Why publishing on Scirra Arcade?

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  • Hi guys,

    sorry if this seems a sill question but actually I am serious about it.

    I am developing one game with C2 and at the moment, even if still as work in progress, is playable and hosted elsewhere because I can get some revenue from the ads of the hosting website. The revenue is just few cents, I got until now only 21 cents of dollar, so it is not for the money itself but it let me push more to work due to the idea of an utopian earning.

    I would be happy to publish my game here on Scirra Arcade but at the same time I am looking for an eventual revenue in the future. I will leave the first 20 levels free to play for now and let pay for the others 80 levels and the additional stuff. Once the game will be ready I will probably reduce the free game to 5 level.

    So my question is, what is the reason why you publish on Scirra Arcade, what are your goals and your plan to reach it? I am talking about the games that hope to get a revenue of course.

    I know that this is a good move to capture the attention on your game and catch the potential future players, but is there anything else to know?

    Please share with me your point of view because I am sure I will learn something new from you.

    Thank you!

  • Before you want to sell your game you have to finish it and you need people to be aware that he exists.

    -The Arcade can be used to host your work in progress, you can ask and get feedback from people browsing the Arcade.

    -You can do small games and host them on the Arcade to show people browsing the Arcade your style and the quality of your games.

    -You can host a demo of your game to attract people to your game.

    -The arcade doesn't have ads, people who don't like ads will play your game on the Arcade for this reason.

    Or you want to share a good game that you have done without thinking about the $2 you will earn in 5 years thanks to the ads

    (you won't be able to really earn this money because there will be a minimum $25 requested to get paid)

    Personally I have tried the Arcade but I had a bug with the musics and when I updated the game it didn't update.

    I removed my game and made it gamejolt exclusive without ads. (If one of my game attracts thousands of players I will think about the ads of course )

    And I like when the player can earn trophies , you can't with the Arcade right now.

  • quote

    "what is the reason why you publish on Scirra Arcade"

    "I am talking about the games that hope to get revenue "

    I can only talk about why i wont put a game on the arcade for this specific reason.

    A couple of things.

    1: Go where the gamers already are on their favorite online platform.

    Scirra.com is mostly a site for active C2 game developers.

    Also in this case i highly doubt most (if any) outside "gamers" are interested in the scirra arcade.

    I don't know the numbers, but i have not seen anyone speak of it either.

    Ofcourse it is nice to show your game to other C2 game devs, but that can also be done in the w.i.p. forum section, and doing that, they can play the game as intended.

    No limits.

    2: Making money.

    If this is a goal, then (for me) this means only use the platforms where i can indeed sell my game. (example steam)

    Except for community building through a demo, which is Number 1: go where the gamers already are on their favorite online platform.

    Hmmm this means i am kind of saying don't use scirra arcade.

    In the case of "I am talking about the games that hope to get revenue " i think i am yes.

    I am biased about this maybe, but i think scirra arcade is great mostly for C2 user that are looking for feedback from other game devs.

    Personally i rather get feedback from non-dev-gamers.

    Don't know if anything i said here make's sense

    And no offense to any efforts scirra has made into the arcade.

    I love every thing they do, i just don't find everything as useful compared to my goals.

    But those are different to each.

  • quote

    "what is the reason why you publish on Scirra Arcade"

    "I am talking about the games that hope to get revenue "

    I can only talk about why i wont put a game on the arcade for this specific reason.

    A couple of things.


    1: (taken from the 2011 tutorial, i guess these limitations still count...)


    Currently the Arcade only supports the built-in plugins and behaviors, except for the platform specific plugins (like the Windows 8 object). Also, the Browser object has limited features on the Arcade: any actions which can navigate to a different page are blocked for security reasons. Currently all third-party plugins and behaviors are not allowed. We'll be looking to improve this in future by adding more support, but each plugin and behavior must be carefully reviewed first to ensure the Arcade remains a safe and secure place to play games.


    So basically i don't want limitations on the functionality of my game.

    Making a separate version of the game just for the arcade would (to my logic) only be justified if the arcade means gold.

    Which i highly doubt it does.

    2: Go where the gamers already are on their favorite online platform.

    Scirra.com is mostly a site for active C2 game developers.

    Also in this case i highly doubt most (if any) outside "gamers" are interested in the scirra arcade.

    I don't know the numbers, but i have not seen anyone speak of it either.

    Ofcourse it is nice to show your game to other C2 game devs, but that can also be done in the w.i.p. forum section, and doing that, they can play the game as intended.

    No limits.

    3: Making money.

    If this is a goal, then (for me) this means only use the platforms where i can indeed sell my game. (example steam)

    Except for community building through a demo, which is Number 2: go where the gamers already are on their favorite online platform.

    Hmmm this means i am kind of saying don't use scirra arcade.

    In the case of "I am talking about the games that hope to get revenue " i think i am yes.

    I am biased about this maybe, but i think scirra arcade is great mostly for C2 user that are looking for feedback from other game devs.

    Personally i rather get feedback from non-dev-gamers.

    Don't know if anything i said here make's sense

    And no offense to any efforts scirra has made into the arcade.

    I love every thing they do, i just don't find everything as useful compared to my goals.

    But those are different to each.

    This is old info. You can use 3rd party behaviors now.

  • digitalsoapbox

    Thanks and edited

  • Thank you for your feedback guys!

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  • most of us publish on scirra arcade to get feedback of our unfinished works, for polished work, we go the traditional way of doing advertising, however Scirra arcade its a good place to start as any other no matter of the stage of your projects ie. Alpha,beta etc...

    one reason most of polished games in scirra arcade are because of the bellow statements.

    Posting Stats on scirra community forum to date (take or give 10k on total posts/topics cause of the bots that where flooding lately this year )

    595,217 total posts 200-500 posts daily .

    117,685 total topics 50-150 topics opened daily.

    273,118 registered users --- 5-10% active all time in forum

    as you can see the community it has a bit of a kick in it... and can help you push your first project marketing to a next stage from beginning.

  • That's a good feedback Gamecorpstudio. I might publish a temporary version of the game to get some additional feedback.

    Thank you

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