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  • CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6015268

    I've got a door that will swing open when the character moves over the green pad. It should open a full 90-degrees. The open and closed values are stored to two instance variables (lines 2 & 3). I use the "rotate towards angle" action (lines 20 & 21), and at one point, it worked. Regardless of the parameter of how many degrees to move. Any ideas why it stops just a few degrees short?

    According to the manual, the action should rotate the full amount specified, but, suddenly it's not doing so.

  • Thanks, everyone.

    Ironically, while I waited for a reply, I DID realize - DOH! - that there is an action to rotate objects as keepee pointed out. Just wasn't thinking about it since I don't need it very often...yet.

    Anyway, all is working now. #FamousLastWords

  • CAPX: https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6004926

    I have doors that swing open clock or counter-clockwise. So that the doors don't swing open or close indefinitely, I'm using instance variables to define their open and closed positions. (That way I can pre-rotate them on the layout and then calculate the open and closed angles from that initial angle.)

    If I have one door set to an initial angle of 0 - it's closed state - I tell it to set its instance variable OpenAngle to Door.Angle-90. However, this produces a negative angle, and any further instructions I give it leaves C2 confused about what to do.

    What's a good way to efficiently recalculate this angle to a positive value of 270? (Sorta like going backwards in time...for instance, going from 1 o'clock back to 12 and not some odd time like negative 2 o'clock.)


  • R0J0hound - Actually, after a few attempts, I got it nearly right! There's just a tweak or two that are a little off...


    1 and 2 to switch view types. Arrow keys to move.

    Shift key to move backwards in view 1.

  • I want to create a camera perspective where the character is centered in the screen (using the ScrollTo behavior) and always faces a certain direction (270 degress). As he turns and moves around (using the 8Direction behavior), the layer, itself rotates. In comparison this is very similar to Mode7 rotation on the Super Nintendo.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    The trick I'm having is how to isolate the difference between the angle of the character and the layer while maintaining a constant angle value of the character. My first attempt ended up rotating the entire layer so much that it looked like a kaleidoscope doped up on Red Bull.

  • Yeah, I think that's what I'll do. If only to ensure that I know what I'm plugging into my game. What you have there kinda makes sense, but I guess the Custom Controls would be a better bet.

    Thank you for your input and help, though! :D

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  • I'm trying to follow along here, but I'm a tad confused...

    First, I'm not sure if this was the same issue Weishaupt had, but I'll explain my situation...

    I want to have two control types. The more traditional way which is to have the layout/layer in a fixed view. It doesn't rotate while the 8Direction behavior makes the character turn every which way.

    Alternatively, the second option is to have the character in a fixed angle, while the layout/layer rotates respectively...similar to MODE7 on the Super Nintendo.

    I am thinking I could manipulate the Set Angle action for the layer by adjusting it relative to the angle of the character. However, so far I cannot think of a way to do this since I'm figuring I have to set the angle of the character to a constant of 270 (or whatever I choose).

    Any suggestions/clarifications?


  • In using the 8Direction behavior, I want to add a feature where the character will walk backwards by holding down an additional key (ie: shift).

    I've tried several different iterations with only one moderate working example.

    Right now, I have it set up as follows:

    • KEYBOARD: Shift is down

    -- Sprite: Set mirrored

    That, obviously, reverses the image while the directional controls remain the same.

    If I added the use of Sprite: 8Direction Reverse, it acts as if it can't make up its mind on whether to keep moving ahead or to change directions.

    Basically, I'm trying to get it to where holding right will cause the character to move left, etc. while the shift key is down.

    Alternatively, I could set it where I use Simulate Controls, but I'd like to see if there's something I'm overlooking and if there's an easier way.

  • I saw that! :D I'm finally able to get it downloaded...

    Thanks again, Asley!

  • Ashley - Hmmm. Okay, I think I can see how I'd do that. I'll have to study up... Thanks! :)

  • Ashley - Thank you, sir! :) I appreciate the confirmation. I'm so looking forward to it.

  • Would it be possible to have an event/action option to change the "Set angle" movement for the 8Direction behavior in-game? I want to create a control option where the player can adjust the movement of the character to his liking. I also want a way to test the differences in-game without having to constantly start a new demo.

    Thank you! :)

  • Burvey - That makes sense. Thank you. :)

  • Ashley - I guess you're the best one to ask about this.

    Thanks for your help, sir! Loving all that you and the Scirra Bros do!