saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • have you tried the last penelope?

  • go through your objects (Selecting them in right panel) and disable collisions for each on the left (for those that do not need collision)

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  • you can't sell unwanted apps because noone wants them.

    0 interest = 0 money.

  • give it solid behaviour, and make sure you have set solids in pathfinding.

    because your objects move - you will have to regenerate their obstacle map constantly. i recommend setting

    each 0.2 sec regenerate obstacle map - so that your objects get updated positions of their obstacles (they are obstacles to each other), and then call find path again to the point they have to go and move along.

  • thnx for fast answer, but i've been misunderstood on a few notes.

    1. - yeah i thought there was some other way except then using variables, but forgot about strings too

    2. but i think that it doesn't work when you put pick something1 and pick something2 in the same event because - what if there isn't one of those objects? it fails (with && operator), but with | (or) it will pick only one and if it is picked - it will skip the 2nd (if it even exists), and probably fail to destroy ? or if 2nd isn't picked which one gets destroyed?

    3. oh, i could definitely use on created to pin. how do i though get the flags instance if it was created with container?

    4. i know how to move them down, but how to not destroy them outside layout? (i want them to be destroyed outside layout on the bottom side, but not on the upper side), and to spawn them offscreen a bit above the layout to glide them downwards.

    about the timer - i know for timer, but i want random spawns or different spawns (set by me), not every x seconds. because i sometimes spawn stuff after 3 sec, sometimes 10 sec passes and then something gets spawned, and etc..

  • hey guys..

    i'm havin' a bit of trouble understanding if this can be done in c2 - someone more exp. could help me.

    so i'm tryin' to create a function that works for everything of some type. example:

    function "solids health calculate" (Arg1, arg2):
       -pick solid where uid = arg1       -      remove arg2 hp from that solid
       if hp > 0  .. do something
       if hp < 0 .. do something etc..[/code:npfbxchw]
    now there's a little problem with this - i have 5 big solids and 2 small solids, i want small solids to spawn different explosion then the big ones. how can i check of which type they are if they're put into a family? (i'd like to skip checking for each object type :/ or creating 2 families) 
    also if i got 2 items pinned to a object - can i destroy them in one event or do i have to check in each event separately (by getting them with UIDs) ? 
    pick  something1  where uid = someUID
    pick something2 where uid = someUID2                   - destroy something1, destroy something2
    pick something1 where uid=someUID   - destroy something1
    pick something2 where uid = someUID2 - destory something2 
    also - is it faster to update some wannabe pinned object every 1 sec/0,5sec, or use pin behaviour? 
    question no. 3.
    if i create a boat, add to that boat a flag in container and want that flag pinned on the top of the boat, how can i make sure that when object is created (with container) will have that flag pinned, or do i have to manually pin it every time?
    and last question:
    i need to create stuff that goes downwards, but i want it to appear outside layout and move downwards, how can i do that? also, i want stuff to appear for the next few minutes, how do i control when it is created (except with the "wait" function) ?
    currently i have something like this:
    [code:npfbxchw]  wait 2 sec - create island ..
         wait 5 sec  - create 2nd island 
         wait 8 sec  - create something
             wait 4 sec - create mine
             wait 10 sec - create some stuff 
                 wait ... and so on[/code:npfbxchw]
  • i'm just gonna drop this here...

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  • i think there's a lot of jquery vs javascript jsperf examples that show pure javascripts speed over 10-1000 times faster depending on the use case.

    anyway my point was that c2runtime could be optimized even more (i've found a couple examples and i intend to post a list of changes with all data / old vs new testing, code, 10 runs, average etc..)

    i know that mostly problems for people who export are in crosswalk and xdk, but i'm pretty sure there's much to be done here too.

    jayderyu - thnx

    also i didn't check how much jquery does c2 use, but i thought it was a small amount since i didn't find much of it anyway.

  • i've noticed that jQuery is being used by construct and i've read that its performance it not so huge, it's okay for web sites, but i think it slows down games.

    also i've seen some performance comparisons here:

    where you can see massive difference in OPS/s between vanilla JS and jquery.

    what i'm mostly concerned about is getting DOM elements - if they're handled every tick for drawing/redrawing/etc., using vanilla would improve performance pretty

    much, don't you think Ashley?


