Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • Joannesalfa

    Set the emissive value to 255,255,255 the shininess to 1 and set diffuse color to black, also set it to render on backside. You must do this in an "on model created" or after youre sure the skybox has a model created. if its still black your camera frustum is probably too short so make your box smaller or make your camera have a farther "far" value in frustum settings.

  • Really neat. Really impressive. I was amazed and still am, and I know I'm barelly scratching the possibilities this plugin could do.

    So I decided to give it a try now that I finally had the time.

    I am just messing around right now to get to know the functions and everything. I decided to simulate a parallax with a 3d foreground, while a character moved on a layer below.

    I did a simple rectangle model with a brick texture and added it to the project, but when I try to rotate, it gets some artifacts at certain angles. To leave no room for doubt, I tried the capx in one more computer, with an nvidia gtx7xx. The computer where I did the first test has an amd card.

    Oh,BTW, Is it a feasible effort to try to make a conversion of construct 2 canva's 2D coordinates on the fly to the 3D viewport?

    I am still confused by the viewport plugin and its relation to the cameras and the main plugin. Do you have more examples?

    Following is a capx with the same model and the problem. Using r190

  • brunosxs

    the "artifacts" are simply Z fighting effects you're getting because the shaded debug object is coincident with your box model. to eliminate them u need to set collider debug to "false" in the model settings, so that the grey debug doesn't show.

    The viewport plugin is mainly for setting up splitscreen games, it creates a sub-window the size of the viewport relative to the initial window's dotted line in the layout editor. It renders the viewport in the z order specified, using the specified camera and scene. it's useful for making UI's aswell if you have scenes with transparent backgrounds you wish to layer above other viewports. you can also use it for picking using absolute mouse coordinates like in the Raycasting / 2D physics examples, as it does the nasty conversion of the position to a camera projected ray for you.

    you can definitely convert 2D coordinates to 3D coordinates and vice versa, but you'll need to understand the math. The default camera starts in a z position that corresponds perfectly 1:1 with the layout unless you're in crop mode, so you'll only have to change it's x/y coordinates to that of the games scroll x/y if you want to use it to make a background for example.

  • Thanks for your time to explain this out man.

    I will keep experimenting with the plugin and keep studying.

    Early in construct 2's life I did a pseudo 3D effect that tried to replicate this. It used three diferent sprites that moved and overlaped over each other depending on the player's coordinates in the canvas. It worked, but it was not without quite some time and effort, and it still needed improvement. Maybe my code was slow, or construct/browsers of the time were at fault. I forgot about it until I saw your plugin.

  • QuaziGNRLnose - I am trying to create a background image something similar to the below threejs code -

    new THREE.Mesh(

    new THREE.SphereGeometry(90, 64, 64),

    new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({

    map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('images/galaxy_starfield.png'),

    side: THREE.BackSide



    I have loaded the png file,

    Created BGSphere with radius of 90 as above

    used the Load image -->galaxy_starfield.png,

    created a new Basic material called Basic1

    created Texture1 using the galaxy_startfield.png

    And finally trying to create the object using Basic1, BGSphere and Texture1.

    However I am unable to get this working. Could you please let me know how to do this in a correct fashion?

  • is your material double sided? is your camera within the sphere? other than that it should work, unless you're not waiting for the image to load. You can use the loadstatus expression of Q3D master = 1 in a system compare with a trigger once to create the texture/mesh once everything is loaded.

    Heres an example: Simple Manual Texture Loading

    It'd be easier to do this with a Q3D model of a sphere, with the emissive value at rgb(255,255,255) and the diffuse color at rgb(0,0,0) and a shininess of 1. Handling the loading yourself is unnecessary in most circumstances, and complicates whats simple using the new plugins. You can emulate all the features of a "mesh basic" material using the material properties available, or you could even just do it by exporting your sphere model and editing the .js file to automatically load a filename, then using model materials : yes. Either way will work without you needing to explicitly manage loading.

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  • This was perfect!! Thanks a lot...I was not aware of Q3D.loadingstatus=1 ...That made the things work!

    I didnt understand how to do the same thing from Q3DModel without manual loading. I did create a Q3DModel and created a animation frame named DiffuseMap in which I pasted the image in frame 0 . I have set Q3DModel emissive settings and Color settings to what you have mentioned...But I couldnt get that working...

    Although you are doing a great job of responding to the queries, I feel a manual OR FAQ on such basic stuff might greatly reduce your burden.

    Thanks a lot!

  • kmsravindra

    Why couldn't you get it working? your model probably had no UVs.

  • ok, then I understand that UV's are mandatory when the image has to be loaded using Q3DModel. I was thinking we could probably do that directly for standard models like sphere/cube by just having the DiffuseMap image in the animation frame...

    Probably it will be beneficial to have a simple model.js templates for standard Models that we can use w/o having to create and export the .js files from blender...Does that make sense?

    I couldn't thank you enough...The simulation that I have attempted is coming great and hopefully I will be able to share it when I complete it.

    Edit - UV unwrap and export through blender was pretty easy and is working great with Q3DModel component! Thanks.

  • QuaziGNRLnose, When I use Q3DModel component and try to export it as a HTML5 website from C2, then it gets stuck forever when its trying to process Q3DModel sheets - The footnote says - Processing q3dmodel-sheet0.png and the exporting project status keeps on running...I have to force End task through Task manager to stop this never ending export...Could you please check this?

  • How are you exporting? Did u turn off minification? I never got that error once and theres no reason the plugin should do anything on exporting different than a sprite or something. What are exact steps to replicate, c2 version etc. seems like a c2 bug.

  • Actually I had an image 4096 by 2048 for starfield that was taking quite some time to get processed...Didnt knew images take that long to process for export.

    Anyway, here is the video of the app that I just finished using Q3D plugin -

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Thanks QuaziGNRLnose, for your plugin and all the support you extended. I am planning to host this app soon on iTunes as well! Hope Q3D plugin should have no issues running on latest iOS 8.0, as that supports WebGL.

  • Awesome! I made a space elevator simulation as a project for my astrophysics class in open gl once, took me weeks to figure out drawing/rendering, great to see how easily the plugin made it for you and glad I could be of help .

    If your export is not working in IOS 8.0 ill try to sort it out in the plugin as best i can, but it should since it runs in a browser on newer I-phones.

    how are you drawing the rings? using a cylinder+wireframe like in my example? just curious

  • Thanks a lot I will let you know very soon how my iOS8 app runs in the iPad...I am using the rings from your example.

  • But as I mentioned I was not able to get Pause/Play toggle to start the animation from the same position...Any ideas on how to achieve that? If I pause for a while and then toggle to Play, then the object doesnt start from the position where it paused...

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