Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • First, thank you to everyone who has reached out to help me in the past.

    And if you're one of those people, you know my requests for help are probably on the complicated side (at least when I try to explain my issues clearly). So, please bear with me... THIS time, I've included pictures!


    FINN: Mobility Run is a stealth game for the mobile platform. During each stage, FINN must activate switches to open doors, etc. The Switch objects, using their own UID, are associated with multiple instances of Conduits (two types - straight and angle put into a Family) and with a Door or other object if the Conduits do not come to a dead-end.

    On the main screen during gameplay, there is a touchscreen button - Interact - which will turn fully opaque when FINN is on or near something he can interact with or activate.

    Pressing Interact while overlapping a Switch instance will set off a chain-reaction of Conduit instances, each with a manually-entered sequence number, thus creating the appearance of segment after segment "charging up" as it proceeds to the end of its line.

    Once the counter for the Switch reaches the maximum number of Conduits in its associated chain (zero-based), it either stops right there or it activates whatever object is connected to it (ie: Door).

    This is where I have problems...

    If I activate a Switch, it will work just fine, with or without an ending piece like a Door. But as soon as I activate a second Switch, it doesn't appear to do anything. It might initiation the first Conduit instance in its chain, but no more. I cannot determine where the problem is coming from.

    In Bug Test preview, all Switches register that they can be activated when the conditions are met but I do not see where the other two are being prevented from being activated.

    Thank you again for your help!

  • You two are miracle-workers. That's exactly what I'm aiming for.

    I'll just adapt what you worked out to reference the Family object I have and swap out the instance variable for the local variable instead. I think what was throwing me, in particular, was the use of the Pick All system condition. That didn't make sense to me since I didn't want to go backwards (as it seemed) and select every instance yet again. But now that I see it on the Event Sheet, I believe I see the logic behind it now.

    Thank you both so much. You've always been patient and kind and supportive. GOD BLESS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  • Okay, maybe I'm not understanding how you described your suggestion above, but I'm not getting things to work.

    At best, I'm able to get groups of instances (when they're related by group #) to shift as I intend. BUT, when FINN is overlapping two groups that are side-by-side (such as what I attempted to describe in my OP), so long as FINN is overlapping the first group, the second group remains unaffected until FINN is no longer overlapping the first.

    And that's to say nothing of getting the groups to go back to opaque when FINN is no longer overlapping any instance of a group.

  • R0J0hound - I thought I tried something like that earlier day, buuuut, maybe not THAT.

    I'll test out your example and see if that flies. Thank you, good sir... I'll get back to you if it still fails.

  • I'm working on a stealth game, and what's a stealth game without secret passages that have to be discovered?

    As such, there will be Sprites that will fade to 50% opacity when the main character - FINN - overlaps them.

    I have two types of Sprites that I have put into a Family, called Passages. Since the level design will be set in a robotic facility of some sort, I plan to have at least two types of hidden passages (for example, a hidden passage that leads also to a vent shaft - a hidden passage in a hidden passage).

    Visualize a room with four passages; two on the left, two on the right, and where the first passage seems to end, there's a passage that continues on farther. Each passway is covered by multiple instances of a particular Sprite (this is so I can manage corners more effectively). When one instance of a Sprite goes transparent, all other instances IN THAT GROUP also go transparent, even if FINN is not overlapping them. It's AS IF those group instances are "one".

    So we have passage one (L1), the passage it connects to deeper in (L2), and the two on the right (R1 and R2).

    L1 uses Sprite 1 and has a Family instance variable labeled Group with a value of 1.

    L2 uses Sprite 2 with Group variable value of 2.

    R1 uses Sprite 2, value 3.

    R2 uses Sprite 2, value 4.

    Now, individually, I can get any group, regardless of which Sprite is used, to render transparent when FINN overlaps that group. My problem is when FINN overlaps two different groups simultaneously. Such as in my illustration here where one passageway connects to another passageway directly.

