RBuster's Forum Posts

  • mindfaQ

    Thank you very much. It's everything okay now.

  • mindfaQ

    How can I do to set the variable "canspawn1" to null (<varies>)? When I leave this value blank, the program write "0".

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  • Very nice solution. I don't understand why I can't think about it. Thank you so much.

  • This game is a logic sequence for children, always from low to high (quantities, sizes, etc) so always from left to right (1,2,3,4,5). No way to prevent only the first card appeared in place of the first sprite6? That would solve the issue now.

  • You really don't understand, but thanks anyway.

    These cards appears open and the player has to must put them each one in the correct order. On my game, he needs to swaping these cards. I just need to make at least one of these cards never appear in the correct position, after the draw, so the sequence is not completed automatically.

  • mindfaQ

    Look at the original file: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/108799982/Capx%20Demos/RandomSprite.capx

    I used the basic idea to create my game. This projet was created by another user. In this CAPX, the sprites are not arranged side by side, but try to imagine them in this way. I want to know how to prevent the correct order is shown on the screen, ie, avoid the game to be solved in the draw.

  • Please, some help. Just missing this detail so that I finish the game. I just need some suggestions and, if possible, with some explanations. Thanks.

  • Some help?

  • Yes. Prevent the spawned the right sequence (1,2,3,4,5) in the same order of the Sprite6 instances. If I prevent to show card #1 in the first Sprite6 (UID #1), would be a basic solution.

    I tried to use UID to detect the first sprite:

    X Sprite6 => RandomNumber = 1

              => (invert)Sprite6.UID = 1

    In this case, when this "Sprite6 - UID #1" instance is drawn and the card #1 is spawned, the slot appears empty.

  • <img src="http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/8039/lkqa.png" border="0" />

    How to prevent the display of the correct sequence?

    I've tried using a verifier UID, but failed.


  • emoaeden: thanks for all.

  • Thank you,

    I've created the swap code. The idea to prevent that one of the cards do not occupy their home during the draw is interesting, but I think it will be best to prevent that they all stay in the correct formation. Is it possible? Regarding the use of families, from what I understand we cannot identify the members positions (order), right?

    Any difference between using families and animations in the game performance? I know how to adapt the code to use frames and I think it would be better because I'll have more control. What do you think?

  • If emoaeden can not answer these questions, could someone do this?

  • I've only two questions about this solution:

    • how can I do to prevent the correct order be randomly selected?
    • if I need to use more than one family, containing other members, I'll have to create a process for each one? When I used frames, I can identify which of them would be in each location. Could I control or identify the order of the families members?


  • Thank you. I understood your solution very well.

    I was giving up and using frames rather than families. The only difference in this example is that I want to swap sprites instead of dragging them to the right place.