Alrighty! Next issue.
In the main capx, I adapted everything you helped set me up with. In your rendition, we have 3 layers to work with - 0 through 2. But in my main capx, I have a few other layers, namely the Effects layer, which is nestled between Ground and Floor2
So with that in mind, I created a new Function, "LayerNames" (see line 13 and line 12 for the Call action), to adapt the placement of the CharFinn object based on the value of CurrentLayer.
However, this isn't working, and I just don't understand why. I'm still struggling to grasp the parameters element of the functions, as well, which is probably ALSO why it's not working. (In another file, I tried swapping lines 9 and 11, thinking I had them in the wrong spots. Still no dice.)
I need a recap on the function parameters, too.
Here's the way I'm understanding them...
Let's say you're the "Ground" layer... 0.
So CharFinn collides with the StairsUp object...the Function kicks in:
Call ChangeLayer(min(NumberOfLayers-1, CurrentLayer+1))
Number of layers is 3 and the current layer is 0.
Call ChangeLayer(min(2,1))
So the minimum value is 1, and thus goes up to "Floor2" (per my additional Function).
Thanks again for your time.
(Alternatively, if you're busy, may I petition help from —,
BlueBlaze, or —? Heh, just someone who can spare a moment since
ramones has already given me much of his.)