Ribis's Forum Posts

  • I'm trying to load more image from url with different instance, like this:

    for each avatar > load " FriendsScore.At(self.IID,3)"

    but with this, the all sprite will load just the last image (the last IID), another example is in the screenshot...

    I try a lot of combination, nothing, I can't get work

    Thank you

  • >


    > I'm working on it, I had to make myself the login with facebook and the other stuff...


    > I'm not making any plugin, I'm working with the php SDK, and for now I achieved this:


    > when I finish to make everythings, I will add an option who want to make with a database, so, for example, if you want to store coin, diamond...etc, I will make a script who works with facebook...


    > I'm making this for my game, but I will publish when I finish!


    Sounds like an interesting idea. I'll keep an eye out for your future post!

    It's the best method, All of the plugin I tried for the login you have to click a button? or something like that...

    another things, for retrieve data, if you have to load some information with the plugin , you have to make a loop (wait a lot of time...if you have 300 friends for example...) or make a lot of call... in php, when you finish your script, you can do everything you want... just decide what do you need at the start...

    now I'm working to see what Achievements the app has (I made it) and now, edit the array in php where the player unlock the Achievement, so, in the final step, when you will use in your project, you have an array list with all achievements of the app (it's autoupdate) with the achievements unlocked, and when you are making your menu with the image of every achievements, just make a simple script who looks on the array if the self.(achievementSprite) is unlocked... I'm making this to adapt for every game... the idea it's to concentrate in your game, and when you need facebook, you have to call just 1 AJAX.LastData...and it's already loaded in the SESSION.

    but the important thing, this is loaded very fast before the game it's loaded, so, you don't have to make any loading to retrieve data... and works well!

  • wow this is so old and outdated. For anyone who finds this, there is a built in multiplayer plugin, and a facebook plugin as well.

    Currently, the Facebook plugin isn't working right out of the box, but there is a fix for it on the forums.

    I'm working on it, I had to make myself the login with facebook and the other stuff...

    some plugin doesn't support minify script, or don't have some function...or you have to make a loops to retrieve some data....

    I'm not making any plugin, I'm working with the php SDK, and for now I achieved this:

    1° at the first time the user access in your app, appear a fantastic pop up for the permission (just the first time) in some plugin, you have to click a buttun (in the app) to load the popup...when you agreed with the permission at the first time,and when you reopen the app, the login is automatic! you don't need to make any button!

    2° you will have all of your data (your score,username,id,mail...etc) (plugin already do this.., but sometime you have to make more action for retrieve more data, like your score)

    3° you will have a ready array for c2 to use it, you don't need to make any loop...just one click and you will have:

    -all friends who use the app (NAME,ID,PICTUREURL)

    -friends who use the app with the score (NAME,SCORE,ID,PICTUREURL)

    -friends who don't use the same app (NAME,ID,PICTUREURL) I have to made this one, but it's easy.

    the all data of these 3 points are loader in just a second, and they are ready to use before the app is loaded, so, when the app it's ready, you have just to call 2 ajax to retrieve everythings fine!

    You can also post the score in one click, and you can unlock an ACHIEVEMENT just with one click! easy to use and fast, you don't need any extra plugin! so, this means if mobile support AJAX, everything will works fine!

    and, for the score and the achievement, your friends will see everything in the activity!

    I'm still working in it, early, I will add:

    • invite the friends who don't use the app.

    -see what achievement you unlocked (so, when you are in the game, you can see what achievement you have to unclock and what is already unlocked, without use your database)

    -request! send a life or anything you want.... (this is good if the app use a external database)

    -post and other things....

    when I finish to make everythings, I will add an option who want to make with a database, so, for example, if you want to store coin, diamond...etc, I will make a script who works with facebook...

    I'm making this for my game, but I will publish when I finish!

  • I'm bored to playing around construct2... and see how works strange when you try to publish your game for some platform...

    I can't waste so much time to try to skip some bug of contruct2 or htm5 in general... just I can't

    I'm not looking for publish in hard way, I'm trying to get working my app on facebook, simple right? FALSE, totally false

    the official plugin of contruct2 it's just ridiculous, and I worked with another plugin (perfect, but doesn't support minify...so, I have to move in other way)

    why? I need to get the friendlist who use the app, publish score and others things... (normal for every game...or you want to publish a game without the very simple things??)

    I'm trying to integrate facebook with pure PHP, easy right? there are two big problem...

    the first one, I change the name of index.html to index.PHP, put a script for the permission in php and get some information... everything is works, but there is a bug, when I resize the windows, the canvas just zoom, zoom, zoom, and I don't know why the canvas react like this, maybe a strange bug??? anyway... I can't solve this, I try to edit a script of the canvas, change options in projects setting....nothing, just zoom, zoom and zoom

    but I tried in another way, rename index.html to "newname.php", and include this php file in the index.php where there is a script in php that login the user... THIS WORKS, yes, no more zoom...everything works

    now, I tried to retrive data with ajax from another file in php... another strange bug??, if I put AJAX plugin without any actions, the canvas will not works, (black screen) with that error...

    so, what I should do?

  • Ribis Webstorage is not deleted when the cache is cleared afaik.

    yes, in my computer if you save something in webstorage, and you clean everything cache...etc (from chrome), you will lose everything....

    another point, it's a piece of cake to hack it... if you store coins, levels...etc, you can hack everything in 5 click, you don't need any software to do it...just chrome works for you

    the best is to store everything in your server, but in other hand you must have a connection if you are making a game on internet, with nodewebkit you can save file in the computer, if I remember...

