RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Hi

    I need to convert the wallclocktime value to milliseconds to submit to leaderboard as required.

    Leaderboard score specification:

    Time leaderboards present scores in hours / minutes / seconds / hundredths of a second format. You must submit scores as milliseconds, so 66032 would be interpreted as 1:06.03.

    I tried simply multiply the value by 1000 but not worked.

    I'm using this: floor(wallclocktime_var*1000).

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • korbaach

    Extremely didactic! Thank you for your kindness and for your precious time.

  • Hi tarik00555

    Thanks for the suggestion. Although I know what is dictionary I never used it. As I understood, I need to create 30 keys and values (both strings) on start of the layout and, in this case, I can use my first solution: (set text to "dict"&str(level)) to access its data. Is it right?


    Actually, I think that I need to use something like this:

    Dictionary > has key: "mykey"&str(level) > set text to: Dictionary.CurrentValue

    Is it right?

  • Maybe it is a silly question. I've 30 variables (var1, var2, var3,...) and each one has a value with a combination of letters. I need to access this values according to the specific level in the game. To avoid using "if" for each level, I tried to use something like: set text to "var"&level. But it did not work. So, I created a variable "var" and I used it as before: set text to var&level - but it failed again. Although I know the answer, I would like to confirm this: is it wrong to access a variable in this way? If yes, anyone has another idea of how could I simplify this action with a few lines? Thanks in advance.

  • LittleStain - Thanks for the example.

    - Nice solutions. I'll try it.

  • Thanks LittleStain

    I'll give it a try.

  • Is the same thing that you wrote with the difference that I use a variable to define the random range. The problem of the "random()" is the repetition of the same number more frequently than "choose()", at least was that I've observed (eg number = random(0,5) > number = 5, number =5, number =3, number =5, ...). So, to prevent repetition when I use "choose()" I usually include several copies of these numbers in different positions like this: chosse(1,2,3,2,3,1,3,1,2). This works for me.

  • Normally I use "choose()" but now I've to use "random()" because it will attend me in several layouts (eg: int(random(number, var))). The problem with random is the constant repetition of numbers. When I use "choose()", I usually include copies of the numbers or strings (eg: 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,1,3,5,2,4) and the possibility of repeating numbers is not very common. But now I need to use "random()" and would like to know if anyone have a simple solution to improve it.

    Thanks in advance

  • Thank you korbaach and Magistross

    Magistross: I understood (0 is always false / 1 is true, right?). It works very well. Thanks.

    As I said, the sprites will fall and when it changes to a different position from the one I've specified in the "pick comparison", I need the sprite to return to its default frame (0). I tried to use "else" to do this but it's no work. Do you have any idea how to solve this?

    ***Edit: Everything is okay now. Thanks.

  • LittleStain: Whenever any instance is in these positions.

    R0J0hound: I've tried to use "for each sprite" but nothing happened. I'll try the "pick by comparison"

    ***Edited: "Pick by comparison" didn't work too.

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  • LittleStain

    Any problem to open the file?

    Here are the corresponding images:

  • Hi everybody

    I need to change the sprites according its position. The sprites will falling and others will be create in the same place. So, when the sprite is in the specific position, it shows frame 1 when it come down to a position below it changes from frame 1 to frame 0. I need only to detect the sprites and change the frame (I don't need the commands to move the sprites ).

    I create a simple capx to illustrate it.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/42iji832fisa4 ... .capx?dl=0

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Does anyone have a solution about the admob issue in the cli 5.1? I don't want to downgrade it.

  • Thanks for your time, RamPackWobble

    I'll try to implement it.

  • R0J0hound

    I need to do the opposite: create invisible squares and make them visible each time the player make the points and in the same amount (and invisible again when he/she loses the points - in the same amount and in the same order). I decided to create an example with your suggestions to see if I understood the implementation. However, I didn't understand the expression that controls the order of the squares. I included some text fields for testing: one to check the order of the square and another one to simulate the points. I'm really grateful for your help.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/fp7oyadnngpos ... .capx?dl=0