RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Edit: Or, keep a running total and divide by 10 after ten clicks.

    Nice. Thank you.

  • Thank you, guys.

    One doubt blackhornet: if I use "wallclocktime", I'll need to get the time when the image1 appear, get it again on click and subtract these two values after, get the time again when the image2 appear ...., but how can I get the average time when the interaction stop?

  • I need to register the average time a player takes to click a several sprites (for example: a image will be appear 10 times and I need to know how much time (ms) the player takes to click on each of them). So, I'll need to register this time and get the average after to show when he's finishes the interaction. Could anyone help me? Thanks.

  • Sprite.Bullet.AngleOfMotion. So I can use "compare two values" with "Sprite.Bullet.AngleOfMotion"?

    Edited: Yes, I can. Thank you.

  • Hi guys,

    I intend to use the bullet angle of motion action to change the sprite direction and I'll need to check if the angle is correct when the player touch in a directional button. I did not find this action. I wonder if have another way to check this? Thanks in advance.

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  • I’ve a sound issue to fix. I tested the *.ipa in my iPhone and no sound played.

    I exported using "media" options in Cordova.

    Any suggestions?


  • I had a problem to generate the "ipa" with Intel XDK.

    I got this log after try to build it:

    Installing "org.apache.cordova.device" for ios

    Installing "org.apache.cordova.splashscreen" for ios

    Installing "com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob" for ios

    Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "ios"

    Calling plugman.prepare for platform "ios"

    Preparing ios project

    Processing configuration changes for plugins.

    Iterating over installed plugins: [ 'org.apache.cordova.device', 'org.apache.cordova.splashscreen', 'com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob' ]

    Writing out cordova_plugins.js...

    Wrote out iOS Bundle Identifier to "br.com.ludics.tangrand"

    Wrote out iOS Bundle Version to ""

    Copying icon from .../Tangrand/ios_icone_60.png to .../Tangrand/platforms/ios/Tangrand/Resources/icons/icon-60.png

    cp: no such file or directory: .../Tangrand/ios_icone_60.png

    Copying icon from .../Tangrand/ios_icone_120.png to .../Tangrand/platforms/ios/Tangrand/Resources/icons/icon-60@2x.png

    cp: no such file or directory: .../Tangrand/ios_icone_120.png

    Copying icon from .../Tangrand/ios_icone_180.png to .../Tangrand/platforms/ios/Tangrand/Resources/icons/icon-60@3x.png

    cp: no such file or directory: .../Tangrand/ios_icone_180.png

    Copying icon from .../Tangrand/ios_icone_76.png to .../Tangrand/platforms/ios/Tangrand/Resources/icons/icon-76.png

    cp: no such file or directory: .../Tangrand/ios_icone_76.png

    Copying icon from .../Tangrand/ios_icone_152.png to .../Tangrand/platforms/ios/Tangrand/Resources/icons/icon-76@2x.png

    cp: no such file or directory: .../Tangrand/ios_icone_152.png

    mv: dest file already exists: .../Tangrand/platforms/ios/Tangrand/TanGranD-Info.plist

    mv: dest file already exists: .../Tangrand/platforms/ios/Tangrand/TanGranD-Prefix.pch

    shell.js: internal error

    Error: EINVAL, invalid argument '.../Tangrand/platforms/ios/Tangrand.xcodeproj'

    at Object.fs.renameSync (fs.js:543:18)

    at /Developer/cordova/4.1.2/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/shelljs/src/mv.js:77:8

    at Array.forEach (native)

    at Object._mv (/Developer/cordova/4.1.2/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/shelljs/src/mv.js:53:11)

    at Object.mv (/Developer/cordova/4.1.2/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/shelljs/src/common.js:186:23)

    at pbxProject.<anonymous> (/Developer/cordova/4.1.2/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/metadata/ios_parser.js:162:27)

    at pbxProject.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)

    at pbxProject.<anonymous> (/Developer/cordova/4.1.2/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/node_modules/xcode/lib/pbxProject.js:30:18)

    at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)

    at handleMessage (child_process.js:322:10)

    I checked file names to avoid special characters and I exported from C2 to Cordova to create a project in Intel XDK (APK was successfully generated).

    Edited: PS. I forgot to say I 'm using Admob plugin.


  • After the changes, I exported the project with Cordova and build the application on Intel XDK. It worked perfectly.

    If anyone needs or wants to test the result, I am attaching bellow the final capx and the APK.

    CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hz3v5egze84hw ... .capx?dl=0

    APK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4e1cimaw08itj ... m.apk?dl=0

    Thank you Kyatric for your help.

  • What is your issue exactly ?

    All I can think about is the fact that you never save the new value of level.

    So likely are missing an action "Local Storage - Set Item" in your Event Sheet 2 before the "Wait" action.

    Set the key to "levelKey" as this is the key you load in your menu layout and set the value to the global variable "level".

    Instead of a wait action, make an event "Local Storage - On item set" "levelKey" and in that event go to the menu layout.

    Your even sheet 2 should look something like that :

    Thank you, Kyatric. I'll make these changes and test it again.

    As for the compatibility with APK, I must admit I don't know if Intel XDK or Cordova have yet integrated support for Local Storage.

    I know it works on Chrome for Android and Firefox for mobile, but I don't know about "native" applications. (They should as they are based on chrome though)

    Maybe Ashley knows. Anyway, I'll try again and post here when it's over

  • Please, some help. I need to fix this to finish a demonstration.

  • Hi Lordshiva1948

    Thanks but you didn't use local storage in this capx.

  • I am having trouble with the localStorage. I've read posts and saw tutorials but I can not solve the problem. Whenever I test the APK, the menu does not work. I would ask to check of the script I am attaching below and, if possible, to convert APK and then test the mobile / tablet. I am very grateful for any help. Thanks.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/hz3v5egze84hw ... .capx?dl=0

  • Check the distance between the two sprites is a good solution. Thanks

  • I need to execute an action (set position) only if a sprite is overlapping other sprite entirely. Both are the same size and have the same shape. I tried to change the collision polygon but not worked. Thanks.

  • Thank you, korbaach

    I always wanted to know why the "compare angle" command doesn't exist. Do you know why?