Remus B's Forum Posts

  • I'm sure there's a better way but since no1 else answers, you could try disabling collisions for the ground objects and create an invisible, solid rectangular object for the player to walk on and call it "solid" . Once it's done, try "player on collision with solid, set player angle to solid angle". Since you used multiple instances, with different angles of the "solid" to copy the shape of the ground, the player should now change it's angle according to the ground. This is far from an optim solution tho since it takes a lot of time and so many collision checks could make it buggy/laggy.

  • Np, I was in the same place.

  • My autorunner has 4 enemies: 2 are static, 1 is moving vertically and to the right, 1 is moving to the left. Background is static and I used platform behavior for my character to make the auto-running (everytick: simulate platform pressing right). You would need 8 directional to make it move upwards everytick, and change the speed as you accelerate/decelerate. So instead of changing the speed of the background/enemies/obstacles each time your vehicle is supossed to move at a diff speed just make your vehicle change the speed. On a small project like the template it doesn't matter but when you add more elements it matters a lot. This way if a car is moving at 200 speed and you are at 100 it's gonna go past you, but if you accelerate to 300 you will get past it, Instead of having your vehicle static and change the other cars angle of movement and speeds..

  • You probably use the bullet behavior for the background so it makes it seem like the character is moving. Instead of doing that, add 8 directional movement on the vehicle the player is driving and just make the viewport scroll to the vehicle. And than add bullet behavior/whatever you need to diff enemies/obstacles so that everything moves on it's own. And you can make the background static and wraping it as you progress.

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  • Try exporting with crosswalk to help identify the problem. If it's working with crosswalk it means that there's compatibility problem between what you are using and cocoonjs. If it's not working in crosswalk, it means there's something wrong in your cap.x that makes it not work on mobiles (ex: something wrong with the touch object)

  • I followed the template when making my auto-runner, and at some point it got really weird. I switched the whole concept of moving the background to actually moving the character and it got way easier. I would send you a cap.x but I'm close to publishing.

  • Very nice game!

  • Just download the .zip on your device and move it in the root folder. Next time you open cocoonjs>your cocoonjs, it should be there since it's automatically searching for .zip in the root folder. Select it and press canvas+. Good luck!

  • I am interested in joining as event scripter than.

  • Do I need to know javascript or just contruct2 for the events?

  • I guess the next step now is charging artists for the great opportunity to create free art for their games.

  • I can't open the cap.x for some reason but just make it "everytick>set weapon x to > mouse.x"

  • Actually you still get a LOT of objects so don't mind me but maybe if the lines are 1px thin the collision check will not overload the cpu so much.

  • Maybe instead of those invisible images overlapping you can make lines as long as 4 squares that are fixed on the screen instead of following the sprites, and than when theres a blue sprite overlapping it, it adds 1 to the line instance number variable called blue and when it reaches 4 it destroys the sprites that are overlapping it. This way you will have a lot less invisible objects to make the logic work?

  • It is not only possible, but also very easy, we will gladly help you but just like codah said, we can't teach you all the construct2 basics in this post, read the beginner tutorials and once you encouter a specific issue come back here and you will get an answer. Start by making a layout, add all the sprites and the mouse object, make the aim display follow the mouse pointer every tick and the gun image follow the pointer on the x axis, add the shooting animation and after this is done, make the star go on a random position inside the layout every x seconds. Than you just need to add an "on clicked object" for the star, triggering the scoring system which has more than enough tutorials.

    Best of luck with your project!