RBuster's Forum Posts

  • ghost

    I'm sure it is Windows. I already removed the Construct2, ran the CCleanner, removed all folders and then installed the program again some 03 times and the problem remains the same.


    I was using the program when I decided to move the panels on the interface and the Cosntruct2 crashed. When I was start it, the error message began to appear. Since then the program does not open anymore. I'll take a look at this site you indicated. I have a lot installed and will be a headache to organize everything again.

  • aerirprown

    I don't know how to use array. I would like a simple solution (without array) and I thought that "count" would be a good the solution.

  • sqiddster

    Excuse me. I thought that the order, being always the same, and the data (problem type, version, and other information that is in english or are numbers), that were important. But that's okay. I believe the problem is specific to my machine. I'll reinstall Windows. Thanks anyway.

  • ghost

    I have not posted in the "Bugs" forum because I think it is not a Construct 2 bug.

  • Thanks aerirprown, but my game is almost ready and I did't use "array". And about "count"? Could I use it to solve my problem? Thanks

  • Please. I really need help to fix it.

  • The program crashed and not initialize anymore. Windows message in the follow:

    Assinatura do problema:

    Nome do Evento de Problema:     APPCRASH

    Nome do Aplicativo:     Construct2.exe

    Vers?o do Aplicativo:

    Carimbo de Data/Hora do Aplicativo:     524c151b

    Nome do M?dulo de Falhas:     Construct2.exe

    Vers?o do M?dulo de Falhas:

    Carimbo de Data/Hora do M?dulo de Falhas:     524c151b

    C?digo de Exce??o:     40000015

    Deslocamento de Exce??o:     0000000000448945

    Vers?o do sistema operacional:     6.1.7600.

    Identifica??o da Localidade:     1046

    Informa??es Adicionais 1:     74c5

    Informa??es Adicionais 2:     74c5b45c5c341b2c64aa15603baa94f1

    Informa??es Adicionais 3:     52ab

    Informa??es Adicionais 4:     52abef07962a8401fa165e3f9abdd88b

    Leia nossa declara??o de privacidade online:


    Se a declara??o de privacidade online n?o estiver dispon?vel, leia nossa declara??o de privacidade offline:


  • I need to know if "count" will count the instances and values ??of each. If this is possible, I want to count how many instances there are currently screen, then randomly select two or three and add their values ??to associate it to the total.

    Could a good soul give me a small example? No need to create a CAPX.


  • A little complicated for me. I think that I don't understand how to use "count". I'll know the value for each instance too? Something like "count.object.AnimationFrame" (I know this is wrong and maybe not exist - is only a guess). If is possible, maybe I could generate a total value based on the sum of the value of the remaining instances, according to a minimum of instances (eg 03).

    Could you explain with details this solution that you suggested?

    PS.I forgot to mention that there is an object on top of the spheres and the goal is to avoid it touch the floor.

  • In a game about equations, I intend to create multiple objects with random numbers from 1 to 9, which must be clicked together to equate to a value. Initially I think working with a single object with nine frames and 32 will be created from it. I thought first randomly generate this amount, but will always remain balls because you may not have numbers together to reach this value. The right would generate a value according to the spheres that have on the screen, but how can I do to know how much each is worth, whether they are copies of the same object? Does anyone have another idea or suggestion?

  • Great idea, LittleStan. Worked like a charm.

  • Hi LittleStain. I-m using the script that nimtrix provided, with "every tick" condition. I tried do use "on load" condition with "wait" action, but not work.

  • Hi LittleStain. Thank you. I fix it.

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  • Sorry if reopen this thread is not ok, but I thought that my issue will complement it. How to make the time bar to start after a second or more? Thank you.

  • I am creating some random objects with the "physics" behaviour and I wonder if at the time they arise and fall, it could stand in the correct position instead of spin.

    Another issue: the objects are stacked and disappear from the screen. I wanted them to spread a particular location and never stay stacked up missing from the window area.
