I have no idea, sorry.
I did not make any platform-specific plugin.
You might try it.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Import/export capx file into project, to reuse capx more easily.
You might
1. remove all instances in rex_layouter object. ( User need to pick them all by Condition:Pick all instances, then Action:Remove instances)
2. rearrange instances by rex_ginstgroup object.
3. add instances sorted in steps by Action:Add instances in rex_layouter object.
I might need to add an action to remove all instances more directly.
Set frame rate to 30 might be useful in mobile game. A stable frame rate at 30 fps might be smooth than floating between 60~40 fps.
I am not sure. You might post this request to Ashley.
It is a behavior, please put it into /behaviors folder.
I would like to put global variables into global objects (sprite or something else). It is more easier to access, and easy to copy to other project.
When will this plugin to be a completed one? i.e. move to the section of Completed Addons
Document, plugin and sample capx are include.
A variable which supports buffs. Get sum from base value and buffs.
For example, property "ATK" = base value + weapon buff value + item buff value ....
I had not found this setting in SDK of plugin.
You might try to export data into Yann's JSON plugin
To test if there has Cr.plugins.spritefont2, just
Cr.plugins.sprutefont2 != null
function GetDragDropBehavior(inst) { var i, len; for (i = 0, len = inst.behavior_insts.length; i < len; i++) { if (inst.behavior_insts[i] instanceof behaviorProto.Instance) return inst.behavior_insts[i]; } return null; }; [/code:3hk231xp] , the core is [code:3hk231xp]inst.behavior_insts[i] instanceof behaviorProto.Instance[/code:3hk231xp] -> object instanceof type Sorry for not clearly.
rex_board plugin: fix bug when picking instance with a family.
Thanks, I had fixed it.