savvito123's Forum Posts

  • Thanks - but that will spawn anywhere on the screen don’t it?

    I need to endure they spawn along my race track, which is full of twists and turns.

    Apologies if I didn’t explain myself

    This is not spawn an object anywhere on the screen but at a square 100x100 px at upper left of the map.

    You can change this numbers at any time and move the square at any point of your map..

  • After the hit check if a bullet overlap at offset an asteroid and destroy it.

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  • Sorry , i did not get that.

    Can you please be more clear?

    How can i compare this 2 values?

  • So , its better to move the event (button on clicked compare frame = 3 shoot) up from the event (on shoot finished play default).

  • How many frames does your shoot animation has?

  • Try to compare the frame = 3

  • Hello everyone.

    I have a wheel that can be rotate by touch.

    and i rotate some layers

    Now if the wheel make a complete turn the layer make a complete turn also.

    Is there any way to make the layer to do a half turn if the wheel make a complete turn , so the wheel must make 2 complete turns and the layer one complete turn?

  • This is working and with an offline browser?

  • I think this working


  • Hi , a textbox that present the date using Browser.ExecJS("Date()")

    how can i compare if is the first day of the month?

    So , i need to compare the 3rd word of Browser.ExecJS("Date()") if its less than 1.

  • Thank you Cassianno .

    I make a new php file with the same header to read the txt file and it work.

  • For now i dont use any php file to read the data.

    Only to send i used php


    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

    $postdata = $_POST['postdata'];


    $file = 'Products_List.txt';

    // Open the file to get existing content

    $current = file_get_contents($file);

    // Append a new person to the file

    $current = $postdata;

    // Write the contents back to the file

    file_put_contents($file, $current);


    URL -> ""

    Data -> "postdata=" & URLEncode(Array.AsJSON)

    Method -> "POST"

    the file update with the arrays sets.

    When i try to read the Products_List.txt i use

    AJAX request -> ""

    Nothing happen on complete , on progress or on error.

    Cant AJAX read a txt file direct?

    Note that i use NW.js for export.

  • I finally done how to save data locally creating a new file in the user folder using NWjs. After that i send the arrays data using ajax and post it to 000webhost through php file. Php file send the data to txt file. All working. Now im trying to retreive the data from the txt file but didnt get it. Nothing get on ajax complete nothing to on ajax progress and nothing on ajax error. Is something wrong with my host i think. Any ideas?

  • Thank you both guys!