SamRock's Forum Posts

  • RenatoB

    Emptying Plugin references from Addition.xml is true only for Android! For some strange reason it doesnt work for iOS. Thats why I had to Cordava export from C2 to a new folder and leave the contents of the Addition.xml as it is. Created a new XDK project.

    I only removed Google Analytics and fixed the Product ID for Game plugin (was not required as its Google store, but still the Game Plugin XML is wrong).

    You dont need to add anything from Plugin Management screen. This is just like old time. Export from C2 and build as it is.

    Here is sample of how my addtion.xml looks like. Note I have added your Orientation code as well. But it doesnt work for me.

    <platform name="ios">
        <preference name="Orientation" value="landscape" />
    <intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="" intelxdk:value="" />
    <intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="" intelxdk:value="" />
    <intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="" intelxdk:value="">
        <intelxdk:param intelxdk:name="APP_ID" intelxdk:value="635233333330"/> 
    <intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="" intelxdk:value="" />
    <intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" intelxdk:value="org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" />[/code:wejuolom]
    Please help me with teh Orientation and Audio on CLI5
  • Nice game hazneliel

    hazneliel and SamRock

    I'm having problems to lock the orientation in the landscape mode when I use the Intel XDK to build a iOS application. Normally I use a code to fix it, but it only works if I build the app using the CLI 5.1. Before that, I used a cranberry plugin that doesn't work anymore. By the way, any of the cranberry plugins didn't work in the CLI 5.1 version (I already downloaded the latest versions). How can you do to fix this orientation problem? Do you use CLI 4.2 or 5.1 to build your games? Did you have success to publish your games with cranberry plugins in the CLI 5.1 version? I really appreciate any suggestion/help to fix this problem.

    Thanks in advance

    I am using CLI5.1.1 and all cranberry plugins work for perfectly fine for me! The secret is to leave the addition.xml file as it is, unless you adding some extra plugins. I had issues with Google Analytiics so I decided to remove it. Game Plugin, Adcolony, Admob and Chartboost working well.

    What plugin have you used?

    I am using problem with Landscape Orientation lock as well! How did you fix it on CLI5?

    Infact, I tried your suggestion from one of teh forum topics to add teh XML to Addition file. It didnt work. Plus I am having issues with Audio, were you have to play Sounds? How do I make sound work?

  • Hey!





    Thanks for the support. Just wanted to let you all know that Ashley and his team added support to Video Interstitial in recent C2 updates (infact few months ago)

    I have already implemented Video ads in my game. Works great!

  • Every tick might be a bad idea. The same "Browser" object has an event called "On Resumed"

    This is basically used when you pressed the HOME button or went out of the game and returned back.

    You can set your scroll to layout center in this event.

    Similarly there is an event called "On Suspended". Trigger when you go out of the game by pressing "HOME". Both events are good for Pausing and resuming the game

    BTW, what platform are you testing teh Orientation on?

    • Post link icon

    Ashley, I am testing my game n iOS (iPAD) and tried your suggestions of playing Sound at "End of Touch" event. I created a separate START screen when I placed a single button. On Touch end event, I am playing a sound file.

    But this does not enable the sound inside the next game screens. Am I doing something wrong? Would be nice if you could direct to a CAPX that has implemented this process for iOS

    Thanks again for your amazing support

  • hazneliel

    Wow! Thanks to the quick response and a sample CAPX! That was really nice of you

    Are you using any specific Window/Layout size or the ones given in your CAPX will do?

    BTW have you been able to get the sound to work in iOS?

    I tried the trick/hack to play audio at "End of Touch" event, but its not playing any sound after that. Thanks again for your help.

    Also, I was able to successfully test IAP (after Tax/Bank Contract was "In Effect") and Game Center (Enable Sandbox mode in settings->Game Center)

  • JLH1964 tavi I am close to getting my game ported to iOS.

    I always wanted to know if teh revenue from using iAd is better than adMob? I am using crannyberry's adMob plugin on Android. Since it support banner and fullscreen on Apple as weel I was wondering if I can generate good revenue compared to iAd?

  • Finally got my game on the App Store using the IntelXDK and the CRanberry IAPs.

    Sexy Runner:

    Hey! Just came across your game. COngrats on the successful iOS launch and getting your IAPs to work! Iam using cranberry as well. Just completed the Bank/Tax updations , waiting for Contracts to go into effect before I can test the IAP.

    I noticed that you have varying resoltion screenshots for iPhone and iPad. Did you manage to create a single project that supports all resolution? Would really appreciate if you can share your ideas <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Currently I am having a single resoltuion that looks okay on iPhones but having two ugly black bars in iPad <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

  • Hi all, I have been trying all day to solve this issue and its driving me loopy. I get as far the 'Build' section in Intel XDK but when I click on any of the options (Crosswalk for Android, iOS etc) I get an error which says:



    Unable to build. Please verify that you are connected to the internet and try again. (I DEFINITELY AM CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET

    plugin cordova-plugin-device does not exist.


    Does anyone have an idea how to fix this error? Thanks in advance.

    I know its an OLD post. For for people who prefer CLI5.1.1 (like me), in XDK,

      Just goto the Plugin Management Screen.
      Remove the "cordova-plugin-device" by clicking the minus button


      and re-add the same by clicking the + button.
      Goto Core Plugin and select "Device". Add "Splash" as well because it gets removed too.

