wow this is so old and outdated. For anyone who finds this, there is a built in multiplayer plugin, and a facebook plugin as well.
Currently, the Facebook plugin isn't working right out of the box, but there is a fix for it on the forums.
I'm working on it, I had to make myself the login with facebook and the other stuff...
some plugin doesn't support minify script, or don't have some function...or you have to make a loops to retrieve some data....
I'm not making any plugin, I'm working with the php SDK, and for now I achieved this:
1° at the first time the user access in your app, appear a fantastic pop up for the permission (just the first time) in some plugin, you have to click a buttun (in the app) to load the popup...when you agreed with the permission at the first time,and when you reopen the app, the login is automatic! you don't need to make any button!
2° you will have all of your data (your score,username,id,mail...etc) (plugin already do this.., but sometime you have to make more action for retrieve more data, like your score)
3° you will have a ready array for c2 to use it, you don't need to make any loop...just one click and you will have:
-all friends who use the app (NAME,ID,PICTUREURL)
-friends who use the app with the score (NAME,SCORE,ID,PICTUREURL)
-friends who don't use the same app (NAME,ID,PICTUREURL) I have to made this one, but it's easy.
the all data of these 3 points are loader in just a second, and they are ready to use before the app is loaded, so, when the app it's ready, you have just to call 2 ajax to retrieve everythings fine!
You can also post the score in one click, and you can unlock an ACHIEVEMENT just with one click! easy to use and fast, you don't need any extra plugin! so, this means if mobile support AJAX, everything will works fine!
and, for the score and the achievement, your friends will see everything in the activity!
I'm still working in it, early, I will add:
- invite the friends who don't use the app.
-see what achievement you unlocked (so, when you are in the game, you can see what achievement you have to unclock and what is already unlocked, without use your database)
-request! send a life or anything you want.... (this is good if the app use a external database)
-post and other things....
when I finish to make everythings, I will add an option who want to make with a database, so, for example, if you want to store coin, diamond...etc, I will make a script who works with facebook...
I'm making this for my game, but I will publish when I finish!