> Maps are created in Tiled and then the game read them.
> So yes, i am using the same technique. The idea is that Tiled format is XML.. so basically you can do what you want. You only read what you need. There nothing fancy. But the format is open. Which mean anyone can modify it. This can be problematic with some games.. but not with mine cause anyway there is no reason to encrypt it or blocking access to it. If the player want a good experience... he won't cheat by opening the file and modifying it. He could but what the point in the end ?
I am interested to know why you made a system for working with Tiled Rushino? Do you feel like the C2 native support for tilemaps is not strong enough or something? I was reading about C2's tilemap support and it seems like C2 can do everything that Tiled is able to do? Do you find it easier to make the game maps in Tiled or something?
Well, there many reasons. Sure levels could be done directly in C2 with tilemap, but there are caveats unfortunally. The idea here was to make the game somewhat open to levels making and DLC.
1- Yes, it is easier to work with Tiled to make the maps and i have the ability to save the file in the end.
2- The screenshot doesn't show it.. but there can be easily 100 levels connected. So that mean one frame per level.. plus you have to add an instance of each objects you gonna use. Not talking also about the inventory which have to fellow each level.. This is not one frame with the 100 levels togheter. Each levels are seperated and loaded dynamically. For me this is a lots easier to work with. I did that also for increasing performance in case i export it to another platform. I wanted a metroid kind of game where levels feel connected to each other.
3- Tiled have some useful features for tilemap such filling tiles.
4- I can work with a level designer which is currently what i am about to do.
5- Its possible to bring DLC levels in without having to remake a whole build.
6- Players will be able to make their own levels at some point.
7- Easier for me to make the minimap. All i have to do is when i load all the levels internally i simply create the necessary data for the minimap aswell.
8- Etc...
I could also have done a custom one.. but why not reusing what already there ? Tiled is open source and work very well for my needs.