revvin's Forum Posts

  • Oooh this is cool. I like it.

  • Beautiful

    Your style is exactly what I have in mind for a game I'm working on. My artist doesn't have time to work on it so I'm looking for somebody else who might be interested...

    I need somebody to help put together a prototype for a kick starter campaign.

    I've already done a little market research and this could be big... Let me know if you want to learn more...

    And even if not, keep up the good work. This RPG looks great

  • This is cool

  • I have just opened it up... it's brilliant thank you

    I had to edit the project file. It was apparently saved in v174, but I have v173 so it wouldn't open to start with.

  • That's brilliant thank you

    I'll take a look through that later.

    I appreciate you posting that

  • Been working on this prototype for the last week and a half:

    Wow, thats very cool Very unique and odd gameplay mechanic - but works really well.

    I noticed that when the character jumps, there is no rain beneath him... so the rain is some sort of particle effect?

    Very clever.

  • Hi all,

    This is footage of my current PreAlpha Build for my project "No More Probes". I hope you will like it.

    This is cool reminds me a little of ToeJam & Earl from the Megadrive (Genesis for the U.S. peeps here)

  • Currently i'm using the rexrainbow plugin SLGMovement to move my chess pieces, but if somebody has a better working solution for this, I would be happy to try something else.

    I am putting together a chess game. When I choose a piece to move, it currently can move in any direction.

    I need to restrict its movement based on type of piece. A pawn for instance can only move up and down on the Y-axis.

    Perhaps I need to create new (invisible) tiles either side of the selected tile and set them as blocked tiles so they can't be used when finding the movement path?

    Perhaps I need to use the "Chess Pick Neighbour" function in the 2 and 4 directions - but I don't know how to filter the movement areas to exclude specific tiles?

    I have attached my capx file. As you can see I have made a lot of progress since I began.

    You can now take turns at moving pieces, and they animate in the direction they are travelling.

    I only have two roadblocks at the moment that I need help with, which is the above filtering issue so I can define the paths for each type of piece, AND to enable diagonal movement. Currently they only move 4-way directions, but I need them to move 8-ways on the grid.

    Any help much appreciated.


  • Shame I was about to post the exact same question on this board, but thought i'd search first... did you ever get anywhere with this?

    I'm making a chess game, which seems to be what Rex is building a lot of his board and movement plugins around, but can't see to perform diagonal moves?

    Would be great if somebody had an answer to this.

  • Not sure if you are using the same plugins for movement, but I figured it out in my other thread:

    Hope that's of some use?

  • I'm wondering... Auto correct!!!

  • Excellent, thanks for sharing. I'm making a chess game based largely on your plugins, in winding if you'd mind me picking your brains a little?

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  • That's so cool

  • They do look superb mate Or Secret of Nimh....

  • That's probably the best looking game I've seen so far from c2. Very good looking

    However if you don't mind the critique, I think the walk cycle needs a little work. The character doesn't look connected to the ground, his limbs don't look like they match his movement. Ideally you want the number of pixels he moves to match the number of pixels in his stride. At the moment he looks a bit like an animated character floating along the ground rather than actually walking across it.

    That said, I LOVE the backgrounds.

    It kinda reminds me of Chuck Rock on the Amiga

    Also, the look and feel of the website let's it down a little. The game looks superb, but the website doesn't really match the quality.

    I really hope you don't take this criticism to badly because overall I think you are doing an absolutely superb job. Makes a very welcome change from all the "pixel art" (I hate that phrase) projects that the whole indie community seems to favour.