Rozen's Forum Posts

  • Hey all, I have completed(for the most part) this game idea I have been working on.

    The prologue and core work of the game has been written out very precisely of how I would like the game to be developed, the only catch being that you need to be familiar with/and or understand the concept of deception implemented into a game. This will involve manipulation of the player's mind involving lack of context to surrounding elements(time, setting, clues/memories).

    This game will be a massive mind bender, so do not attempt unless you believe you have the mental capacity for this.

    I am looking for a dedicated worker that will be in contact with me at least one time per day(A simple "hey man, finished this bit up" will do).

    We will personally discuss details via Skype or any form of contact you prefer and I am comfortable using.

    Price of project will be discussed personally with me, and after a NDA has been completed, the NDA being generated by me.

    I have a packaged up preview of drawn images to create a basic idea of the look and feel of this game, the initial look will be minimalistic and not heavily graphics based, and more of a simulation based game with a bit of technicality mixed in.

    tl;dr: I am very excited to propose my game project, and believe you will come to love creating it. I am willing to pay for the project's completion and am seeking an intelligent mind capable of understanding the core concept of the game and creating a very similar finished product in comparison to the plans I have created.

    Any interested person can directly message me using this website, a Skype profile will be provided to any notable people requesting more information to this project.

    Thank you for your time.

  • If you absolutely want to have only 1 weapon loaded in the layout, I don't see other technique but a layout per weapon, and dynamic loading of everything else, as you can't create an object in a layout in C2 if it wasn't created at the start of the layout.

    In that case, I would still use the same layout for multiple weapons that have the same animations, as you may be able to spare a little more memory here too.

    That being said, you sure can put more than 1 weapon in a layout. Plus, if you destroy it at the start, depending on the device, the memory will be free automatically (I may be mistaking, if anyone has more precise info).

    So you are telling me if I place every piece of weapon and armour into the layout but when the layout is officially loaded when previewing the game I can run a line saying something like:

    OnStartOfLayout - *armour.destroy() and *weapon.destroy()


    Now if that is possible(I will test later) will I be able to do something like this?

    (While in shop)


    Sword1.Unpin, Sword1.destroy, Player.createSword2(x,y), Sword2.Pin(Player, x, y) ? or with any other sword and armour?

  • <bump> Anyone? </bump>

  • Yes, this is actually quite easy to do. Here, I'll draw up an image:

    While the player is in the trigger area, the flare will line up with the player and will be set to visible until it is out of the trigger area.

    Each individual circle will immitate a ring of light, like a beam.

    You will want each individual circle to line up with the flare, and slowly decrease in Y coordinate so it looks like it is getting more in your face as it follow the player and the player gets closer to the origin. (the formula for the flare will be a pain in the **** so good luck.)

  • Instance Variables

    Boolean: Red1 touching Red2 (R1R2) = false

    Boolean: Red1 touching Red3 (R1R3) = false

    Boolean: Red2 touching Red3 (R2R3) = false


    IsColliding(Red2) with (Red3) - Set R2R3 (true)

    Else R2R3 (false)

    IsColliding(Red1) with (Red2) - Set R1R2 (true)

    Else R1R2 (false)

    IsColliding(Red1) with (Red3) - Set R1R3 (true)

    Else R1R3 (false)

    Then you will want to do something like this:

    R1R2(true) - Red1.destroy, Red2.destroy, Red3.destroy

    (condition) R2R3 (true)

    (condition) R1R3 (true)

  • I have not heard of any way of going about doing this so your best bet is to create a variable that increases over a few ticks and set your gain to the negative of that variable and when it is greater than 20, move to the layout

  • I set up a system with global variables, example:

    Global Variable - WeaponDamage = 0

    (onEntity.hit) - SubtractFrom:Entity.Health(WeaponDamage + yourothervariables)

    (OnPlayer.EquipWeapon) - Function("UpdateWeaponDamage")

    OnCallFunction("UpdateWeaponDamage") - SetValue:WeaponDamage = (weaponyouequipped).Damage

    The Damage in weaponyouequipped is an instance variable you decide for it.

  • The tag of a song is the name you saved the song as to your music/sound folder

  • Hi, i'm currently developing an RPG game that is based on skills, and training your stats up to get better weapons but I have managed to encounter an issue in which after 3 days of pondering and testing I have not been able to find a solution for.

    I wish to ask how would I go about creating a single weapon into the layout that the player has equipped/bought and I only want 1 weapon to be loaded onto the layout at a time because I don't want a lot of memory in the graphics processor taken up by unused entities/sprites.

    I wish to make the game work something like this:

    On start of layout: System.CreatePlayer(x, y) then System.CreateWeapon(x, y) then System.CreateArmour(x, y) BUT the issue is how would I make the system only create the specific weapon without having to have all the weapons and armour loaded into the game at one time?

    It would be great if anyone who has surpassed this issue before could quickly post a response on how to fix this soon

  • You could force the game to a new layout while saving the score in a global variable, and while doing that you have an entire layout to decorate and make look good :) While you are at it with all that room in the layout you could show previous scores. But to center it in the new layout just create an object that's invisible at the top left of the screen or center and play with the image point until it's almost dead center, then edit the board by using the even sheet and doing something like:

    OnCreated(Board) setX : invisSprite.X + (number) / SetY : invisSprite.Y + (number)

  • What are the requirements, are there Age restrictions? How will you communicate to your co-workers, do you have a file transfer system set up, how will you communicate invoice payments to your co-workers so you can split profits evenly, and lastly what is the payment method?

  • YouTube has several videos on how to create a main menu screen in CS2.

    An example of how to create a main menu for Construct 2 would be to create a sprite, and on your event sheet for that layout do

    Sprite.OnClicked(Mouse.LeftClick) - System.Gotolayout(InsertLayout)

  • Sorry for the late response, I believe you could maybe call an action on creation for the object to set it's position to a random integer within window.minimumX (far left of screen) and window.maxX (far right of screen)

    Example: On Created (object.Platform) - Platform.Set X (

    // So that it chooses a spot between those two, im not exactly sure how to call a random number so you will have to find that out on your own.

    Have fun!

  • Add an instance boolean(false) to the player, when it collides with the verticle wall make it set the instance boolean to true (So it can jump again); next Do keyboard.input.spacebar check to see if the instance boolean is true every time. Also make the ground change the boolean to true so it can jump after it lands.

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  • ^ This solves the binding problem, but what about the loading part? I don't want to have 50 pieces of armour bound to the player at the same time, how would I go about setting the articles of clothing/armour and making those specific pieces bind to the player and not all of them?