  • yes, i know particles are my huge slowdown and some other stuff i'm working on to make it faster, the game is just in alpha phase, but soon it will be beta (approx 2-3 weeks)

    and then stuff should work much much faster and better.

    also the gameplay should be complete by then

  • random (1,3) if 0 rustles your jimmies.

    check my example on last page.

    each tick my event is hit in this order:

    1. if any enemy that is in family Enemies has a line of sight towards boatPlayer (your boat that you controll)

    a) what is important here is that engine already checks on ALL of them on screen! (no need for foreaches)

    b) if one has no line of sight - there's no need to check other conditions so it moves on to next

    c) when all enemies are iterated and checked in that TICK - those who have all conditions met will shoot, others won't

    2. check if FiringDisabled = 0 (it's a instance var which describes if some enemy can shoot at that moment, used it to set up timer) - if it's 0 - firing is not disabled - therefore you can shoot. if(1) - can't shoot - will SKIP that enemy again! and internal foreach will move on to the next enemy (in that tick)

    3. check if kamikaze = 0 (another instance var which describes if my boat shoots or doesn't shoot) - kamikazes (where kamikaze = 1) rush into you, other boats shoot. if that condition is not met next - again in that tick it skips all the enemies that are kamikazes.

    4. if animation death is not playing (checking if enemy is dead)

    now what happens next?

    in that same tick if all 4 conditions are met - has line of sight + firingDisabled = 0 + kamikaze = 0 + is NOT playing "death" animation

    THEN - that one enemy that met all those conditions - spawns a cannonball, sets it's angle towards me, bullet speed, and runs a timer that says "Enable firing" for some time..

    now what is important here is - THIS TIMER IS LIKE A LOCAL VARIABLE. it's bound to the instance it's called from.

    internally an ENEMY that has timer has only his local timer.

    now another important part here - i SET FiringDisabled = 1 FOR THAT INSTANCE (which is automatically selected internally) - right after timer kicks in. now as i watch this code i come to a conclusion - timer kicks in, but my event moves on - therefore timer works on another thread waiting for some time to end.

    anyway setting firingdisabled to 1 i've disabled this instances shooting, because in the NEXT TICK when this instance is selected again and it's conditions are checked - it will FAIL on condition 2. (CHECK UP in the post) - because it can shoot only when firingDisabled =0. now the timer is counting and that boat isnt' shooting, but once the time has passed, internal TIMER of that single instance (let's say for example it was set to 1SEC and we have 60FPS whole time), will call a function and set THAT INSTANCES variable firingDisabled back to 0. once it does, IN NEXT TICK - when your enemy is selected again and all 4 conditions up there are met - he will shoot again, set the variables and call timer again.

    now you probably wonder why i metioned 60FPS and 1SEC. if your timer is let's say 1 SEC for something and you have 60FPS ingame, that means 60 TICKS per second when everything is recalculated. that means that THAT INSTANCE OF BOAT is selected 60 times in a sec and it's conditions for shooting are evaluated 60 times, AND THEY MUST BE written really good - because one condition is false - SKIP, all are true - enter into event!

    and selection is already done internally by engine.

  • X is on screen - destroy

  • sorry i haven't even read the first post.

    anyway it's not bugged as much as i know, but it's 99% that you've made a mistake somewhere and it's hardly reachable / understandable where. that happens because we have events based engine which is sometimes hard to decrypt what happens.

    anyway this could also happen if timers use threading. using many threads (each minion owning a thread) could cause issues if undelayin' performance is bad or optimization is not perfect. i've had my share of playin' with threading in c# where lots of stuff is perfectly declared what you can do and can't do, and trust me, it becomes a pain in the *** over some time to sync events.

    using wait probably pauses that single picked instance and blocks that thread until time runs out and continues the thread then. using timer probably creates a new thread for counting down the time and stuff gets easily bugged. if wait works for you, then use it. if you really really really want to use timer, at least supply the part of code where we could see what happens and direct you into fixing stuff (or waste another day finding why it happens).

    (it's the same as when i optimized 6 events shooting into 1 event (works like a charm ) )

    also why would you use "timer.time - 1 sec" thing?

    i'm a show you a part of my code how i set how often my enemies shoot. (Timers)


    oh yeah, difficulty - easy, medium and hard are described by 1,2,3.

    so you get 1.2*(8/3*1) = ~ 3.2 sec for easy, ~2 sec for medium and 1.2 sec for hard.

    oh yeah, i think i could have done this differently too - set a timer that is called every those sec, and call the upper function (swap places of on timer ) - but i think that would be slower. why? timer would fire it's part of code every time. and this way i check if fireing is disabled, if it is don't fire timer. else fire it.

  • i have a need for


    https://2abb79433838504cbbafafd3207b5c6 ... ZCWGkxWjA/

    the game is in semi state - this is only one level with lots of things messed up, but you can drive, shoot, and more.

    i would like if you could specify me your PC, average FPS and when do you get slowdowns.

    remember - THIS IS A PC GAME!!!! don't play on mobiles/tablets/phones/whatever it won't work!

    also - no sound yet!

  • use

    foreach  object
    object is on screen              - do something