RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the suggestions, guys.


    I want the squares to appear from the right to the left.

    I believe that put the squares with a loop is better than create all in the beginning. So, do I've to make all the squares invisible after create them?

    I didn't understand how to associate these squares to the points and show/destroy the same amount of points according if the player wins or loses it.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I intend to do a visual counter. I need to fill a big rectangle with little squares each time the player earns points, in the same amount, and destroy this squares too, each time the player lost points, in the same amount. If the player completes all the large rectangle, the game ends.

  • R0J0hound

    I understand that I've to work much more in Kivy than C2 for to do the same thing. But Kivy is relatively new and I believe the Kivy is promising and if it becomes more popular, will appear more modules to make the process more easy.

    Thank you so much for your time.

  • I'm still having problems with Phonegap IAP plugin with intel XDK and iOS9. Anyone using this plugin for iOS app built in the Intel XDK? Any problem?

  • Hi

    Nice to see you again. It would be great if you, with your knowledge, could test the Kivy. I would like to know if the end result would be better (or much better) in comparison to the games developed in HTML5, to see whether it is worth investing in Kivy (a long way) or it is better to continue with the C2.

  • Nobody?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm studying Python and other day I saw a discussion about Kivy. Anyone knows Kivy? Is worth it to use Kivy to create games for mobiles? Is the final result better than html5 games (more fast/more clean)? What's the real difference between them? Sorry about all theses questions, but I intend to study Kivy in parallel with Python.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks jojoe

    I used this same solution. It is better than being restricted to the screen size

  • Thank you, LittleStain

  • I need to know where the user touched in the screen to move a character horizontally. For example: my screen is 1280 x 720 px. If the touch was in the first half of the screen (0, 639) the character moves to left and if the touch happened in the second half of the screen, the character moves to right. Is it possible?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  • > Does Intel XDK not support iOS 9? I built an IPA (adhoc) using Intel XDK/Crosswalk and I tested after in my iPhone 6 with iOS9 and the app crashed. I have looked in the build settings and the iOS target version option I have not found a 9 version option (only goes until 8). Someone else with the same problem?


    Try to increase Cordova CLI version in XDK project properties iOS Build Settings.

    Unfortunately it didn't work. The problem is with the IAP plugin. If I remove it, the game doesn't crash anymore. But the problem is that I need it.

  • Does Intel XDK not support iOS 9? I built an IPA (adhoc) using Intel XDK/Crosswalk and I tested after in my iPhone 6 with iOS9 and the app crashed. I have looked in the build settings and the iOS target version option I have not found a 9 version option (only goes until 8). Someone else with the same problem?

  • Hi crynof

    You can create a timer (viewtopic.php?f=147&t=153828&p=969548&hilit=timer#p969548) or use the "time" object (if you want to control the time) or the wallclock object (real-world time) (https://www.scirra.com/manual/126/system-expressions) and change the colors according to the seconds.

    Look this thread to learn how to change the colors smoothly using lerp: viewtopic.php?f=178&t=151180&p=958135&hilit=change+background+color#p958135

  • Hi shortwave

    You can use the condition: (if) Preloads complete. Look for this option in the 'Audio' object conditions.

  • Hi Under coding

    I believe you'll find all the answers that you looking for in this tutorial: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/73/sup ... reen-sizes