SamRock's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound

    Firstly, this is the best custom Behaviour I have seen on Construct2. I see so many possibilities now. Honestly if you had made this a paid plugin I would be the first one to buy it

    I was working on your Pathfind CAPx, again marvelous idea! I just have one issue. WIil try to explain with an example, I am using your pathfind CAPX, I created 2D grid starting from the top left corner on the "PathFind" layer. I want my Isometric map to be fix in middle of the screen so I disabled the "Scroll to Player" action.

    When I run the project, the Isometric view starts somewhere at the middle bottom of the layout. Is there a way I can make the isometric view centered to the layout? I have set parallax to 0,0 for both layouts.

    Any help would be really appreciated!!

    Attaching screenshot for ur reference

  • SparklingAir Thats strange!

    I am now worried now how my IAPs are doing! I dont have a device to test. May be you can try it once

    BTW, when testing in Sandbox are you using a different user ID or your Apple dev user id (in which case also I doubt IAP will work)?

    I cant think of anything right now! I hope the products are spelt right in your events , other than that everything looks in order. If possible post a screenshot of your iAP code

    EDIT: Saw your code, and it says "on Restore Purchase", shouldn't it be "On Product Purchase"?

    "Restore" is used only when you have reinstalled the game and want to restore past consumable purchases. Apple requires this to be a button in the IAP screen.

  • SparklingAir

    What about the Action "IAP.PurchaseProduct"? Does it trigger the Buy dialog box?

    The "On Purchase" is only triggered after a successfully purchase that is initiated by the above action call.

    Next, how are you testing your app on the device? TestFlight (using Production certificate) or Adhoc test (using Adhoc provision certificate)?

    If Adhoc, then I think the IAP will not work?

    Next whats the Status (eg: Ready for Review, Approved, Ready for Submission, etc) of your IAP in iTunes Connect?

    Lastly, whats the status of your iTunes Contracts? If Financial Contracts are not effective, then IAP will not showup in the game.

  • Toddler Not sure why it Admob PhoneGap, have you tried using the new Cordova Plugin for Admob? Also check if there is a reference to PhoneGap in the Additions.xmll file (Remove it and see the Cordova Plugin reference from Plugin Management screen)

  • I had the same issue of Interstitial not showing up on Android build. To make it work, all I did was remove the reference to Cordova Admob and re-add it again (Plugin Management screen)

    And IT WORKED!

    I am not sure what changed but this worked for me.

    On Android: Also if you are using Game Plugin (by Cranberyygame), you need to first add reference to cordova Admob and then add Game Plugin. Else there are some duplicate dependency files added to the project that causes build to fail. If Game Plugin is already present then remove it and add it after you referenced Admob.

    On iOS: The additions.xml seem to take care of the fact that lastest references are made before building the game.

  • Congrats .. Awesome progress since we last spoke!

    Very happy for you.... Are you still promoting your game or its now taking care by itself!

  • yes you have to use the C2 Official IAP plugin (unfortunately Cranberrygame doesnt support windows 10 yet)

    Just remember C2 IAP plugin doesnt have a "consume" action. So things like coins will remain "purchased" forever. Recently someone said he had modified the C2 IAP plugin to include the consume feature. I will look for him.

  • Thanks


    After I added the Cranberrygame Admob plugin, I am unable to build my game at all! And strangely the XDK log doesnt mention anything about Admob. It says duplicate reference for "" , which when I googld I found it refers to "Google Play Services"

    And notice in the below error log there are two google[lay references. Not sure if this is the issue. I had the same setup with official Admob plugin but never got any build error. BTW I switched to cranberrygame plugin becuase on iOS when an Ad is clicked and user comes back, the game restarts! I was hoping this issue is not present in Cordova plugin [quote:m8216155]

    Building a Cordova 5.1.1 application.

    Building with cordova-android 4.1.1.

    The application name is "Last of the Survivors"

    The package name is "com.gamessolidrock.lastofthesurvivors"

    Preference android-signed set to false. Application will not be signed.

    Using Crosswalk Embedded 15

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" (2.1.0) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-device" (1.0.1) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-device-motion" (1.1.1) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-payment-iap" (2.0.39) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-ad-adcolony" (1.0.40) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-ad-chartboost" (1.0.75) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" (1.0.1) installed.

    Plugin "" (1.0.0) installed.

    Plugin "" (21.0.0) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-game" (1.0.105) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-extras-google-play-services" (1.0.3) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-ad-admobsdk" (1.0.31) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-ad-admob" (1.0.106) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist" (1.1.0) installed.

    Plugin "cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview" (1.4.0) installed.

    App name updated to [Last of the Survivors]

    Updated "minSdkVersion" with "16"

    Updated "targetSdkVersion" with "19"

    Updated "installLocation" to "auto"

    Added "screenOrientation" to "landscape"

    Updated "versionCode" to "20050"

    Updated "versionName" to "0.5"

    Added "debuggable" to "false"

    Error: A build error occurred. Check the build log.

  • What do you mean by "replace Official Admob code with Corodova Admob"?

    Have you changed both C2 plugin and JS library?

    I meant, instead of removed C2's Admob object from my project, I changed the code to use cranberrygame 's Cordova Admob plugin. The events, action are all same as official plugin. Similarly using cranberrygame's IAP plugin instead of the official IAP plugin

  • I recently switched from Offical Admob to cranberrygame's Cordova Admob plugin (I know both are made by him)

    Now, the full screen ads are not appearing anymore! Banner works fine.

    Any idea whats going on? All I did was replace Offical Admob code with Corodova Admob

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  • So first of all I suggest to change the minSdkVersion.

    Thanks for the tip! I always thought of this but also wondered "What if there is user with high end device that can run my game" I guess its not worth anymore!

    Do try my game its an isometric endless zombie survival. Let me know how it performances you on phone

    I recently disabled Fadeout, Rain and Day Night cycle (can be enabled in Seetings screens)

  • Thanks for sharing this!

    Really excited.. of late many of my game 1star reviews are about how bad it performs on their devices. And frankly I had no control on it!

    This is really good news. I hope there will no issue with the existing plugins like Cranberrygame's Plugins.

    I had major issues when XDK moved to 5.1.1

  • A larger Screenshot would really really help

  • RenatoB


    I have properly configured my Admob account /adunits on my game but when I build on XDK and test it on a iPad there are no ads played. My game is live in App store now. (using additions.xml for all plugins)

    The same code works perfectly on Android (but I had added the Admob plugin separately, using blank addtion.xml file)

  • Title: Last of the Survivors


    Author: Me

    Price: $0.00

    Plugins used: Admob, Cranberrygame's (Adcolony, Chartboost, Game, IAP)

    Built using: Intel XDK