    I'm using an instance variable in FINN in the following way:

    FINN overlaps [instance of Sprite] ==>> Set FINN.Group# to Sprite.Group#

    PICK all Sprites where Sprite.Group# = FINN.Group# ==>> ......and so on.

    I recognize that this set up only allows FINN to recognize ONE passageway to be identified.

    And that's where I'm having my trouble. I need to have all applicable groups activated.

    Can someone suggest a solution, please? What am I not seeing? THANKS!

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  • I will check on that, too. I've gotten help from a friend who set up a system that I was trying to employ, too, using instance variables and picking by UID. My friend used JUST picking by UID while I was using it WITH what I have presently. But I'll try isolating as you suggested. Thanks for your help and I'll get back to you if I have any further issues.

  • The problem I don't understand is that if calling on ONE object in a container ALSO calls all other objects in THAT container, then I don't get why nothing works OR everything goes crazy.

  • I've been doing all of that. And the even crazier thing is that I've gotten it to work at one point, barely made a change, of any kind, to make sure it's working as I ultimately intend it to, and then the WHOLE THING just goes haywire...even when I REVERSED any successive change I made.

  • I've tried specifying objects/instances by way of using a variable to store the UID of the mutual object it's contained with, but even that's not helping.

  • Curious, because presently I'm testing only one instance and it will not work.

  • Https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmthogfugqtz2 ... 3.jpg?dl=0

    My sentry post has an "eye" that will randomly search different spots around its immediate location (event line 89). The Scout object will extend to that coordinate (and and width). In lines 90-92, it tests if the Scout object is overlapping any walls. If yes, calculate new coordinates. If no, use Path Finding to massive the Dot to that spot.

    My problem is that it won't even adjust the width/angle of the Scout object and now not even set that values for SentryEyeDot.XTo nor .YTo (previously, it was but inexplicably won't suddenly).

    SentryEye, Scout, and SentryEyeDot objects are all in a container. The objects all exist on a separate dump sheet so at least one instance exists in the project. The SentryEye is the object placed in the layout on the level I'm designing (non-dump sheet).

    Everything ELSE is working fine.

    Any suggestions on what's causing this issue?

  • Thank you so much for these! This is an amazing gift you've offered.

  • sizcoz - Well THAT explains a lot! I did totally misunderstand the Beta parameter.

    It's the left/right tilt of the phone as you're holding it straight up, facing you.

    I was assuming the phone was laying flat on a surface and that the Beta had to do with how you tilted the phone towards or away from you.

    Thank you for the help!

  • Good day, C2izens!

    After reading up on the Touch controls a bit more and messing around with a test program, I'm still needing some clarification or affirmation on my understanding of the mobile tilt parameters of Touch.

    The game I'm working on doesn't require the use of Alpha, but in case comes into play and I am not aware of it, I'm bringing it into my inquiry here.

    So far, this is my present understanding of the three...

    ALPHA: Using the mobile motion sensors, it detects the compass facing direction or adjusts the output of the operating program based on the compass rotation of the phone. Is generally not affected by Beta or Gamma tilting of the phone (I may be wrong about that...).

    BETA: Front-to-back tilt of the phone on a horizontal axis.

    GAMMA: Left-to-right tilt of the phone assuming an axis running from the bottom-to-top of phone

    What I'm not sure about is if this XYZ axis is constant in its orientation even as the phone moves around.

    So, let's say I lay the phone flat on the table.

    If the very center of the phone is 0, then...

    X = Alpha = horizontal from left side of phone to right side

    Y = Gamma = like a spear from front face of phone to back side.

    Z = Beta = from top edge to bottom edge

    As the phone moves around, are these axes consistent in their orientation or do they remain fixed to the physical orientation of the phone (so that it would look like the 90* angles between each axes where they intersect are no longer 90*)?

    I HOPE that made sense. However you could help me to be sure I understand would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!

  • This is a very good question and one I'm busy investigating, too.

    Would definitely appreciate some feedback.