revvin's Forum Posts

  • I like the sound of this, thanks very much

  • codah Unfortunately i'm currently using the free version which doesn't support "families".

    I wanted to make a prototype, ensure it did everything I wanted, before investing in the full version and publishing my game.

    It's a great suggestion though, and it looks like its exactly what I need.

    I guess i need to either invest in the full version and hope it'll do everything I need, or find an alternative.

  • Hi

    I am using a variety of plugins and keep hitting the same problem. I need to pick from multiple object types, but am forced to choose one for an action.

    As an example, I have built a chess board using two different object types. I've used "tileBlack" and "tileWhite" objects. Initially I only had a single object type (tile) with different frames for the colouring, BUT i had problems with this that splitting it resolved.

    Using the SLG_Movement plugin, I want to pick the path between the chosen piece and the clicked tile.. but I can only select one object type - ie Black tile or White tile. As a path will include both types of tiles, it'll make pathfinding impossible.

    I have attached my capx file that builds the grid, places all the pieces, allows you to choose a piece, and it highlights moveable areas... BUT the areas are really inconsistent and movement just doesn't work properly.

    I was hoping somebody could take a quick look and spot my obvious mistakes

  • Sombrero looks pretty darn awesome Quite a showcase for Construct 2.

  • I don't think the design is "that" bad tbh. I've seen much worse.... and i've seen some very successful titles with similar style of artwork. A few tweaks here and there, but overall quite nice looking.

  • I like this well done.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Brilliant - thanks for the info guys!

    I have figured out how to do an array, and i'll be assigning correct tile notation to each tile, for future support of PGN files.

    Vati-nyan: thanks for the tip re: private variables. I'll be making use of instance variables to identify the pieces, cross referencing with another array that'll store the legal moves for each type.

    Bonesy: I'll look at grid movement again. I think when I looked before, it didn't animate/move sprites from one grid location to the next - which is something I definitely need... as eventually i'll have the pieces walking around the board...

    I have just been looking at the SLG_Movement examples that make use of Grid Movement too... and I think its definitely the way to go. I'll have to create some templates for the filters so that certain tiles will never be available to certain tiles ie, Pawns will not be able to move +-X, only +-Y (unless there is another piece at X+-1/Y+-1 for En Passant). I should be able to figure that out myself.

    Thanks again for your input.

  • I have made progress on my own, but thought i'd share my results and ask questions in this thread as I go. Somebody might suggest something that'll save me hours of work.... if not i'll just carry on

    So... you can now click on any of the pieces and click on another square to move them.

    I haven't set limits on the movements yet. That'll be one of my next challenges.

    I'm thinking I should build an array that contains all the legal moves for each type of piece. I have 6 types, determined by their animation frame number. Black pieces are frame 0 through 5, the White pieces are frames 6 through 11.

    I was thinking of an array something like:


    frame (type) maximum moves directions

    0 (pawn) 1 y-

    1 (castle) 7 x,y,x-,y-

    2 (knight) 3 x,y,x-,y-

    3 (bishop) 7 x+y,-x+y,x+-y,-x+-y

    4 (queen) 7 x,y,x-,y-,x+y,-x+y,x+-y,-x+-y

    5 (king) 1 x,y,x-,y-,x+y,-x+y,x+-y,-x+-y

    6 (pawn) 1 y

    7 (castle) 7 x,y,x-,y-

    8 (knight) 3 x,y,x-,y-

    9 (bishop) 7 x+y,-x+y,x+-y,-x+-y

    10 (queen) 7 x,y,x-,y-,x+y,-x+y,x+-y,-x+-y

    11 (king) 1 x,y,x-,y-,x+y,-x+y,x+-y,-x+-y

    Of course this doesnt take into account en passant, castling, knights move 1+2 etc. but I was going to build those individually... unless somebody has a better suggestion?

    I'd also like to build an array whilst I build my board following standard a-h, 1-8 grid so that i can eventually import/export PGN files. I've tried building an array, but when searching it - all the values are 0, so suggestions on how to quickly populate a grid a-h/1-8 with the UIDs of the tiles as I build the board would be very helpful.

    Any offers of help to build these arrays, or even improve the events I have already made would be greatly appreciated.

    Latest version of the capx included.

    Thanks guys

  • Just to clarify, how do I construct the piece movement events?

  • I have spent a number of hours putting together a chess board... and although it looks like nothing - it really was a lengthy process just getting this far.

    Rex Rainbow has produced so many plugins for this community, I am in awe He is obviously extremely talented. The problem is - I can't seem to find any documentation on his plugins that explains how to use them properly.

    For instance, whats the difference between creating logical or physical chess pieces? Should you do both?

    Anyway, I have attached what I have done so far, my current hurdle is getting a piece to move.

    Once I have that nailed, I can then spend some more hours figuring things out for myself before asking for more assistance

  • Hi there

    Found scirra on google whilst searching for quick prototyping software for game development.

    So far, I am really impressed. Although I am having a little trouble getting used to the flow of logic. Ie i expect a loop to complete before returning to where it was called from... however, this seems to launch everything at the same time unless you delay it.

    I am sure there are thousands of new things for me to learn, but so far I am impressed

    If things go to plan... i'll end up buying it too.

