saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • i don't know where you got it's a small database but ok.

    also creating a UWP will get you pc/tablet/phone/xbox all in one.

    also -

    maybe mobile is small in comparison to android/ios but overall microsoft has more users that ios and android together <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> (since there is no android pcs and such)

    whatever you choose it's fine with me, but if you want to maximize your revenue i'd go for all platforms, each penny counts <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • will it be available on windows store too? (developer accounts are free now)

    if it will be, notify me and i'll check the game, i've got lumia 930 currently only on disposal for testing games, no android / ios phones yet

  • hey everybody..

    Ashley - i have a question (or few), i've exported html 5 pure empty project with nothing in it, nonminified, and i've noticed after running it in visual studio and some web analyzer that a lot of bugs suddenly appears (as you can see on image).

    now i've ran through these warnings and stuff and i've noticed that some are really "heavier" bugs that might cause some overheads when compiling / running because they create exception objects and traverse upwards until they find a catch statement to be thrown or caught. so this might be a problem maybe that is flooding c2 currently.

    i've also attached a c2runtime.js that is cleaned of these bugs, you can use araxis merge / kdiff and compare it to normal exported empty project c2runtime.js to see the changes and tell me what you think? could you insert those fixes for next release? (they might not improve performance and all, but they might create more stability though) ... me.js?dl=1

    p.s. if you wonder how i found those bugs - download visual studio 2015 community, install everything (cordova tools and all), export empty project, open visual studio, create blank apache cordova app, copy c2runtime.js to www/scripts folder, open tools, extensions and updates, find Web Analyzer tool, install, restart VS, and open again the same project and opet c2runtime.js in visual studio, after a few sec it will show you errors like on picture above.

  • can top down sprites and their animations be done with spriter? for example - i want a spider, looking on him from above and create an animation that shows his leg moving... is that possible?

  • no, the build is not the same. and that's the difference.

    read more about it here: ... d-run-app/

    also this might be usefull for some: ... pp-apache/

    though as glerikud said, it's not native.

  • i'd still use visual studio and it's builder.

    you create a new cordova app, add stuff in, through plugin browser add crosswalk and build it. you get an apk, signed and aligned.

  • funny it's a game vs game creator finals. just sad.

  • agreed, don't really have time to pack an apk, i could do it sometime this week if people want me to... non crosswalk version though

  • you can try running my ******** game in browser on android / ios, here's the link: ... index.html

    just turn debug in options to see framerate / cpusage (it's around 80MB so prepare for a long download <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> )

    it got everyhting for testing purposes, lots of enemies, particles, moving stuff, tiled sprites, and more.

    speaking generally of performance it's good, crosswalk improves xdk improves, you can even use visual studio to build your games and so on.. things are moving forward fast .)

  • probably was.

  • it's possible to create some small scaled, multiplayer turn based games.

    there is simply too much of varaibles for real time MMO on mobile devices. for example - signal strength if you move around, won't be consistent. also weak hardware compared to PC (imagine 10000 people moving on screen - > huge network and CPU performance needs) and more...

  • i think mmo for mobile devices is currently way off. especially REAL-TIME MMO.

    what could be done though is turn based MMO through database. you update your states to database and the game periodically refreshes it to check for new states, if different then existing, change the existing.

    though that would need a lot of info passed in/out

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  • size doesn't really matter (except for the apk size, but nothing else).

    it's not the same for each project, but it can be.

    why? when you add to an object for example - behaviour "bullet" and "turret" - you get 20 lines of code in c2runtime, 10lines for each.

    in other project you have bullet and no turret behaviours - you are spared 10 lines of code.

    therefore you save.. well.. big massive max 1KB

  • hey guys just to show you that update 2 Rc was released for vs 2015,

    also containing an update to Cordova:

    "Update 5 - Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova"

    you can see changelog here: ... e-update-5

    it's for those who build their games with VS

  • i agree..

    for example it's hard to pick objects by their family, and random spawn them. on the corners of the window.

    in my 1 lvl game i had stuff moves from upper part to lower, and i have to spawn objects and then set each object on -y coordinate. because i can't use random object name from a list to spawn that object i have to pick exact object and spawn it, and then set it's y correctly. when i spawn something random from family i can't know which one was spawned, that's why i would see great benefit from spawning from variable / string / random in list of strings,