"Fixed Path" or "Travelling at Offset"
Fixed Path is a position behavior that would work to create a fixed path that is positioned based on offset to a moving object.
(Pathfinding only works well for paths that don't constantly move)
This action would take these inputs:
Direction: (360-0 degrees)
Offset of What object:
Travel what direction
(angle input)
at what offset - How far in position to the object away
for how many pixels?
Able to accept repeat how many times (default loop)
Those last few steps would then be called point A.
You could add up to 8 points.
I am having the hardest time moving things along a path that moves relative to a center object.
Path finding remembers old destinations and doesn't maintain a fixed path. Now here's a capx example of what I want this action to do. http://johnnysix.net/games/sqpi/sq.capx Without this capx example I'd probably still be stuck trying to get a square orbit around a moving center. All the credits to JohnnySix for that capx
I don't know enough to go through the trouble of figuring this stuff out on my own. I've been trying to do a triangular motion that's just like this for hours. This behavior would save a ton of trial and error time.