RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I have the exactly same error message.

    Without that WKWebView plugin, performance falls back to standard UIWebView, and it's horribly slow.

    I'm using r217, so I don't think it's a 223 issue.


    Maybe Intel were testing this plugin. I talked with Paul F and AFAIU the plugin will be present in the next XDK update.

  • I remade the whole level menu to try to figure out why it's happening, but the problem still persist. Maybe if I use the Dictionary instead the Array this problem can be solved. I don't; know. Could anyone confirm it or, if is possible, give me some suggestion or point me the possibilites? I really appreciate any help.

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  • RBuster - the screen scaling sounds like this bug which should be fixed in the next build.

    It's good to know that. Thanks, Ashley

    [quote:1jasney2] I'm not sure what could have affected building for iOS, please file reports if you have any more issues.

    I got this error when I built the IPA trough XDK:

    Error: Plugin "CordovaWebServer" failed to install.

    Error: Plugin "" failed to install.

    Error: Could not retrieve plugin dependencies for WKWebView Poly '.

    Error: Plugin WKWebView Poly failed to install.

    I've to remove it from the plugin management. First I thought it was a XDK problem (despite not having any XDK update recently) ), but when I've exported the files from C2 again, this plugin wasn't inserted in the plugin management as happened before. So I thought that it's something related of C2.

  • Something wrong is happening with the local storage with my iOS application. I'm using it with array to manage the game levels.

    After playing a few levels and close the game, when I open it again, part of the levels that has been completed appear blocked again. This issue doesn't repeat frequently and neither in the same amount of levels (I counted 5 / 7 / 14 levels for example). Sometimes it also happens when the game returns to the levels menu. The major problem is that it doesn't happen with chrome/nw in the preview mode on my computer.

    I know this is a specific question but I've to ask if anyone have this same issue because I don't know more what to do, mainly because I can't simulate the error in the browser. I've some iOS application that use Local Storage and are working very well, but none with arrays.

    Thanks in advance for any help/suggestion.

  • Won't build, failed to install the WKWebView plugin that XDK recommends: https://github.com/Telerik-Verified-Plugins/WKWebView

    Also failed to install the Cordova dependency, WebView Server.


    It's happened after the last Construct 2 update (r223) and I don't understand why. I had to delete the WKWebView from XDK plugin management tool to be able to build the IPA. Also after this update sometimes portion of my screen is magnifying and I've to restart the app to play the game again. Maybe Ashley could explain about theses issues, including WKWebView.

  • The more deep I dig into Godot the more excited I am.

    Here is a really

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    Super cool!

    Thanks for all the tips. I knew about Godot but I never spent much time to figure out how it works. Now, after read your posts I started to learn Godot yesterday and I really liked.

    I believe that learning a simple scripting language is a easy entry to more complex coding. As you said the principles are the same. Learning new things is always wise because all knowledge is somehow related. Simple scripting could be easily compared to Constructs eventing.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Wow! It's a realtime preview. Awesome.

    This is the thing which always scared me out from GameMaker. Their own script language. And now Godot has their own one as well. It would be much better if they use some popular language. There are so many languages out there why to make another one?

    When you spend your time to learn the popular language like JS, C# (w/e) then you still have some skills in hands even when you quit the engine. And now when you spend months mastering their own language, you are left with no power once you quit.

    GDScript is based in Python, so it's not really a new language. It's just adapted their own needs. They talk about it in the tutorial.

  • Finally a good news!

    I had talk to Paul about the crosswalk update and the possibility that fix the current problems. It is a relief to know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks a lot

    PS: Did you mean "--ignore-gpu-blacklist" instead "--show-fps-counter" in the information below, right? (moreover, if you have disabled the counter, how to know the FPS )

    CLI 5.1.1, CW15

    FPS: 10-20 with --show-fps-counter enabled

    FPS: 40-55 with --show-fps-counter disabled

    CLI 5.4.1, CW15

    FPS: 10-20 with --show-fps-counter enabled

    FPS: 43-58 with --show-fps-counter disabled

    CLI 5.4.1, CW16

    FPS: 45-57 with --show-fps-counter enabled

    FPS: 51-62 with --show-fps-counter disabled (not really sure why FPS meter shows counter as over 60 sometimes, but it does)

    : It was my first thought too.

  • After the update a portion of my iPhone screen is magnifying. Does anyone else is having this issue?

    I was waiting for the update to fix the audio distortion for release my game for iOS (I'm giving up about the android version: my game is unplayable because is extremely slow), and now appears another problem after the update. I really hope not to have to wait for the next update to fix it!

  • For Android I highly recommend XDK.

    CocoonIO's biggest flaw are all the ridiculous permissions it adds. Do you know how anti-gamer that is? People see you need phone record, geo-location and it's an auto red-flag against your app. Like adding a huge barrier, which is something you never want as a small time indie.

    These permissions should be optional, added when plugins use them, not added by default "in case the plugins need them".

    For iOS, I do recommend CocoonIO, the Webview+ on iOS8+ is amazingly fast.

    Actually, I prefer to build ipas rather than apks in the XDK. The iOS versions of my games run smoothly on my iPhone 6 whereas my apks having a serious lack of performance in several devices. I think you should give it a try.

  • You could try the Revmob. I usually use Chartboost/Admob/Revmob.

  • I had a conversation with the Intel's support about the XDK and he gave me some explanations/instructions on how to optimize the APK through additions.xml before generating the application. I'm not opening the topic for discussion, but only to make it as a reference for those who want to solve the problems that the XDK has shown recently.

    [quote:1wgfxlpo]For those Construct2 users who are experiencing Crosswalk performance problems with CLI 5.1.1:

    do not reference plugins in your intelxdk.config.additions.xml file, it will cause problems, see this post > https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums ... pic/594986 (Add plugins via Plugin Management Tool and avoid intelxdk.config.additions.xml file)

    put your source into a www directory inside your project directory, see this post > https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums ... pic/607195 (Importing a Construct2 Game into the Intel XDK)

    add the following to your intelxdk.config.additions.xml file, see this FAQ > https://software.intel.com/en-us/xdk/fa ... animatable (How can I improve the performance of my Crosswalk app so it is as fast as Crosswalk 7 was?)

    Crosswalk performance problems are usually due to a lack of the --ignore-gpu-blacklist option in the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file (see above for how to add it). Also, see this blog > Chromium Command-Line Options for Crosswalk Builds with the Intel XDK for some additional tools that can be used to modify Crosswalk webview runtime parameters.

    CLI 4.1.2 included this option automatically. Because there is such a dramatic change to the CLI 5.x build systems, you must now add it manually to make sure it is part of your Crosswalk built app.

  • Did you had access to the build log? Could you copy the intelxdk.config.additions.xml content and paste here?

  • It is possible, but quite a bit of a roundabout method. Any particular reason you need to use XML?

    Here is a rough idea of the steps:

    Import your XML file as a project file. https://www.scirra.com/manual/141/files

    Load the XML file into memory with AJAX.request. https://www.scirra.com/manual/107/ajax

    Access the data with AJAX.lastdata.

    Use tokenat() to parse the information you need from your XML file. https://www.scirra.com/manual/126/system-expressions

    Use the information you got to set the Sprite Animation, or to destroy and replace with another Sprite.

    I want to use to set a specific frame in according to the text that is shown, but it seems it takes a lot of work, so, I''try to find another solution. Thanks at all.

  • Thanks, blackhornet

    In this case, I just need to touch in the edges instead of to slide my finger, right?

  • I want to change the frames of a sprite animation or even make changes to it at the end of each paragraph of a XML file. Is it possible?