    Then click on BUILD again. It should work now

  • cranberrygame

    I am getting the following error on XDK when I try to build my game for iOS:

    [quote:tedz9wwh]In file included from .../LastoftesurvivorsV4_iOS/platforms/ios/Last of the Survivors/Plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-admob/Admob.m:5:

    .../LastoftesurvivorsV4_iOS/platforms/ios/Last of the Survivors/Plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-admob/Admob.h:8:9: fatal error: 'GoogleMobileAds/GADAdSize.h' file not found

    #import <GoogleMobileAds/GADAdSize.h>


    1 error generated.

    Could you please help me out as soon as possible? I have borrowed an iPad Mac just for building purpose.

  • ondraayyy awesome tutorial!! I recently bought the Apple Dev account and borrowed a iPad for testing. I dont own a Mac (have a friend with one!)

    I followed all the steps, now I am trying to build my game using Intel XDK , but after I click green "build" button I get the following error


    ** BUILD FAILED **

    The following build commands failed:

    CompileC build/Last\ of\ the\\ of\ the\ Last\ of\ the\ Survivors/Plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-admob/Admob.m normal armv7 objective-c

    CompileC build/Last\ of\ the\\ of\ the\ Last\ of\ the\ Survivors/Plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-admob/AdmobOverlap.m normal armv7 objective-c

    CompileC build/Last\ of\ the\\ of\ the\ Last\ of\ the\ Survivors/Plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-admob/AdmobSplit.m normal armv7 objective-c

    (3 failures)

    Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: -xcconfig,.../LastoftesurvivorsV4/platforms/ios/cordova/build-release.xcconfig,-project,Last of the Survivors.xcodeproj,ARCHS=armv7 armv7s arm64,-target,Last of the Survivors,-configuration,Release,-sdk,iphoneos,build,VALID_ARCHS=armv7 armv7s arm64,CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=.../LastoftesurvivorsV4/platforms/ios/build/device,SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=.../LastoftesurvivorsV4/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch

    Command finished with error code 2: .../LastoftesurvivorsV4/platforms/ios/cordova/build --release,--device

    ERROR building one of the platforms: Error: .../LastoftesurvivorsV4/platforms/ios/cordova/build: Command failed with exit code 2

    You may not have the required environment or OS to build this project

    I am using CLI 5.1.1 (CW15), do you know if this is the issue?Should I downgrade to 4.x.x? Also do I need a MAC to build the game?

  • > San Ki Kwong, Can you describe better how to install?


    > I copied the files into the construct2 folder but they don't appear in the ide.

    > With construct2 closed, also tried to drag each file into the construct executable icon. Then Construct2 opens and it gives an error.

    > Do I have to drag the folder or individual files, and where to drop them ?

    > Thanks,


    > JD


    You have to drag and drop the .c2addon files into the IDE and it will install. Just make sure to restart the IDE for the plugins to take effect.

    and cranberrygame, I had previously bought and used most of these plugins and had created the individual plugin folders inside the C2/../plugins folder

    eg: C:\Program Files\Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\cranberrygame_CordovaAdColony[/i]

    Now when I drag the .c2addon I dont see this fodler getting refreshed with new version. I also dont see any new folder getting created for other new .c2addon that I add to C2. But when I restart C2, I see teh new plugins in the Object Dialog!!

    So my question is where are these Plugins installed on our local machine? I am asking because I periodically check for new updates and keep my plugin folder updated.

    Thanks in advance for the help!

  • I would consider paying more than C2 if we have :

    1. Solid "UNIVERSAL" Ads and IAP plugins in place. Right now monetizing our games is a nightmare, we have to run behind Plugin developers for every single issue.

    2. Support for making Isometric perspective games including map editor, path finding. Elevation (slopes/upper floors)

    3. Animation screen to tweak frames per second and see the result instantly , rather than having to run the game everytime

    4. Native(C3) support for Dialog box system (Message box, Popup, Input box) where we can assign our own sprites(background and buttons) and call them in a single line of code. Currently we have stitch together number of small sprites to build various popup screens. Managing the Click event for each button and handling Visible/Invisible properties becomes a nightmare after a while!!

    5. Inbuilt function that automatically tells me if users is on a Touch Device or PC with Keyboard and mouse. This will help us decide if we need to show users instructions for Touch or KB/Mouse (if on PC).

    6. At runtime, allow us to DESTROY/Flush out assets from Layout that are no more needed so that some memory is cleared. I know C2 loads all the graphics into memory when a Layout is loaded. But often there are sprites that are no more needed after certain time. Eg: I show users set of instruction of a large Popup box that will appear only first few time. After that it doest have to appear anymore, in this case I should be able to tell C3 to remove these sprites from memory.

    7. Native support to create and test Font Sprites

    8. Universal Leadership and achievement board plugins for all major platform (Android, iOS and Windows)

    Again, I love C2 so much.. I might end up buying C3 anyways

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  • Unhy no my friend. As you can see.. I never got any response

    But people from Intel XDK forum said that these errors can be ignored. But its still resulting in crashing the game

  • Thanks SamRock! It works now! And no im not that guy hehe

    Glad to know it worked for you!!

    Of late, XDK has been a nightmare for many!