Rushino's Forum Posts

  • Umm.. I just installed the new build r163. It is supposed to have an included Wii U plugin ? Just wondering cause its not there in my plugin list and when i try to export there no wii u option. Just curious why .


  • Afterall the best solution was with a instance property. Pick is really different from ForEach. Sometime we are more looking for a ForEach than a Pick.

  • Umm.. i don't know fully the problem you had but i know Trigger Once doesn't pick instances. all it do is actually trigger your actions once the conditions become true or false.

    I tried another solution which seem to work (based on a post from Arima)

    Pick Xyz where IsEnabled = 1

       Trigger Once

              (change animation)


       Trigger Once

              (change animation)

    This variation actually work very well too. Trigger Once can act alone cause no condition mean true basically.. so if it turn out to be true it won't be executed again. But i wonder if this is safer than..

    Pick Xyz where IsEnabled <> 1

    Trigger Once

         (change animation)

    Pick Xyz where IsEnabled = 1

    Trigger Once

         (change animation)

    For sure both doesn't do the same thing but you know that IsEnabled can be TRUE or FALSE so an ELSE might not be needed in my case. I found ELSE to be useful in toggle scenario between 2 actions.

  • Interesting solution! the idea is to simulate the trigger once on an entity then.

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  • Hi,

    How do you use Trigger Once in conjonction of checking if an instance variable is TRUE do something, ELSE do something ?

    Is that the way to do it ?

    + Condition

    + Trigger Once

         o Actions...

    + Else

    + Trigger Once

        o Actions...



  • You seem right.. anyway i tried on another keyboard and it worked. Probably a "ghosting" problem we often see around. For anyone interested..

    Thanks and sorry for the trouble.

  • Tried with is down event + triggered once isntead of on pressed and it still do the same thing except this time there is a delay of 2 seconds before he jump when he running left and no delay when he running right. Strange.

  • This is a nasty bug with the platform object or keyboard object i found while doing some test with my game. I dunno why it do this (or i missed something?) and i have been able to reproduce it. At first i though i was crazy.. but it seem to be related to the "F" key.. i tried with the other keys but doesn't seem to be reproduced.

    Then i tried setting the jump key to something else.. lets say the X key. I found out that if the key that i am holding is "F" the same behaviour will happen.. can't jump while heading left.

    But the strange thing is that i tried setting it to H. The behaviour act as normal.. and the player can jump even if i am holding the F key.

    So there something that seem to be related to the F key.

    Link to .capx file (required! If link is blocked remove the http and www parts):

    Steps to reproduce:

    So far, this can be reproduced using the F key set as JUMP. The bug happen when your walking left while your holding any other key (at least it do it with key near F such D) and then using F as the JUMP key.

    1. Hold D key then move toward right (Don't stop moving) and press jump key "F". It work fine.. as expected.

    2. Now, hold any key D key as you did in step 1 and then move toward left this time (Don't stop moving) and press jump key. It doesn't work.

    Observed result:

    The player doesn't jump when the player is moving to the left with a key being hold and then using the jump key "F" but this work if he moving to the right.

    Expected result:

    The player should jump while going at right or left no matter the direction he is using with the key "F" set as jump.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: Yes same thing happen.

    Firefox: Can't test, didn't installed it.

    Internet Explorer: Yes same thing happen.

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64 Bits

    Construct 2 version:


    Thanks a lots!

  • You can have IsKeyDown to act like IsKeyPRessed by using Trigger once through.

  • Hi,

    I am concerned about the execution time of the use of IsKeyDown instead of triggered IsKeyPressed. Is there any noticable differences ?

    In fact, this is because i designed a function for gamepad support that enable me to detect either if he moved the axis out of the deadzone in 4 directions or a button press since it seem that the axis index registered is the same for left and right or up and down so i think the only way is to compare axis value to detect this (correct me if i am wrong..). Doing this i can�t use triggered events to detect a gamepad key press.. (I am comparing against a keys mapping dictionnary and he could have set jump to the second analog stick as a example and if he mapped example right analog i must be able to detect it with my function before any other button key press so that is why i can�t use a triggered event otherwise i would have to make an event check for axis detection AND an event check which is a triggered event that check for a button press for same action i want to do).

    Any ideas ?


  • Just a question regarding controls mapping preference..

    I am currently making a mapping system and i was wondering if i should offer the possibilty for the player to map the axis stick OR a specific key for the moving action ?

    Normally the player would map the axis.. but should i still support the ability to make like the A button to this action even if that make no sense ?

    So i was wondering if any would offer both possibilities. Problem is that if i accept both possibilities that mean for each action i should check if its an axis specific key or a button. I know the axis return an index but it won't tell you if you moved right or left.. or up or down since there only 2 index for an axis.


  • Alright thanks!

  • Hi,

    Just wanted to know.. are the webstorage key unique and shared between apps or based on only one app ? would be good to know so this way i would use a prefix.


  • Nevermind, i developped an algorithm to increase the performance of the read of my CSV data to about 90%! It now take 1 sec to load instead of 5-6. I avoided the use of tokenat for this operation, it was the bottleneck. I used a While with a virtual cursor and find to go through the data which was way more faster!

    Thanks for the help through!

  • WEll i am trying to parse the CSV data of a .tmx file (Tiled) it is basically one full row of a very big lenght (2,073,600 x2 entries for a dual layer level of 1920x1080) it actually take 6 seconds and i was trying to reduce that load time.