    You could always make the game online and store stuff in mySQL which would be more better if you understand php as you can change someones item if they exploit it or refund someone.

    this is the solution, you can also save JSON file for load some level (taken coin...etc)

  • Webstorage

    this is not true, webstorage is not a good way to save something "forever".... but it's a good solution just for the apps for android or iOS, and I'm not sure, but I think if you remove the game, you will lost everything...

    for the computer, webstorage is useless if you want store some important data..etc.... is good just if you want to remember something not important... (if you delete the cache...you can say bye bye to your savegame...)

    the best, it's to save data in your server with a personal access for that user...so, you have everything in your server, and If AJAX works in mobile (I never tested) this is the best way if you want to save something forever

  • > ....I love Justin Bieber ....<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">



    kidding <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">)) was testing the forum .... ha ha a nice way to have fun with websites quotes <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">)

    however your problem is a server issue and if i remember correctly scirra servers for the website are in development still... so it may take a while try do another account and see if the problem is still there... if it is not anymore then something went wrong with your account and the file you try to acces the same thing happend with my accounts. i just did a new account and everything worked perfect

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    anyway, If i insert others url (like the forum https://www.scirra.com/forum/ , is working, just if I digit scirra.com

  • Dude making a game involving more than 100 players is a hard task. And if it's a clash of clans type game I don't think you realize how expensive the cost is of a cluster of servers is and how skilled you should be in networking in order to make it work..

    the Idea it's start from my server, and I know how make it, the big problem it's make a good gameplay, this game it's not about a real multiplayer.

    and I know how expensive is the cost, but if the game reach a lot of user, there is some method to make money and move to other server.... nothing is impossible, there are a lot of game more difficult than this game...

  • can u show more of the page from the png? it is not that i don't trust your issue just i cannot see the rest of the page maybe there is more useful info , try clean your browser cache file and try again if not try using a different browser maybe is some issue it got, i got a similar problem with my first account, cannot upload game in arcade for some reason.

    all the info are in the screenshot, (also, I remove all cache etc... everytime I use a browser...)


    Where is that link from? (as in, where on this site is that link?)

    There's a possibility it's an old redundant link.

    I don't know, I have two computer in two different place...

    so, If I digit scirra.com from one of the computer, the link change like the screenshot ...

  • If you can make all the game logic, and judging by this "so I need someone who want to try this project and see if works..." you're not even sure if it'll work. So if it doesn't work, instead of one person's time wasted, you have two.

    Why not do all the coding to get a base game going then you'll see if it works or not? Plus having something solid to show, you'll have a better chance of tempting artists to join you.

    you are right, everything is work in my head (I know what I need to make that game, and I know what I have to do about the script) but I can't just make a base game to show if works, because games like boom beach it's a little bit hard to make without a good gameplay, so I need someone who want to start with me this project...

    "and if the game start works" I mean, if many users play the game...

    so, my mistake, I need an artist who want to join this new "adventure", someone who like to share, tips...etc and help me to make a gameplay, and choose what is good or not for the game....

    In my opinion, for make a good game, the game need a good team, so, I don't want just to say "look, the game works, I did everything, now I need just some artist who make all of the graphics..." is better if 2 people make together the game

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  • If I go here http://www.scirra.com/ui/ti/welcomePage, there is an error:


    look the screenshot

  • Hi, I'm almost finish one of my project and after this I would like to make a game like boom beach or clash of clans, only for facebook (computer) and if the game start works, I can think to make for mobile (with another engine).

    I'm looking for an artist who help me to make the design and the assets in 3d (I don't have so much idea for the design) but I can help because I use 3d software and I use photoshop.

    I will make all of the logic of the game (php, mysql...and everything), so I need someone who want to try this project and see if works...

    please, post here if someone is interested about this project

    Thank you

  • ...Please?

    I know that Construct 2 changes the names of objects on export to make it harder to reverse engineer the game and everything, but could it be optional? Like, a box you check at export?

    I know about the workarounds but they are not always simple or even possible, and I've read many people who'd really like to have the "Create object by name" action back (since it was in Construct Classic).

    + 1 if you want it ?

    +1, this can be necessary for arcade games... but I still prefer to use one instance and use different animation/variables

    anyway, in my opinion create object should stay by default with choose by name, because you have just to write the name of the object

  • I see, I thought about that and I understand.

    So there is no other way to organize event sheet than the grouping and commenting things ? I would love to make my work with event sheet as pleaseble as possible

    use more than one event sheet, for example, if your game is a platform:

    1 for setup the level

    1 just for the player and use differen group




    1 just for weapons/ammo

    1 just for general IA


    I would like to se the comment on single event (and the color), when I made 2000 events (and the project is 40%) in different event sheet, after one months, is almost impossible to jump in the project immediately... you have to see everythings, because the group can still make confusion

  • Ribis

    You are in a team? An other advantage is that it is cheaper (software). Which software do you use for 3D?

    3D modelling i'm usually fast. Do you like my Dark Power Isometric Project?


    For Unity i need a new computer.

    Basics of blendegameengine is easy (without scripting):


    Scripting with lua and phyton is possible.

    I never works with others...because I don't have some friends who want to get in... anyway, I see your project but I don't understand what kinds of game is? racing game?

    Now I don't use any 3d engine for make games, I just use Unity for some experiments... I find construct2 fine for my projects, but when I decide to get in a 3d game I would use Unity (so much documentation, and a big community)...

    I feel "hard" to make a good game in construct2 too, because I don't have a lot of ideas...and I lose a lot of time to think about the design of the game and sounds/music... I can't Image how I can get in a big project... I would like to make an horror/fps game like final doom, not so much difficult to make and can be a very good game with a good design of the levels and a good gameplay... and actually I have to finish like 6/7 good project in construct2...