RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I need to create different amounts of sprites, distributed in different numbers of columns and rows, but I'm just getting 2 col x 3 rows. I wonder to understand what's wrong with my script and how to solve this. Thanks in advance.

  • It's the same quest I have. I receive a message from Amazon about Amazon Mobile Ads. They have several plugin, including for Cordova. (https://developer.amazon.com/public/sol ... rm/cordova). I really want to test something different than Admob. Unfortunately, I need help of the great minds.

    I think it would be most interesting make tutorials about this subject rather than just encourage publications in the Amazon to earn vouchers (not that it is bad :!)). In my opinion: it would be most encouraging.

  • Tasso,

    It's a nice solution. I will try this.


  • It's like if I had three scenes and I needed to change it, sliding from one to another. But I also think it's better to use a behavior to move the tile BG and sprites. Maybe LiteTween may be more appropriate. Thanks for your time, RayKi

  • I've a screen divided horizontally into 3 parts and the user can access each part at time. Can I use parallax to simulate this movement or is better to use bullet behavior to move the objects? If yes, how can I implement it? Thanks in advance.

  • This a great tutorial (step by step). I hope it helps you.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1386/u ... -crosswalk

  • You can use a variable ("numLayout"-for example) and estipulate a value at "start layout" event and check it after (if numlayout is 1 >>> do this....).

  • Sorry to insist guys, but I really need some help to understand this issue and I really intend to develop this project with C2. I just need a (long ) conversation about multiplayer stuff. I've read the tutorials and I need clarify what are the steps needed to build the application (only for android from what I understand). Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Someone else could give me a hand with this issue?

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  • Okay. The steps would be those you mentioned in the previous post? Is it very complicated to do? Is it possible to find tutorials to help me develop these steps? Thanks.

  • Hi lennaert

    • Who's started the "test" could be a host (more the one teacher will use the same application)? In this case, could I give permission for some users start the test?
    • All this questions will be write before (a day a go, for example). So, the students will need to answer all questions simultaneously.
    • The system should be check the questions automatically
    • Everyone can see the answers and who hit them after finish the time (Sorry, I forgot to say that there is a time limit to respond).
  • I need to create a demonstration of a multiplayer educational app and I don't know how to start it. It's not a game. It's a an application used to answer questions about the subject discussed in class, simultaneously among all students. The system has to verify answers and define the order. Only this. I wonder if it's very complex, what are the project stages, some examples, etc. Any help will be very welcome. Thanks in advance.

  • Hi R0J0hound

    I had some performance issues with the physics behavior and I am afraid to use it after that. I'll try your suggestion, do some tests and compare the results. Thank you very much for taking your time (precious, for sure) to assist me in this matter.

  • I wonder if is possible to create this kind of movement (displacement?) without physics behavior. If is possible, without oscillations too (that occurs when the sprites falls and collide with others).

    Thanks in advance.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1lwu0ai69hoz ... .capx?dl=0

  • No use a loop. ex:

    |Start of layout     | set array size to (100,1,1)
       |array: for each x| set array at array.curX to array.curX

    Is this the correct way? "set value at array.curX to array.curX"

    Now the event "numbers > Set text to arrayNumbers.At(indexArray)" is working! And now I can delete the array's number correctly.

    Thank you so much, R0J0hound