RBuster's Forum Posts

  • nimos100

    I'm came back (sooner than I thought).

    I've trouble with while loop. I did the following:

    numberShips = 0


    numberShips <3: Create object Ship1_mid

    family is overlapping family: System subtract 1 to numberShips

    ???????????????? or

    family is overlapping margin (new sprite to restrict game area)

    The overlapping still happens.

    The other problem is with the other parts of the ship (front and end), leaving the restricted area and also overlaps

    What's wrong?

  • You `re the guy. Each post is a lesson. The best thread about a game construction that I participated so far. All very well explained.

    I will now give you a rest :). I'll digest it all and put into practice. Please do not disappear. After implementing all you said, I will return to give you a position or clarify another question, if you allow it. Thank you.

  • But when the ship has 2, 4 or 5 pieces? In these cases, I can have 3, 2 or no piece in the middle of the ship. When you have 3 or 2 middle parts, all have the points of origin "front" and "end"? And the ship with two parts?

  • Very nice, Thanks for the suggestions about overlapping issues. I�ll create the sprite and put it around the game area to restrict it.

    I just don't understand very well the identification of the ships. I beleive that I need to spread 100 sprites on the game area for when the player clicks on one of them, check if there's a part of the ship below. In this case, it first needs to know if any item of the family is there, isn't? If confirmed, then I need to check which part of the ship is, right?

    I intend to create five different types of ships and include them in a single family. But in fact, will be different parts of ships separated. Can I relate all parties to a single ship, or a single name?

    The same issue occurs when I have to check if a ship was included on the screen to see if it is overlapping some other ship. I can check if a piece of the ship was placed. But how can I check if the entire ship was included in the game? I think the solutions is: check each piece of the ship, relating the number of pieces to a variable and check whether the variable has a value compatible with the number of pieces? Is it? I beleive that you have a better solution.

    I really want to thank you for your patience and dedication to this thread. I really appreciate this.

  • nimos100

    I think with the PIN behavior is more practical, but I don't understand why you changed the point of origin. Now the sprite appears on the line rather than within the squares. It's necessary because you are using PIN?

    Two other important issues that it's very difficult for me: the problem of overlap and the fact that the ship is out of the playing area (sea sprite).

    I tried to create a loop with Repeat event and not work 100%. Sometimes the ship appears overlapping other.

    I also need to restrict the area to ensure that ships always appear on the sea sprite. Do you know how can I solve this?

  • nimos100

    I created a CAPX in accordance with your instructions


    Currently ships are overlapping in some times and the ship in vertical axis leaves at times of the playing area (sea sprite). I included a loop (repeat) to verify the overlap, but even so the boats are overlapping from time to time.

  • nimos100

    Thank you for all these explanations. Were very detailed , though some points were a bit confusing for me (I'm starting to program ) .

    I had already changed the origin of the sprites to 0.0, as indicated in the previous post and I intend to keep it there.

    My idea is to make a panel with buttons and a display to show the equation and, on the left side, display area of the game ( whith ships in hidden) . This area should be slightly smaller than the height of the panel , so I talked about creating a space around the area of ??the game . I still do not understand how I can do to determine the position of the playing area .

    I also do not understand how to create random orientation to the ship (X / Y or left / right).

    To prevent the ship stayed along the margin , I am using ( int ( random ( 0,9 ) ) * 40 +40 ) for the first part of it . This solves the problem or not ? The tests done so far with the first part of the ship, worked very well.

    Another possibility to distribute the ships : if I create the sprites in the overall size of the ship ( eg 40px / 120 px) and then control it through overlapp event to know which object it is overlapping and how many pieces are still missing from this object through the local variables? This would be more complicated to do?

  • flibble: Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try to follow.

    nimos100: Thank you so much for the explanations. I'm implementing now and I have some initial doubts:

    • I decided to use the size of 40px because 32 is very small in the cell. How can I create a space of 40 pixels around the entire area of ??the game (10x10 squares) to avoid the ship doesn't get along the margin.
    • I need to create a space around each ship also.

    In the tests that I did initially, the first part of the ship always appears on the X axis. How can I do for the ships appear in different orientations?

  • No problem.

    I need to know how to distribute the ships across the board, randomly, in the vertical and horizontal axes, so that they are not close together.

    I've one more question: The board will be divided into 100 squares (10x * 10y), if one ship can occupy more than one square, how to know which part of it was shot in the game?

  • Thanks nimos100

    Thank you for giving me suggestions. I have imagined something like this. The problem is that I do not know how to spread the ships across the board. The rest, I think I can implement alone. Could you give me an example? Thanks again.

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  • I intend to create a game like battleship, but only for one player. Draws first and then distribute the ships across the board. Then the player must click on one of the points of intersection between the coordinates (X = 1-10 - Y = 1-10). From there is mounted an equation using the coordinates and if have a ship or part of it in that area, he will have to answer the equation in order to hit it. I need to know what the best way to build this game? How should I program the board and the distribution of ships (array? Do not understand anything). I want only some tips. Could anyone help me with this?

  • Hi mindfaQ

    I did exactly that and it didn't work. I discover the reason after: I put it all under "Trigger" event. Thanks anyway.

  • jayderyu

    Thanks for the explanations.

  • I have a sprite with 10 frames and 10 text fields with numbers in words. Wanted to know how I can do to check if a sprite set with frame 5 is overlapping a text field with the word "five"? I know that if I used separate sprites would be simpler, but I want to see if I can do this with frames. Thank you.

  • Has anyone tried using Construct 2 with Buzztouch (www.buzztouch.com) instead of Phonegap or CocoonJS? I wonder if it can work and how was the experience.