RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Thaks for the suggestion,

    As I understand it, the sprite 2 is over the sprite 1. Sprite 2 must join in a specific side of Sprite 1. And with respect to the articulated junction? Does anyone have more suggestions and, if possible, an example (capx)? Thanks

  • Does anyone have an example of how to join two sprites side by side at the moment that sprite1 touch in sprite2 (collision)? This always should occur only on one side. The first sprite (player)must pulls the second part and the others that touching (like a train). I would also make this junction articulated during movement (Physics + Joint?). Thanks

  • I did some experiments with the 8-directions behavior and works too (I wonder why use the bullet instead of 8-directions). The problem is that the player is not stuck to the rail and does not change direction smoothly in perpendicular movements. If I move the playe horizontally and pressed the UP / DOWN in the middle of the line, the sprite loses the path reference and doesn't move anymore.

    Sample: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72651057/rail_test.capx

    Please some more ideas and suggestions.


  • Thanks for the example,

    I get it, but it seems not work in diagonally. Is this the best solution?

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  • Hi vee41

    This restriction should be mandatory and not optional. As I understand your suggestion, it seems that the player does need to try to follow the trail. Is it?

  • Hy guys

    Thanks for the reply.

    I intend to restrict a player movement only, forcing that he can only move along a narrow path (like a rail or track) with multiple branches (like a maze). This way, he can go back and forth from any direction, including diagonally if necessary. A simple example attached


    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72651057/track.gif" border="0" />

  • How do I restrict the player movement? I need the player only move along a track (like a rail) with multiple junctions. Any help? Thank you.

  • This is it.


  • New try.


  • Hi

    The first actions (set angle/set flipped/set mirrored) work very well. Nothing happens after the "choose" function. I include a text field to check if the variable number changes, but always shows "0".


  • I want to randomly select a number between 1 to 3 and run an animation according to the result. I am using the function "choose", but something is not working.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72651057/example_choose.gif" border="0" />

    Any help will be appreciated


  • My question was whether I would have access to a support channel if I bought the program. Only this. I appreciate the explanations. I will review my questions and bump it if necessary.

  • I'm testing the program and practiced some tutorials and examples. I made several questions in that forum that went unanswered. If I buy the program, I will receive a more effective support?


  • Edited.

    Thanks sqiddster

  • I think this is the only way:

    Ready. Three times