Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • kmsravindra

    Use "time" or timedelta and set the global timescale to 0 to pause, 1 to play.

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  • I would like to but this plugin....but I have 1 question

    How I can design a level game? I means, if I want make a level of some game (like your tank demo) in construct2, how I set everything and see if design works? when I made my models in 3d with 3dstudiomax, I have to set the cordinate of the position for every objects at the start of the layout right? this works?

    Thank you

  • Ribis

    At present, you have a few options.

    You can mock-up the level in the layout editor using Q3D Model objects, but you need to do this in "2D", so either top down or side-scroller style, this is how i did it in my tank demo. It gets confusing if you have multiple elevation changes though, but it still works relatively simply. You can also do it manually at start of layout as you suggest. I'm hoping to eventually improve upon this situation in future updates, to make level design a bit easier.

  • Ribis

    At present, you have a few options.

    You can mock-up the level in the layout editor using Q3D Model objects, but you need to do this in "2D", so either top down or side-scroller style, this is how i did it in my tank demo. It gets confusing if you have multiple elevation changes though, but it still works relatively simply. You can also do it manually at start of layout as you suggest. I'm hoping to eventually improve upon this situation in future updates, to make level design a bit easier.

    thank you for the reply, I'm very impressive how works your plugin, like when I saw papervision3D is possible to see a screenshot of the layout to see how looks?

    about the performance? there are some example to see how many objects can crash a computer? like spawn different cube every 0.5 sec and see the performance? (with texture, with shadow...etc) like 3DMARK?

    all of the plugin can be integrate on your plugin? like multiplayer...effect?

    sorry for the question, but I'm very interested to buy your plugin

  • Hi QuaziGNRLnose, I am aware of the timescale thing for pause. But the timescale somehow doesn't work on Q3D objects that are rotating...If you remember, I raised this concern a while back in the previous posts...Q3D objects continue to do what they do despite setting the time scale to zero.

  • kmsravindra

    Timescale works based on how you write your expressions, it has nothing to do with the plugin. There is something wrong with your events. Read the article and try to understand how to apply timedelta to your expressions. It wont automatically work just because you changed timescale without changing anything else.

  • Ribis,

    There are some limitations with using some behaviours, but for the most part they work, except obviously since theyre coded for 2D they only work in the xy plane. I havent built a 3D mark style test yet, but thats a good idea. For now you can look at some three.js examples to understand the performance the rendering engine gets though (in a way my modifications to the engine handle unique objects better than how vanilla three.js does in terms of memory and cpu use per frame, since matrix updates are triggered as needed rather than constantly, and i have an efficient geometry sharing system). In terms of this being a JavaScript engine and each object being unique, the performance is as good as it can be. Ive implemented many optimizations, and users can choose to share materials/textures between types for added performance. Users can also set the scale of the collision hashing grid to tweak it to the needs of their game.

    Effects cannot be used on the models, but they have their own custom blend modes that can be specified (available blending options). Custom fragment shaders/vertex shaders will come eventually. Multiplayer works but you may have to use variables since the positioning of objects is designed for 2D with that plugin.

  • Really amazing plugin...planning to use it in the next game.

  • Does this plugin allow the ability to create vertices,polygons, and manipulate them? For examples, if I wanted to construct a model/mesh, etc instead of loading one.

  • Not yet through a simple api, you can only constantly create models on your server, edit the model file, then reload them. The reason is that such operations are generally very slow and require cpu->gpu transfers, rebuilding of buffers, etc, so i didn't think they'd be of much use. What use case do you have in mind?

  • Use case would be a 3d modeling editor, where you can create a model from scratch, save it, etc. This is something I have been interested in making- using C2 to do it would set it higher on my priority list..

    I have tried using three.js by itself, and was starting to build an editor a while ago, but I was sidetracked, etc. Using C2 to do it might make it easier- so that's why I asked..

  • I don't have plans to add support for modeling style features as they're not game oriented, and would require considerable effort for a feature very few would use. With that said i may include simple geometry controls in a future update, but i don't think it'd be enough to make a full modeler.

  • That seems like a shame, considering there are people who use construct to make non-game related applications. I'm sure there are more people than you think there are, that would find use out of non-game related features.

  • THanks QuaziGNRLnose for clarifying timescale issue. For some vague reason I thought tickcount was timescale sensitive ( meaning ticks wouldn't count when timescale =0)...Could you please help me how can I translate the expression "cos(tickcount)" into something so that it becomes timescale sensitive?

    Here is some list of things that I noticed while I am preparing my app for iPad - Your comments will be helpful

    1. The Q3D inside mode is absolutely slow on iPad. I had to change this to Infront. But this came with a set of UI issues that I had to workaround...It will be good if inside mode can run faster as this is the most useful mode where the power of C2 and Q3D can together be leveraged to the fullest extent.

    2. I could no longer use Scale/Position to Autofit mode because I had C2 UI elements that I had to show on the screen. And since Q3D mode is infront now, I had to leave top and bottom borders around Q3D area, to include these C2 UI elements.

    3. For this reason, I had to change Q3D to Positioned. But in Positioned mode, though my Project window size was 640 by 480 ( as required for iPad), I had to somehow re-size the Q3D area to 1020 by 655 to make it fit the iPad screen!! I had to arrive at this by several trial and error...Somehow Q3D size as occupied in the editor doesnt scale up as it is onto the screen at run time. Added to that, it is scaling differently for different browsers in positioned mode! This had been a big problem for me...Please let me know.

    4. Probably a WebGL issue - If the image size used in Q3D was large, then somehow it gives me a WebGL memory error and doesnt load that Q3D texture on iPad, although it works fine on a desktop.

    I have lot of plans to use this plugin extensively for my apps. Your help will be appreciated.

  • kmsravindra

    The bulk of these issues are related to hardware limitations. Positioned is doing its job, its not meant to rescale dynamically, and your issues may be related to what fullscreen mode your project is using, and if high quality is enabled etc.. Most of your issues would be solved by behind mode with autofit, any reason you arent using it? You need to make the layers transparent for it to be visible so no c2 background is rendered.

    I cant improve the performance of inside mode, it is upto a browser how efficient it will be, and infact is badly supported on anything but chrome/webkit. Its a shame but its all i can do to blame it on them.

    The memory error is an ipad hardware limitation. There is probably a limit on texture size in the webgl implementatiom they have. For performance reasons you should use images that arent huge anyways.

    Instead of using tickount use timer in those expressions, then global timescale will affect them. If you need local timescale youll need to use a variable that increments by the self.dt value each tick.


    Its simply too much work for me atm. There are more important widely useful features on the wishlist. I could make a simple api quickly but itd be no simpler than doing it in javascript in that case.

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