Thank You!!!
But still i have some problems, i don't know if i do something wrong (maybe other guys have same issues), but as i remember with 2-3 previous updates i have no issues.
So, inside construct 2 i have: admob official, phonegap game, phonegap iap and browser official plugins. All good, all working perfectly!
Now export + build with intel xdk latest update.. Details:
1. Import plugins:
a. cordova-plugin-ad-admob
b. cordova-plugin-game
c. cordova-plugin-payment-iap
d. cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
2. Next settings..
a. Cordova whitelist: Navigation -> Blank
b. External -> *
c. Internal -> *
d. Minimum Android API: 14
e. Target Android API: 19
f. Crosswlak Runtime -> Embedded: 15
3. Next at develop panel i clean all inside: additions.xml
4. I build, all good, download, sign and finally install and run in my device.
The issue:
I have a button for no ads, a play button, a rate button, etc etc
When for example i press to no ads btn, a new small window open (as always) and ask for purchase. I close it. So after this, can't touch anythings in my game. Something like lag, i heard my touch sounds (when i touch a button) but nothing. Need to close my game and open it again. As i understand something wrong with browser, i don't know.
The game in case don't press at no ads button is running 100%. And the ads (banner, full) are working well!
My questions:
1. Anyone have above issues?
2. Is this something with my plugins which import in intel xdk?
3. Is this something wrong with the latest update of intel xkd?
4. Anything else?
Thanks again!!!