RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I've a sprite with 16 frames and I distributed 16 instances of this sprite in 4 x 4 (rows / columns). The player will swap them around and I need to verify that the instances with 0/1/2/3 frames are in the first row, 4/5/6/7 are in the second line, etc, ie, in a vertical position (Y). Could anyone give me some help on how to solve this? Thanks in advance.

  • although I wouldn't have added the line modifying the height, having it thicker when you're moving quickly kinda looks strange.


    I noticed that. I'll try to make it a little smoother and with a continuous effect. If you have other suggestions, feel free to say. Thanks anyway.

  • Valerien: Thanks for the tip. I think that I need to maintain the "pick random local" line because the sprite is the same and the system choose a different frame using the array.

  • TwinTails

    Very cool! That's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

  • Hi TwinTails

    Both lines are in the same block/sub-event.

    My array have the same number of sprite frames (16 values = 0 to 15)

  • Hi Robsta

    Thanks for reply.

    I want a trail that be created where the object has been. Actually, I wanted something like the effect of Fruit Ninja (do you know this game?). I'll use fade behavior to clean the line, smoothly.

  • Hi

    I'm using the script below to distribute sprites with random frames. The problem is that the frame "0" always repeats a few times. Any help? Thanks

    Function > On "distrSprites"

    System > For each local

    System > Pick local where local.occupied = 0

    System > Pick random local instance >> local > Spawn Sprite on layer 0

    >> Sprite > Set animation frame to Array (randomFrame)

    >> Array > Delete index randomFrame from X axis

    >> local > Set occupied to 1[/code:cxsiyz75]

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  • Hi,

    I want to create a line on the screen when the player clicks and drag a sprite, but not working.

    My script:

    System> Every tick >> Sprite> Set position to ((Touch.X, Touch.Y)

                     Sprite> DragDrop is dragging >> Sprite> Spawn Sprite2 on layer 0

    Leveraging the topic, I would have an idea how to simulate this line as if it were a risk of chalk.


  • Sorry, but I really not found the Color Linez plugin in the document of plugins. Can you point to me?

  • Great example. Where's the plugin? Thanks.

  • Yes, i finally made the game preload all the sounds as a part of the preloader.

    Hi fire Totem Arena

    Could you tell how you did it?

  • Hi rezagamertag

    This change did not work. Thanks anyway.

  • I need to change canvas background color (black to grey). I tried to include "background-color: #666" into canvas tag but not worked. Any idea? Thanks

  • I read that the audio in the Music folder has priority, that's right? Then it would be appropriate to put the first audio in this folder and still use preload?

  • fire Totem Arena

    I've the same problem. Did you fix it?