I don't know the numbers, but i have not seen anyone speak of it either.

    Ofcourse it is nice to show your game to other C2 game devs, but that can also be done in the w.i.p. forum section, and doing that, they can play the game as intended.

    No limits.

    2: Making money.

    If this is a goal, then (for me) this means only use the platforms where i can indeed sell my game. (example steam)

    Except for community building through a demo, which is Number 1: go where the gamers already are on their favorite online platform.

    Hmmm this means i am kind of saying don't use scirra arcade.

    In the case of "I am talking about the games that hope to get revenue " i think i am yes.

    I am biased about this maybe, but i think scirra arcade is great mostly for C2 user that are looking for feedback from other game devs.

    Personally i rather get feedback from non-dev-gamers.

    Don't know if anything i said here make's sense

    And no offense to any efforts scirra has made into the arcade.

    I love every thing they do, i just don't find everything as useful compared to my goals.

    But those are different to each.

  • Time Travel Vortex

  • Where is the like button for this post when you need it!!

  • X3M

    Thank you for clearing that for me.

    I will be looking forward to the future of this plugin.

  • X3M

    This is amazing.

    A few questions i do have because it is not clear to me.

    Is this?

    A: Just to make a "scene", where small interactions can be made.

    B: To make games.

    Both can be exciting of course.

    Multiple camera's can be added, so this can be set up for the

    Gear VR?

    Oculus Rift?

    HTC Vive?

    Running from a website, or standalone.

    That to me would be a absolute yes to buy when it is further developed.

    Thanks for the answers!

  • Thank you for the answer.

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  • Ashley

    Im testing the usermedia speech synthesis in NW.

    It then only has 1 voice, but with normal chrome it has multiple.

    Can i add more voice into NW?

  • Can i use this?