Ribis's Forum Posts

  • Thanks man you are the best. So simple to do it and I was creating such a retard and buggy way to do it lol.

    You are welcome

  • I need to change the gravity constantly. When the object hit a wall I need to change the gravity of the object with platform behavior in order to keep walking like if the wall was the floor (or roof or in whatever position)

    Since using the angle of the solids doesn't work, I can't find anything that could keep track of these angle changes.

    Someone have any idea how to do this?


    I made an easy example

  • Btw I find it amusing that we have that many users well-versed in the art of programming C2 claims "no programming required" (which I personally find a bit misleading, the logic of event sheets is similar to light/gameplay-programming), yet it attracts people with a technical background ! Mostly for the productivity when creating small applications or testing prototypes, I guess.

    yes, you are right, construct2 it's a powerfull tool and you can do the most of thing just with your logic...

    if you programming, construct2 it's like a piece of cake, I remember when I tried the first time, I just learn in 2 days how to do the most of thing, (I read the manual just for the expression or something else) but because I was using action script and a little bit of lua .... I remember, with Lua for do the same thing here you have to waste a lot of time, really... with construct2, in 1 hour you can make a easy gameplay and see how works well

    very easy to use and very powerful!

  • Very good work I like it!! now I don't have a controller with me but I will try it...

    just one question....

    why you don't use Unity?

    I see a lot of works in 3d, Unity isn't too much complicate... I mean, all of those screenshot/video/background are from your work in 3d right? if you have all asset ready, you can actually make a level in 3d with a good prospective camera...

    for me would be more difficult to import all asset and make everything in 2d with construct2...

    I would like to see how can be in Unity

  • I try to make this example, but doesn't works...

    someone have some idea?

  • I have an array like this





    I would like to sort tha array from the first value, and when I use:

    Sort Y axis,

    the sort take the third value....

    Someone have some suggestion?

    Thank you

  • yes, is possible but it's hard, you need to know php/java and mysql.... if you want to make a game online like farmville or something like that... if you know that, the difficult part it's just make a good gameplay with a very good art...

    if you want to make simple, like play offline, it's easy...but doesn't make anysense to me...

  • Ribis

    How to save? I haven't tried that and no idea so far

    You have to send a data with AJAX (like JSON string...variables...etc) and use php to save the file or send variable to your database...

    In my game, I save all of the data on my server, every level has the json file in the folder of the user, to save the progress of every level, and I store the coin, life, update of the user....etc in a database

    1° make a registration page (very easy, just let's make an user, pass and choose a random ID), if it's for facebook, you make a registration at the start with his UID, username, email...etc

    2° Contruct2, will send a data (user,ID,password,email...etc) via AJAX to a php file, and the php file will insert the data on your database, and also, you can make a folder from the ID of the user in your server.

    3°now, the problem it's when save the data... for the most of the game you don't have to think so much about this, for example, for the most game, you can use a checkpoint, a savegame button...etc... so, very easy, and you can store the savegame of the level in your server (think about a tilemap, if you destroy a terrain, collect some special item...)

    4° now, in my game, I send a JSON string from the Array, and my php file will make a file in .JSON in a folder of the user with the name of the level.

    5° at the start of the game, construct2 will load the variable of the database, and check if exsist any savegame for the level, if there is a savegame, just load the JSON file.

    just simple script of php, you can find everything on the web and in a official manual of php

  • Good call, thx.

    I'm getting a jittery cam shaking when doing this:


    Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

    look this example

  • I don't suggest to use webstorage for this kind of stuff...

    I mean, if there is a shop in your game,for update something etc...and use coins or other things and the player just remove all cache (I remove the cache of the browser 5 time a week) he will lost everything.... also some software clean all cache of the browser for safe...

    I suggest you to use a server to save a personal data for every user, it's easy and fast, and the savegame can be open in different computer...

    also, if your game is for the nodewebkit, you can store in the computer (some folder...) If I remember

  • can someone answer this?? i need to continue this project.

    in my computer works well, no error

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Welcome to the wonderful world of browser based gaming.

    I'm sure is possible to stop your game if someone do that...

    I mean, is possible to make a script (in java) to see if the game is running in your website... if not, just do black screen, I think is possible to do in php too

  • Problem Description

    When you try an action of "on right button doubled-clicked" just doesn't works

    Description of Capx

    easy test of that

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID

    release 192 (Dec 11 2014)

  • Ubivis

    Very good plugin, but when I try to delete the cookie, there is an error says:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: creatoCookie is not defined http://localhost:5000/Cookie_plugin.js, line 99 (col3)

  • Ribis

    At present, you have a few options.

    You can mock-up the level in the layout editor using Q3D Model objects, but you need to do this in "2D", so either top down or side-scroller style, this is how i did it in my tank demo. It gets confusing if you have multiple elevation changes though, but it still works relatively simply. You can also do it manually at start of layout as you suggest. I'm hoping to eventually improve upon this situation in future updates, to make level design a bit easier.

    thank you for the reply, I'm very impressive how works your plugin, like when I saw papervision3D is possible to see a screenshot of the layout to see how looks?

    about the performance? there are some example to see how many objects can crash a computer? like spawn different cube every 0.5 sec and see the performance? (with texture, with shadow...etc) like 3DMARK?

    all of the plugin can be integrate on your plugin? like multiplayer...effect?

    sorry for the question, but I'm very interested to buy your plugin