RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Hi R0J0hound

    I didn't fill the array. I've stipulated the width only. I need to fill the array with the 99 numbers before (Set value at 0 to "0", Set value at 1 to "1", ..., Set value at 99 to "99")?

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  • Thank you korbaach

    I'll check them . I really like to study everything about C2

  • Thank you, korbaach

    Very nice and clean solution. I didn't know about that condition (Pick instance with lowest/highest value). At these times we see that use the same commands is not a good thing. Thanks to me introduce this one.

  • Thank you, R0J0hound

    Living and learning (with the best). I made changes and I think that now everything is okay.

    I've just one more doubt: Why when I use:

    System >Set indexArray to int(random(0, arrayNumbers.Width))

    numbers > Set text to arrayNumbers.At(indexArray)

    I only get zeros (0)?

    Only works if I use:

    numbers > Set text to int(random(0, arrayNumbers.Width))

    Edited: PS - R0J0hound

    I got a duplicate number again. So, it's not working. Do you have another suggestion?

  • A intend to create a game to check if the player touch de numerical sequence. Check the first number is easy, but I'm not getting the second and the remaining numbers and tried to solve this several times.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/apmg75a74drh9 ... .capx?dl=0

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • I intend to generate numbers randomly using array without repetition but sometimes I find a duplicate. I attached the script that I use to create aleatory numbers.

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi volkiller730

    Thanks for the answer. I'll try to publish a game to test it.

    Do you know if Admob will work with I export the game with Amazon Apps plugin? If not, can I use the Mobile Ads with C2?

  • Sorry to insist, but no one has any experience with this issue? I believe this is an important issue, since Scirra mobilized itself to create a challenge, I believe, in order to increase the range of games on Amazon.

  • Hi I hope I'm not bothering you with this trivial matter, but as I saw that you organized the Amazon Apps challenge, I wonder if you can help me with this issue.

  • I wonder what's the advantage to export the game with Amazon Apps plugin instead of publish the same apk that was produced for the Play Store.

    By the way: is it possible to use Amazon Mobile Ads with C2 and it's a good monetization option?

    Thanks in advance.

  • The right way. Thank you, Colludium

  • I need to calculate a value and I found some difficulty to create the right equation.

    I would like to know the percent of the precision of clicks.

    I have the number of the player's clicks and the number of hits. I believe that's correct if I divide them and multiply by 100, including &"%" after, isn't? I tried to use "round" to eliminate decimal numbers, but I didn't get the correct value?

    Other doubt: How can I do to prevent "NaN (if player doesn't click in the screen)?

    Thanks in advance

  • I think you have to set the speed first, then the angle, as with a speed of 0 the angle of motion won't be changed (as there is no motion..)


    You're awesome! Thank you very much! (I'm not French, but I make a point: Merci beaucoup)

  • Hi jobel

    Sorry about the CAPX. I always uploaded a project but in this case it's not possible. The project is quite large.

    I'm glad do hear that bullet behavior is okay, but I don't understand how the direction moves only horizontally when I defined a absolute angle. I tried inclusive to set the angle to 45 degrees, directly in the action, and nothing changed.

    The "set angle" option is "No". I'll review the script again. Who knows ....


  • I've a problem to use a bullet angle motion action. Something is wrong. I don't know if it's a bug, so I'm posting it here.

    I used a variable to store a random angle and I noticed that the sprite always moves horizontally (0 or 180), never vertically. So, I tried to put an angle value directly instead of using a random angle and the sprite maintain the same directions.

    The respective part of my script:

    Thanks in advance for any help.