Calling all artists, music and sound creators for a brand ne

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From the Asset Store
Medeival & Viking War Horns Sounds / 22 Unique Calls / 2:40 minutes of audio
  • Calling all up and coming graphic designers, sound or music creators!!!

    Knuckle Crunch Games is offering you a FREE opportunity to showcase your talents and exposure to a world wide extensive audience.

    Knuckle Crunch Games is now creating a brand NEW 'beat em up' game & your work will be credited FREE!!

    Players from around the globe will see your YOUR unique skills showcased for FREE in a game where players choose a charater, a stage, grab some friends and fight!!

    Competition is against players local or online to a max of four at any one time. The game will feature a story, arcade and online mode, with an in-game chatroom and live online matches!!

    Wanna get on board and showcase your talents to the gaming world, then contact and get creating today!!

  • OMG! FREE exposure and credits!? What an opportunity!!!!

  • OMG! FREE exposure and credits!? What an opportunity!!!!


    Supporting Images for LOL!




  • I guess the next step now is charging artists for the great opportunity to create free art for their games.

  • I will help you.. If you show me that online multiplayer works.

  • Please don't reply if your only going to mess around and post unnecessary comics.

    You either join or don't!

  • Sorry, last time I exposed myself I got into big trouble.

  • I guess the next step now is charging artists for the great opportunity to create free art for their games.

    You know. A lot of major companies would charge you.

  • Whoa Whoa Whoa! So your only in it for the money. Who said you were not getting paid for your hard work. But only if the game gets sold.

  • > I guess the next step now is charging artists for the great opportunity to create free art for their games.


    You know. A lot of major companies would charge you.

    That is BS! Name one.

  • "You know. A lot of major companies would charge you."

    Um you would have a hard time proving that. Any one able to pull off something like that would have an incredible reputation already, and doesn't exist in the games industry. There may be apprentice, or intern type situations, but none of them work like that. There will always be payment for services rendered.

    "Whoa Whoa Whoa! So your only in it for the money. Who said you were not getting paid for your hard work. But only if the game gets sold."

    That's like a house builder telling his subcontractors they only get paid if the house sells.

    Its called spec, or crowd sourcing, and isn't well tolerated anywhere.

  • You might not realize it, but you've hit a nerve in the artist/musician community - telling people it'll be great exposure is a common exploitative practice too many companies/developers do to get free work from naive clients. Even if your intentions are pure, the manner of phrasing that their work gets put into a game 'for free, isn't that great?!' just adds insult to financial injury to those who know about the practice and is just going to make people think you're one of those exploitative developers.

    Game companies do NOT charge artists and musicians to have their work in games. To do so would just be insane, as artists and musicians need to pay the bills too. If there is a company that does so, they're out of their minds and should be avoided. The fact that you think companies do so implies your inexperience in the area, which is why I think you likely just are unaware of the problems artists and musicians face rather than actively trying to exploit them.

    I realize those comics and sarcastic responses bother you, but instead you should learn from the fact that they were posted how much of a sore spot this is for community, because you're going to get this kind of response elsewhere too. If you were offering revenue share, your first post made no mention of it and using the word free implied no financial compensation.

    everyone else - I understand the desire to respond with sarcasm, but let's try not to provoke with the responses, and rather educate why this job post didn't go over well.

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  • I agree with the last post,however they dont have not even a website,so why an artist should contact them and give the best design.

  • You might not realize it, but you've hit a nerve in the artist/musician community - telling people it'll be great exposure is a common exploitative practice too many companies/developers do to get free work from naive clients. Even if your intentions are pure, the manner of phrasing that their work gets put into a game 'for free, isn't that great?!' just adds insult to financial injury to those who know about the practice and is just going to make people think you're one of those exploitative developers.

    Game companies do NOT charge artists and musicians to have their work in games. To do so would just be insane, as artists and musicians need to pay the bills too. If there is a company that does so, they're out of their minds and should be avoided. The fact that you think companies do so implies your inexperience in the area, which is why I think you likely just are unaware of the problems artists and musicians face rather than actively trying to exploit them.

    I realize those comics and sarcastic responses bother you, but instead you should learn from the fact that they were posted how much of a sore spot this is for community, because you're going to get this kind of response elsewhere too. If you were offering revenue share, your first post made no mention of it and using the word free implied no financial compensation.

    everyone else - I understand the desire to respond with sarcasm, but let's try not to provoke with the responses, and rather educate why this job post didn't go over well.


  • I agree with the last post,however they dont have not even a website,so why an artist should contact them and give the best design.


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