RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I have managed to test a IOS port on my Ipad using Intel App Preview. Works fine, but no sound and no Admob Ads.

    The files were the same used to make the Android port.

    clockworkmonster: Try to use phonegap to export the capx instead of android.

  • clockworkmonster: No. Just to upload because I use the Intel XDK for build the app. If you choose Ejecta, you'll need to use XCode do edit the file and Xcode is a Mac Program.

    alemar: Finally worked, but it was very complicated. To solve the last problem I had to include an icon with 57 pixels in the internal list of assets that appears when you will build the app. All the other icons were included in the Intel XDK home screen.

  • alemar

    You'll need to use Application Loader or Xcode to upload your apps to iTunes Connect. Both are Mac programs.

  • I built another file in Intel XDK file and this time it worked. However, two error messages appears when I try to import the app to Application Loader. Image attached. Any clue?

  • Okay. intel XDK builded the file. For this, I was need to recreate the certificate/provision profile, reduced the size of my apple ID and include all files in the source folder files. The problem now is to upload the file with the "Application Loader". The program does not recognize the generated file, which incidentally has no extension (I only can see the extension through file properties window).

  • The problem with the provision file was resolved. I had to put the file in the same directory where the project files (source). But the problem continues. I still can not generate the application.

    Hi JuniiZ

    Sorry, but I don't use Skype.

  • Hi IntelRobert,

    Could you help me with my questions, please?


  • Hi IntelRobert

    As you suggest...

    I'm having trouble to generate a iOS app. I followed all the instructions in the tutorial (https://software.intel.com/en-us/html5/ ... binary_ios) and all builds steps are correct. However, when I click in "Build" to generate the app, after a few minutes, warns that gave error in the process. When I go to check the problem, I see that provisioning profile is missing. I upload the file again and build. The error happens again and when I check it, the provisioning profile is missing ...

    This is a problem on the server or with the provisioning profile?


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  • IntelRobert

    I would like to use IAP with Android and iOS apps. I found this tutorial: https://software.intel.com/en-us/html5/ ... -intel-xdk

    Could I use with both or only works with android apps?


  • I'd like to know too

  • late...My name is Renato and I'm from Brazil (so much more than carnival anda samba). I like games ever and C2 gave me a chance to create my own game. Awesome! Scirra: live long and prosper! \V/_

  • We are doing testing & documentation now for ios. You should be able to use phonegap exporter and build in the XDK for ios, android, windows, android/crosswalk. Just like the crosswalk target, you need to specify launch icons, splash screens, cordova plugins, orientation, etc in the XDK. It would be helpful if there is a separate 'IoS Intel XDK experiences' and 'Windows Intel XDK experience' forum post.

    > I see tutorials explaining how to export to Android, and how to use Admob. But I also see that Crosswalk allows exporting to IOS and Windows 8:


    > 1) Can I export a Construct 2 Project to IOS with Crosswalk? Does the Admob plugin work this way?


    > 2) Can I export a Construct 2 Project to Windows Phone with Crosswalk? Does the Admob plugin work this way?


    Thank you I was waiting for this information too.

    You mentioned "testing" and now I didn't know if the iOS app will have the same quality that is generated through the android / crosswalk, which for me is the best currently.

    I agree with you about to create a specific posts to sharing experiences about iOS and Windows Intel XDK.

  • I see tutorials explaining how to export to Android, and how to use Admob. But I also see that Crosswalk allows exporting to IOS and Windows 8:

    1) Can I export a Construct 2 Project to IOS with Crosswalk? Does the Admob plugin work this way?

    2) Can I export a Construct 2 Project to Windows Phone with Crosswalk? Does the Admob plugin work this way?

    Hi clockworkmonster

    I can tell you that you can export your games with Admob to Android and iOS (I don't know if work in Windows8) using Intel XDK / crosswalk. I don't know too how to export your game to iOS in the Construct2.

    I asked a question about this, but no one answered me (yet?). Let's see if a good soul appears and informs this procedure, which should be very simple by the way.


  • I need some help to create my first app for iOS using Intel XDK Crosswalk. When I create for android, I need to export to android in C2. How can I export when I want to create a iOS app on Intel XDK?

  • RenatoB the others are built with Cordova, which is basically the same as phonegap. So to answer your question iOS8 should have very good performance. When android L is released that should also have very good performance.

    TheWyrm: But only worth using XDK to create apps for iphones / ipads with ios8 version?

    Does anyone know if there is any tutorial to create applications for iPhone / iPad by XDK Crosswalk?